

单词 worked
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕the sort of facilities currently being worked into the latest software releases 近来加到新推出的软件中的那种功能朗文写作活用〔big bucks〕worked for big bucks in a large corporation.在大公司里高薪工作美国传统〔contemporaneously〕two Irish designers who worked contemporaneously but quite differently两名处于同一创作时期但风格截然不同的爱尔兰设计师外研社新世纪〔deadly〕worked under deadly strain.在极度的紧张状态下工作美国传统〔deep〕worked deep into the night.工作直至深夜美国传统〔demon〕worked away like a demon; a real demon at math.象玩命一样不断努力地工作;数学天才美国传统〔do〕worked as hard as everyone else did.象其余的人那样努力工作美国传统〔economy〕wrote with an economy of language; a well-organized group that worked with an economy of effort.以简洁的文字写出;一个很有组织的团体做起事来很省力美国传统〔example〕a worked example of the problem此题的解题例子外研社新世纪〔excogitation〕an excogitation they have worked on for years 他们研究了多年的发明物文馨英汉〔freedom〕the agreement worked out by the U.N., under which all hostages and detainees would gain their freedom联合国拟定的所有人质和被拘禁者获得释放的协议外研社新世纪〔freedom〕the agreement worked out by the UN, under which all hostages and detainees would gain their freedom.联合国拟定的恢复所有人质和被拘禁者人身自由的协议柯林斯高阶〔fuzz〕fuzzing the difference between the two candidates; worked quickly to fuzz up the details of the scandal.混淆了两个候选人之间的不同点;迅速行动起来掩饰丑闻中的细节美国传统〔hammer and tongs〕worked hammer and tongs to meet the deadline.全力以赴地工作以迎接期限的到来美国传统〔hard〕worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.一整天都在努力地工作;恶狠狠地盯着那个被控告的罪犯美国传统〔haste〕worked systematically but without hurry; 有条不紊地工作;美国传统〔hot spot〕the veteran correspondent who worked in a number of the world's hot spots for 31 years在世界许多动乱地区工作31年的资深记者外研社新世纪〔hour〕the long hours worked by hospital doctors 医院医生很长的工作时间朗文当代〔immigrant〕a young Afghan immigrant who has worked at the store for years 在这家商店工作了数年的年轻阿富汗移民牛津搭配〔laboriously〕the embroidery she'd worked on so laboriously during the long winter nights.她在一个个漫长冬夜煞费心血绣制的刺绣柯林斯高阶〔laboriously〕the embroidery she'd worked on so laboriously during the long winter nights她在一个个漫长冬夜辛辛苦苦绣制的刺绣外研社新世纪〔like〕worked like hell; ran like crazy.拼命工作;发疯似的跑美国传统〔mad〕worked like mad; snowing like mad.疯狂地工作;大雪纷纷扬扬美国传统〔minder〕worked as a machine minder at the Ford factory做过福特工厂的机器看管员外研社新世纪〔night〕worked from morning to night.从早到晚地工作美国传统〔opulent〕an armchair surrounded by opulent piles of elaborately worked cushions周围有一摞摞精美靠垫的扶手椅外研社新世纪〔period〕worked for a period of ten years; 工作了十年时间;美国传统〔pitch〕worked at a feverish pitch.高度热情地工作美国传统〔professionally〕a dedicated professional who worked harmoniously with the cast and crew.一位非常敬业的、同所有演职人员合作融洽的专业人士柯林斯高阶〔shift〕worked the night shift.值夜班美国传统〔special needs〕a teacher who's worked with special needs students for nearly two decades.近 20 年来一直致力于有特殊需求学生的教育事业的教师柯林斯高阶〔stitch〕a scarf worked in knit/purl stitch 正针/反针织的围巾韦氏高阶〔time〕worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞美国传统〔triumvirate〕the triumvirate of women who worked together on the TV dramatisation of the novel.合作把这部小说搬上电视的三位女负责人柯林斯高阶〔triumvirate〕the triumvirate of women who worked together on the TV dramatization of the novel合作把这部小说改编成电视剧的三位女士外研社新世纪〔utmost〕worked every day to the utmost of her abilities.每天尽全力工作美国传统〔vice〕allegations of how she worked in a 'seedy vice den'.对她在“肮脏淫窝”里如何工作的说法柯林斯高阶〔waking〕worked every moment of my waking hours.醒着的每一刻我都在工作美国传统〔worked〕worked material 加过工的材料英汉大词典〔worked〕worked stone 经琢磨的石料英汉大词典〔worked〕a worked silver mine 开采过的银矿英汉大词典〔worked〕an old worked tapestry有精美刺绣图案的旧挂毯外研社新世纪〔work〕worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar.在本学期的日程表里插进几次实地考察旅行美国传统〔work〕worked in a request for money.话锋一转要起钱来美国传统〔work〕worked on her to join the group.对她施加影响,以让她参加这组美国传统〔work〕worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences.解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别美国传统〔work〕worked the controls; can work a lathe.开动操纵装置;会操纵车床美国传统〔work〕worked the metal into a sculpture.把金属锻成一个雕像美国传统〔work〕worked the mob into a frenzy.使这些民众疯狂美国传统〔work〕worked the pick into the lock.把撬锁的尖头工具插到锁里去美国传统〔work〕worked through the underbrush.在矮树林中艰难前行美国传统〔work〕worked up a patient profile; worked up an appetite.精心整理出病人的记录;努力培养胃口美国传统〔work〕a baby's dress worked by hand 手工缝制的童装 英汉大词典〔work〕a long, cool tunnel of worked stone.一条跨度长且阴凉的石凿隧道柯林斯高阶〔work〕a pump worked by hand 手摇泵 英汉大词典〔work〕an idea that worked harm坏念头21世纪英汉〔work〕learned how to work the system; worked his relatives for sympathy.学会怎样操纵这个系统;利用他的亲戚们的同情心美国传统〔work〕people who have worked closely together over a period of time 已经密切合作过一段时间的人们牛津搭配money received in respect of overtime worked 加班所得牛津商务the systems integrators who worked on our supply chain 从事供应链的系统集成员牛津商务




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