

单词 wandering around
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRIVE〕After wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel. 走着走着,我们发现自己又回到了酒店。朗文写作活用〔daze〕She was wandering around in a daze this morning.今天早上她神情恍惚地四处游荡。剑桥高阶〔daze〕They are wandering around in a daze somewhere and don't know who they are.他们迷茫地在某个地方徘徊, 不知道他们到底是谁。外研社新世纪〔fancy dress〕Groups of people were wandering around in fancy dress.一群群穿着化装服的人在走来走去。外研社新世纪〔find〕After wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel.闲逛了一圈之后,我们发现自己回到了酒店。朗文当代〔garden〕They spent the afternoon wandering around Kew Gardens.他们整个下午都在伦敦皇家植物园散步。麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕She found him wandering around the grounds.她发现他在庭园里闲逛。麦克米伦高阶〔shop〕I spent a happy afternoon wandering around the shops.我一个下午都在逛商店,很开心。朗文当代〔wander about〕She was wandering around the house and thinking.她在房屋前后边徘徊边思考问题。21世纪英汉〔wander〕I was just wandering around the house.我就在房子周围转了转。韦氏高阶〔wander〕My sister likes wandering around the city at night.我姐姐喜欢晚上在城里闲逛。麦克米伦高阶〔wander〕They found him wandering around aimlessly.他们发现他漫无目的地四处闲逛。牛津搭配〔wander〕We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.我们整个上午都在老城区闲逛。剑桥高阶〔wear out〕He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico City.他在墨西哥城到处游荡,磨坏了鞋子。柯林斯高阶〔wear out〕He wore out his shoes wandering around the city.他在城里到处游荡, 把鞋都磨坏了。外研社新世纪She was wandering around in a daze (= unable to think clearly) after she got the highest mark in the university.当在大学里取得了最高分时,她有些不知所措了。剑桥国际We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.我们花了一个早上在该市旧区逛悠。剑桥国际




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