

单词 vascular
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angiosarcoma〕A malignant tumor arising from vascular tissue.血管瘤:血管组织生出的恶性肿瘤美国传统〔bark〕The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium.树皮,茎皮:包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织美国传统〔bone marrow〕The soft, fatty, vascular tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of red blood cells and many white blood cells.骨髓:大部分骨腔中柔软、脂肪状的脉管组织,是红血细胞和许多白血细胞的源头美国传统〔bundle sheath〕A layer or region of cells surrounding a vascular bundle.维管束鞘:围绕维管束的一层或一部分细胞美国传统〔bundle〕Botany A vascular bundle.【植物学】 维管束美国传统〔cambium〕A lateral meristem in most vascular plants that forms parallel rows of cells resulting in secondary tissues either as secondary growth or as cork.形成层:大多数导管植物中靠近边缘的分生组织,它形成植物细胞组成的平行的行列,导致产生二次组织、二次增生或长成软木美国传统〔chorionic villus〕One of the minute vascular projections of the fetal chorion that combines with maternal uterine tissue to form the placenta.绒毛膜绒毛:是一种具有微血管的胎膜的突出物,由母亲的子宫组织组成,用以形成胎盘美国传统〔ciliary body〕A thickened portion of the vascular tunic of the eye located between the choroid and the iris.睫状体:眼睛血管膜的增厚部分,在脉络膜和虹膜之间美国传统〔convoluted〕Enlarged, dilated, and convoluted blood vessels had formed a vascular mass.扩张盘曲的血管里形成了一个血管肿块。外研社新世纪〔cortex〕Botany The region of tissue in a root or stem lying between the epidermis and the vascular tissue.【植物学】 皮层:位于表皮组织和导管组织之间的根茎中的组织区美国传统〔endodermis〕The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems.内皮层:皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)美国传统〔eustele〕The central cylinder in which the primary vascular tissue is arranged around a pith, as in most seed plants.真中柱:一种管状中柱,其中初生脉管组织排列在髓孔周围,存在于大多数种子植物中美国传统〔fascicular cambium〕Cambium that develops within the vascular bundle.簇生层:在瓶状体束内形成的层美国传统〔fern〕Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.蕨,蕨类植物:数量较大的有根、茎以及复叶的无花、无子管状植物,通过孢子再生美国传统〔fibrovascular〕Having fibrous tissue and vascular tissue, as in the woody tissue of plants.维管(组织)的:含有纤维组织及脉管组织的,如在植物的木质组织中美国传统〔interfascicular cambium〕The cambium arising between the vascular bundles.束间形成层:维管束之间的形成层美国传统〔lamella〕A thin scale, plate, or layer of bone or tissue, as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone.薄片,薄板,薄层:一种薄的骨头或组织的鳞片、盘、或壳层,如双壳软体动物组成鳃的薄板或是骨内环绕小的维管的骨层或组织美国传统〔lamina propria〕A thin vascular layer of connective tissue beneath the epithelium of an organ.鼓膜中层:一种器官皮下相连组织的细小的管状层美国传统〔lamina〕Zoology A thin scalelike or platelike structure, as one of the thin layers of sensitive vascular tissue in the hoof of a horse.【动物学】 蹄叶:一种细小的鳞状或片状结构,如马蹄子上敏感的管状组织的细小薄片美国传统〔lateral meristem〕A meristem in vascular plants, such as the cambium, in which secondary growth occurs.侧分生组织:可形成再生的维管植物分生组织,如形成层美国传统〔leaf gap〕A break in the vascular tissue of a stem above the point of attachment of a leaf trace.叶隙:茎的维管组织中的一条裂缝,位于叶迹连接点的上部美国传统〔leaf trace〕A strand of vascular tissue that extends between the vascular bundle of a stem and a leaf.叶迹:一束维管组织,伸展于茎和叶的维管束之间美国传统〔peripheral vascular disease〕Walking for gradually longer periods of time until pain appears is part of the treatment for peripheral vascular disease.逐渐加长行走距离直到感觉疼痛为止是治疗周围性血管疾病的一部分。剑桥高阶〔phloem〕The food-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting of sieve tubes, fibers, parenchyma, and sclereids.韧皮部:导管植物的食物传导组织,包括筛管、纤维、薄壁组织和硬化细胞美国传统〔pia mater〕The fine vascular membrane that closely envelops the brain and spinal cord under the arachnoid and the dura mater.软膜:严密覆盖大脑和脊髓的细致的血管膜,位于蛛网膜和硬脑膜下面美国传统〔pith ray〕The parenchymatous tissue that extends between the vascular bundles of a stem or root.髓射成:一种分布在茎部或根部维管束之间的薄壁组织美国传统〔procambium〕A type of undifferentiated plant tissue that gives rise to vascular tissue.原始形成层:植物分层组织的种类,产生维管束组织美国传统〔protostele〕A stele that has a solid core of vascular tissue.原生中柱:一种有管状组织的实心中柱美国传统〔secondary growth〕Growth in vascular plants from production of secondary tissues by a lateral meristem, usually resulting in wider branches and stems.次生生长:维管植物藉侧旁的分生组织于次生组织中的生长,通常能生出较宽的枝干美国传统〔siphonostele〕A type of stele in which the vascular cylinder surrounds a pith, as in the stem of the sunflower.管状中心柱:一种围绕木髓血管圆柱体的中柱,如向阳花的茎中美国传统〔stele〕Botany The central core of vascular tissue in a plant stem or root.【植物学】 中柱:植物茎或根部中维管组织的中核美国传统〔trachea〕Botany One of the tubular conductive vessels in the xylem of vascular plants.【植物学】 导管:维管植物的木质部中的管状引导管之一美国传统〔tracheid〕A cell in the xylem of vascular plants.管胞:在维管植物的木质部中的细胞美国传统〔tracheophyte〕Any of various vascular plants, including seed plants and ferns, having a conducting system of xylem and phloem.导(维)管植物:任何种类的维管植物,包括种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统美国传统〔transition region〕A zone in a seed plant where the vascular tissue of the root changes into the vascular tissue of the stem.过渡地区:种子植物中的一个部位,其根部的维管束组织变成了茎部的维管束组织美国传统〔uvea〕The vascular middle layer of the eye constituting the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.葡萄膜,腿色素层:眼中的血管层,它构成虹膜,睫状体和脉络膜美国传统〔vascularize〕To make or become vascular.血管化:使血管化或变成血管美国传统〔villus〕One of the numerous vascular projections of the small intestine.小肠绒毛:小肠内大量的维管突起美国传统〔xylem〕The supporting and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels; woody tissue.木质部:在维管束植物中的起支撑作用和输水作用的组织,主要由管胞和管道组成;木质组织美国传统Clinical studies show that aspirin can reduce the incidence of death from heart attack or stroke in people who have already suffered from vascular disease.临床研究表明阿司匹林能够减少血管疾病患者因心脏病或中风而死亡的病例。剑桥国际The poison affected the victim's vascular system.毒药影响了受害者的血管系统。剑桥国际




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