

单词 unloaded
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUT〕Instead of being distributed, the food was unloaded and stored away in a warehouse. 食物没有分发,卸下车后就储藏在一个仓库内。朗文写作活用〔bass〕They unloaded their catch of cod and bass.他们把捕到的鳕鱼和鲈鱼卸下来。柯林斯高阶〔berth〕As soon as they berthed, the boxes of fish were unloaded.他们一到港, 那几箱鱼就被卸了下来。外研社新世纪〔black market〕They unloaded the stolen goods on the black market.他们把偷来的赃物倒到黑市上去卖。韦氏高阶〔check〕The cartons were all checked off as they were unloaded.所有纸箱卸下来时都核点过了。牛津搭配〔clash〕The garbage cans clashed as the men unloaded them.工人们卸垃圾时把垃圾桶弄得乒乒乓乓直响。英汉大词典〔dockside〕The fish are unloaded at dockside and taken right to the market.鱼在码头边卸下来,然后被直接运到市场。韦氏高阶〔hopper〕A freight car with a door in the floor through which materials are unloaded.底卸式车:一种货车,底下装有可卸货的门美国传统〔matter〕It does not matter that the gun was in fact unloaded.枪里其实没子弹,但这并不重要。朗文当代〔quayside〕The animals were unloaded on/at the quayside.动物在码头被卸下。剑桥高阶〔quay〕A wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded.码头:码头或经过加固的河岸,在此可往船上装货或卸货美国传统〔railhead〕A place on a railroad where military supplies are unloaded.铁路末站:铁路上军需品卸货的地方美国传统〔ship〕The ship had already been unloaded.船上的货已经卸完。牛津搭配〔undischarged〕Not unloaded. Used of a ship's cargo.未卸货的。用于指船上的货物美国传统〔unload〕After the ship docked, they unloaded its cargo.船靠岸后,他们卸了货。韦氏高阶〔unload〕Have you unloaded the van yet?你把货车上的货卸了吗?外研社新世纪〔unload〕He unloaded fifty years of regret.他倾诉了这50年来的懊悔。麦克米伦高阶〔unload〕He unloaded himself to his friend.他向朋友倾诉衷肠。英汉大词典〔unload〕He unloaded his anger on me.他向我发泄怒气。英汉大词典〔unload〕He unloaded on the pitch and drove it over the right field wall.他一记大力投球,把球投出了右外场墙外。韦氏高阶〔unload〕He unloaded the dishwasher and put away the dishes.他清空了洗碗机,把盘子收好。韦氏高阶〔unload〕He casually unloaded one of the biggest state secrets.他随口泄漏了一项极重大的国家机密。英汉大词典〔unload〕Hundreds of cheap videos were unloaded on the British market.数百种廉价录像带倾销到了英国市场。朗文当代〔unload〕I unloaded all my troubles on him.我向他倾吐我的种种烦恼。英汉大词典〔unload〕Koch unloaded his concerns over dinner one night.一天晚上吃晚饭时,科克诉说了自己的担忧。朗文当代〔unload〕She unloaded a huge amount of stock when prices fell.价格下跌时,她抛售了大量股票。韦氏高阶〔unload〕She unloaded everything on me.她把一切都推给我了。英汉大词典〔unload〕She unloaded her troubles onto her mother.她把她的烦恼向母亲倾诉。21世纪英汉〔unload〕Since March, he has unloaded 1.3 million shares.从3月至今,他已经卖出130万股了。柯林斯高阶〔unload〕Since March, he has unloaded 1.3 million shares.自3月以来, 他已经卖掉130万股了。外研社新世纪〔unload〕The driver unloaded some boxes from the back of the truck.司机从卡车后部卸下了一些箱子。朗文当代〔unload〕They unloaded the books from the truck.他们把书从卡车上卸下来。21世纪英汉〔unload〕We unloaded the cases at the station.我们在车站卸下箱子。牛津同义词〔unload〕When he got back to the office, Green unloaded on his staff.格林回到办公室后,把气撒在了员工身上。朗文当代〔waiting〕Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded.有300个铁路货车车厢等着卸货。柯林斯高阶〔wait〕Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded.有300节铁路货车等着卸货。外研社新世纪〔wharf〕The crates were unloaded onto the wharf.箱子卸下来,放在码头上。剑桥高阶A 10 000-ton vessel can be unloaded in 10 hours.一艘万吨级的轮船 10 小时即可卸完货。牛津商务He unloaded some of the anguish onto me. 他向我倾诉他的一些苦恼。译典通She unloaded her old car onto me. 她将旧汽车脱手给我。译典通The animals were unloaded on/at the quayside.动物在码头被卸下(船)。剑桥国际The contract allowed two weather working days for the ship to be unloaded.本合同留出了两个晴天工作日对船舶进行卸载。牛津商务The crew unloaded crates from the ship. 船员们从船上卸下板条箱。译典通




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