

单词 where it is
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LOST〕a place where it is easy to get lost 容易迷路的地方朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕to take something from the place where it is 把某物从原处拿走朗文写作活用〔consumption〕the production of fuel for domestic consumption(= to be used in the country where it is produced) 供国内消耗的燃料生产牛津高阶〔improper〕places where it is considered improper for men and women to kiss in public 认为男女不宜当众亲吻的地点牛津搭配〔wilderness〕a wilderness area(= one where it is not permitted to build houses or roads) (政府划定的)保留自然环境面貌地区牛津高阶




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