

单词 不稳
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕He walked with the unsteady gait of an old man. 他走路时步态不稳,像个老人。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Demand for the company's products is variable. 市场对该公司产品的需求不稳定。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The company's erratic performance is a cause for some concern. 公司业绩不稳定引起了一些人的关注。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Layoffs and work upheavals have put many employees on edge, both at work and at home. 裁员、工作的不稳定,使得许多雇员不管是在工作上还是在家庭方面都感到紧张不安。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕Her uncle was mentally unstable and unfit to raise a child. 她的叔叔精神不稳定,不宜抚养孩子。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕Her grandfather was a little shaky on his feet after the fall. 她祖父摔了一跤后,走起路来有点不稳。朗文写作活用〔balance〕He kept pulling my arm, throwing me off balance.他一直拉我的手臂,使我站立不稳。麦克米伦高阶〔breathing〕His breathing was uneven, and he could hardly speak.他呼吸不稳定,几乎说不出话来。牛津搭配〔consistency〕The relationship between the two countries was of shaky consistency.这两个国家间的关系不稳定。英汉大词典〔consistency〕They've won a few games this season but they lack consistency.这个赛季他们赢过几场比赛,可是表现不稳定。剑桥高阶〔dodgy〕Careful - that chair's a bit dodgy.小心——那把椅子有些不稳。剑桥高阶〔dodgy〕His position is rather dodgy.他的位置很不稳固。麦克米伦高阶〔dotty〕He's dotty on his legs.他脚步不稳。文馨英汉〔dribble〕To let flow or fall in drops or an unsteady stream.使滴下或不稳定地流美国传统〔edge〕In a precarious position.边界状态:处于不稳定的状态美国传统〔erratic〕He's a good footballer, but erratic.他是个优秀的足球运动员,只是状态不稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔erratic〕The electricity supply here is quite erratic.这里的电力供应相当不稳定。牛津高阶〔fluidity〕The extreme fluidity of the situation has made it impossible to predict the outcome.极不稳定的局势使得结果难以预测。韦氏高阶〔fluid〕The military situation is still very fluid.军事局势依然很不稳定。剑桥高阶〔foreshadow〕The storms and rains of that year foreshadowed a long period of unstable weather conditions.那年的风暴和雨水预示着长期不稳定的气象条件。麦克米伦高阶〔foundation〕The peace treaty rests on shaky foundations.这项和平条约建立在不稳固的基础上。牛津搭配〔gamma decay〕The decay of an unstable elementary particle by photon emission.通过光子射出的不稳定基本粒子的衰变美国传统〔inconsistent〕Her grades have been inconsistent this school year.这个学年她的成绩不稳定。韦氏高阶〔indamine〕Any of a group of organic bases forming unstable bluish or greenish salts and used in making dyes.吲达胺,苯撑蓝:能够形成不稳定的带蓝色或绿色的盐的有机盐基,用于制染料美国传统〔insecure〕Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.当今的工作比十年前要不稳固得多了。牛津高阶〔insecure〕The situation is still insecure, with many of the rebels roaming the streets.许多叛乱分子在大街上出没,局势仍然不稳定。剑桥高阶〔instability〕Caligula's inherent mental instability卡利古拉天生的精神不稳定外研社新世纪〔instability〕Lack of physical stability; unsteadiness.缺乏稳定性;不稳固美国传统〔levity〕Inconstancy; changeableness.易变,多变:不稳定;可变美国传统〔lubricious〕Shifty or tricky.不稳定的:不可靠的或欺骗的美国传统〔moodily〕David's mother was unstable and moody.戴维的妈妈情绪不稳定,心情也不好。柯林斯高阶〔off-balance〕He was thrown off-balance.他被摔得站立不稳。英汉大词典〔patchy〕He gave a very patchy performance of the violin concerto.他演奏小提琴协奏曲的水平非常不稳定。外研社新世纪〔peace〕An uneasy peace continued until 1939.不稳定的和平维持到 1939 年。朗文当代〔peace〕An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.停火的最初几天里处于不稳定的和平状态。牛津搭配〔point〕Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.评论家们强调该公司的形势继续不稳。英汉大词典〔precariously〕He sat precariously on the roof of the cabin.他不稳定地坐在那间小屋的屋顶上。文馨英汉〔precarious〕Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.许多借款人现在发现自己陷入了不稳定的财务状况。剑桥高阶〔precarious〕My job's become quite precarious since the company was taken over.自从公司被收购后我的工作变得很不稳定。外研社新世纪〔precarious〕The museum is in a financially precarious position.这家博物馆的财政状况不稳定。牛津高阶〔precarious〕The strong wind almost knocked him off of his precarious perch on the edge of the cliff.他在悬崖边站得不稳,大风差点把他饮下悬崖。韦氏高阶〔radioactivity〕Spontaneous emission of radiation, either directly from unstable atomic nuclei or as a consequence of a nuclear reaction.自动放射:自动地发出辐射,直接源于不稳定的原子核或是作为核反应的结果美国传统〔shake〕To be unsteady; totter or waver.不稳,摇摆:不稳定;摇动或摇曳美国传统〔shaky〕She's recovering well from her operation, but she's still a little shaky on her feet.手术后她恢复得很好,但走路时仍有些不稳。剑桥高阶〔shaky〕The Prime Minister's political position is becoming increasingly shaky.首相的政治地位正变得越来越不稳固。外研社新世纪〔spotlight〕These revelations threw a spotlight on the shakiness of the economy.这些被披露的内情使经济的不稳定成为公众关注的焦点。牛津搭配〔steady〕He had not had a steady hand with the razor.他的手拿不稳剃刀。英汉大词典〔stem〕Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.不稳定局面多半是由战争对经济的影响造成的。柯林斯高阶〔summing-up〕In his summing-up, the judge said that it was dangerous to convict on this evidence alone.法官在总结中说,单凭这条证据就宣判有罪很不稳妥。朗文当代〔surge〕An instability in the power output of an engine.振荡:一架机器动力的不稳定性美国传统〔symptomatic〕The child's behavior is symptomatic of an unstable home life.这孩子的行为表明他的家庭生活不稳定。韦氏高阶〔tectonism〕Crustal instability.地壳的不稳定性美国传统〔teeter〕To walk or move unsteadily or unsurely; totter.摇摇欲坠:摇摆地或不稳定地行走或移动;蹒跚美国传统〔temperamental〕This photocopier's a bit temperamental.这台复印机性能有点不稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔temperamental〕You have to treat our DVD player very carefully - it's old and temperamental.你用我们的光盘机时得格外小心——它很旧了,而且性能不稳定。剑桥高阶〔tender〕Nautical Likely to heel easily under sail; crank.【航海】 易倾斜的:扬帆时易倾斜的;不稳的美国传统〔thiocyanic acid〕An unstable colorless liquid, HSCN, used in the form of esters as an insecticide.硫氰酸:一种作为杀虫剂以酯的形式存在的不稳定的无色液体HSCN美国传统〔tipsy〕Unsteady or crooked.不稳的或歪斜的美国传统〔toddle〕To walk with short, unsteady steps.蹒跚行走:用小而不稳的步子走美国传统〔totter〕We tottered unsteadily off the ship.我们跌跌撞撞、很不稳地走下船。牛津同义词〔unbalanced〕I knew how unbalanced Paula had been since my uncle Peter died.我知道葆拉自从我叔叔彼得去世后情绪一直很不稳定。柯林斯高阶〔uncertainty〕Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.她的评论将会使局势更加不稳定。牛津搭配〔underscore〕The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.劳工部的数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。柯林斯高阶〔uneasily〕An uneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles.洛杉矶归于一种不稳定的平静之中。柯林斯高阶〔uneasily〕There is an uneasy relationship between us and the politicians.我们和那些政治家之间的关系很不稳固。柯林斯高阶〔uneasy〕He has an uneasy relationship with his father.他与父亲的关系不稳定。韦氏高阶〔uneasy〕The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.这两人之间不稳定的联盟给了人们一线希望。外研社新世纪〔unreliable〕He had an unreliable car.他的车性能不稳定。外研社新世纪〔unsettle〕Violence unsettled the government.暴力行为使政府动荡不稳。英汉大词典〔unsettling〕It has become a potentially unsettling element in East-West relations.这已经成为东西方关系中一个潜在的不稳定因素。英汉大词典〔unsteadiness〕He experienced some unsteadiness on his feet.他感到有点站不稳。外研社新世纪〔unsteady〕He was unsteady on his feet.他站不稳。外研社新世纪〔unsteady〕Not firm, solid, or securely in place; unstable.不稳的:不坚实,不牢固或不稳固地处于某一位置的;不稳的美国传统〔unsteady〕She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation.手术以后她还有点站不稳。牛津高阶〔unsteady〕To cause to become unsteady.引起或变得不稳定美国传统〔uproar〕Financial markets were in uproar after the crash of the rouble.卢布暴跌后,金融市场极不稳定。牛津搭配〔variable〕The standard of teaching is very variable.教学水平很不稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔volatile〕The situation was made more volatile by the fact that people had been drinking a lot of alcohol.人们一直在大喝烈性酒,这让情况变得更加不稳定。剑桥高阶〔wavy〕Wavering; unstable.动摇的;不稳定的美国传统〔weakly〕The weakness of his regime is showing more and more.其政权不稳逐渐显现出来。柯林斯高阶After two months in a hospital bed, I felt a bit rocky (= I could not balance very well) on my feet.在医院病床上躺了两个月之后,我觉得走路双脚有些不稳。剑桥国际Although a bit spotty, his performance on the court has been great so far. 到目前为止,他在球场上的表现非常好,虽然有点不稳定。译典通Careful! That chair's a bit rickety.当心!那把椅子有些不稳。剑桥国际He defended the strictures on freedom of expression as a necessary evil during a period of tremendous political instability.他为限制言论自由进行辩护,认为这是在政治不稳定时期不可能避免的坏事。剑桥国际He lived rather precariously from one day to the next, never knowing where his next meal was coming from.他一天天日子过得很不稳定,吃了上顿难保下顿的。剑桥国际His drinking and general poor behaviour shows instability of character.他的酗酒和全面的恶劣行为说明了其性格的不稳定状态。剑桥国际I wasn't sure if I was going to keep my job, so I wasn't financially secure.我不能确定是否能保留工作,所以财政上不稳定。剑桥国际It is a poor and politically unstable society in which warlords wield more power than the government.这是一个贫穷, 政治不稳定的社会。在这里, 军阀比政府拥有更大的权力。剑桥国际Military regimes are inherently unstable.军事政权天生是不稳固的。剑桥国际Nothing is ever decided, and all the uncertainty is very bad for staff morale.什么也没决定, 这一切不稳定对员工士气是非常不利的。剑桥国际Our financial situation is still precarious. 我们的财政状况仍不稳定。译典通Sadly, high levels of economic insecurity tend to breed racial hatred and intolerance.不幸的是,经济上的高度不稳定容易酿成种族仇恨和不宽容。剑桥国际Subsidence in such an old house can lead to instability in the foundations.这么旧的一栋房子下陷会造成其地基不稳。剑桥国际That is a slippery situation. 局势很不稳定。译典通The building's foundations are rather shaky (= not firm or strong), and it could collapse at any time.这座建筑物的地基非常不稳固,随时可能倒塌。剑桥国际The dynastic union of Norway, Denmark and Sweden was built on shaky foundations.挪威、丹麦及瑞典的王朝联合基础并不稳固。剑桥国际The gap between stable employees and those in precarious employment has been widening.稳定的雇员与不稳定的就业人员之间的差距一直在扩大。牛津商务The hut was a rickety structure that looked as if it might collapse at any moment.小屋的结构不稳,看上去随时都会倒塌。剑桥国际The machine is working erratically--there must be a loose connection.机器运转很不稳定----一定什么地方没接紧。剑桥国际Your work has been rather uneven this term, Matthew.马太, 你这个学期的成绩相当不稳定。剑桥国际




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