

单词 whose
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕a sophisticated woman whose friends included many rich and famous people 一位高雅时髦的女子,她的朋友中许多都是富人和名人朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕someone whose job is to find out about something 以把事情调查清楚为职业的人朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕someone whose job is to report the news 以新闻报道为职业的人朗文写作活用〔TWO〕someone whose brother or sister was born at the same time 某人有同时出生的兄弟或姐妹朗文写作活用〔absolute〕a ruler with absolute power = a ruler whose power is absolute 拥有无上权力的统治者韦氏高阶〔account〕homosexuals, whose sexual behaviour is still accounted sinful by the church.其性行为仍然被教会认为是罪孽深重的同性恋者柯林斯高阶〔anathema〕men whose names are anathema 声名狼藉的人们英汉大词典〔ball〕a pitcher whose ball curves 投弧线球的投手英汉大词典〔blemish〕those whose lives were in some way blemished as a result of the war 由于战争而一生留下某种创伤的人们英汉大词典〔blight〕thousands of families whose lives were blighted by unemployment.成千上万因为失业而难以维持生计的家庭柯林斯高阶〔breadth〕a new political leader whose breadth of vision(= willingness to accept new ideas)can persuade others to change 一位凭远见卓识说服他人改变旧思想的新政治领袖牛津高阶〔break〕an adolescent boy whose voice is breaking 变声期的青少年韦氏高阶〔burlesque〕a writer whose burlesque often bordered on cruelty 作品之嘲讽近乎残酷的作家韦氏高阶〔colorist〕a forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of Cézanne.一个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师美国传统〔combine〕a writer whose novels combine imagination and scholarship 小说中想象力和学识兼有的作家韦氏高阶〔compulsorily〕owners and residents whose houses are compulsorily purchased房子被强行收购的户主和居民外研社新世纪〔copy〕top designers, whose work has been widely copied作品被广泛模仿的顶级设计师外研社新世纪〔corrosion〕a building whose structure is suffering from corrosion 结构正受到侵蚀的建筑物牛津搭配〔eclipse〕a soprano whose singing eclipsed that of her rivals一位使其对手的歌唱黯然失色的女高音歌手21世纪英汉〔emulate〕an older pupil whose accomplishments and style I emulated.我所模仿并试图超越其成绩与风格的一位年纪稍大的学生美国传统〔endear〕a couple whose kindness endeared them to friends.一对以其和蔼可亲而为朋友们所热爱的夫妇美国传统〔gossamer〕ethereal sylphs whose gossamer wings cause our hearts to flutter with delight轻盈飘忽的空气精灵那轻如薄纱的羽翼令我们欢心悸动外研社新世纪〔heavenly〕heavenly beings whose function it is to serve God侍奉上帝的天国生灵外研社新世纪〔hemorrhage〕a gubernatorial candidate whose popularity hemorrhaged after a disastrous debate.一位在一次灾难性的辩论之后其受欢迎度大大下降的州长侯选人美国传统〔heritage〕an organization whose aim is to protect our heritage of wild plants 旨在保护我们的野生植物遗产的组织牛津搭配〔imperfectly〕in a country whose language she spoke imperfectly.在一个她不能完全掌握该国语言的国家里柯林斯高阶〔internal〕a theory which lacks internal consistency(= whose parts are not in agreement with each other) 自相矛盾的理论牛津高阶〔intimately〕a golden age of musicians whose work she knew intimately.其作品她耳熟能详的黄金一代的音乐家柯林斯高阶〔jumble〕a number of animals whose remains were jumbled together by scavengers and floods.被食腐动物丢弃又被洪水冲积在一起的一些动物残骸柯林斯高阶〔lip〕an actress whose name is on everyone's lips 名字被大家挂在嘴边的一个女演员朗文当代〔livelihood〕people whose livelihood depends on the forest 靠森林生活的人们牛津搭配〔make-believe〕people whose make-believe world is far removed from real life身处的虚幻世界远离现实生活的人们外研社新世纪〔make-up〕a make-up artist(= a person whose job is to put make-up on the faces of actors and models) 化妆师牛津高阶〔malign〕calumniated and ridiculed the President in whose cabinet he had once served.污蔑并嘲弄那位总统,而他还曾在那位总统的内阁中任职。美国传统〔menfolk〕women whose menfolk are in jail男人在狱中服刑的女人们外研社新世纪〔miscarriage of justice〕a report whose conclusions were that no miscarriage of justice had taken place.结论为未发生错判的报告柯林斯高阶〔moral〕a person of loose morals (= whose character or sexual behaviour is considered unacceptable) 放荡的人剑桥高阶〔mythic〕a team whose reputation has achieved mythic proportions.声名显赫的球队柯林斯高阶〔no-go area〕a subway system whose reputation for violence and lawlessness makes it a no-go area for many natives of the city暴力和违法事件时有发生、被本市很多市民视为危险区域的地铁系统外研社新世纪〔police〕the tiny UN observer force whose job it is to police the border.承担守卫边界职责的一小支联合国观察员部队柯林斯高阶〔propriety〕bureaucrats whose sense of propriety deters them from plain talk分寸感使自己不敢坦率直言的官僚们外研社新世纪〔punchbag〕a young wife whose husband used her as a punching bag 被丈夫当作出气筒的年轻妻子朗文当代〔relative〕an organization that helps people who have lost relatives (= whose relatives have died) 专门帮助失去亲人者的机构牛津搭配〔render〕barrel-makers whose trade was rendered obsolete by the introduction of stainless steel wine vats.不锈钢葡萄酒桶的出现使木制酒桶制造者没了生意柯林斯高阶〔retardation〕other parents whose children had mental retardation.其他智障儿童的家长柯林斯高阶〔self-help〕a self-help discussion group for people suffering from depression(= whose members help each other) 抑郁症患者自助讨论小组牛津高阶〔short〕a young woman whose life was cut tragically short 一位不幸英年早逝的年轻女子牛津搭配〔stock〕a teacher whose stock with the students is rising.在学生心目中声望渐高的老师美国传统〔throbbing〕the throbbing tooth whose pain had woken her把她疼醒的那颗抽痛的牙外研社新世纪〔undoubted〕a player whose fitness is suspect, despite his undoubted talent一位确实有天赋但体质成问题的运动员外研社新世纪〔upside down〕the story of a young girl whose life was turned upside down 讲一个年轻女孩生活遭遇重大变故的故事朗文当代〔upstream〕the river police, whose headquarters are just upstream of the Isle St Louis.总部设在圣路易岛上游的水警柯林斯高阶〔vehicle〕car owners whose vehicles have been towed (away) 车子被拖走的车主牛津搭配〔vouch〕a candidate whose strong record vouches for her ability.候选人良好的记录证实了她的能力美国传统〔whose〕a speedboat, whose fifteen-strong crew claimed to belong to the Italian navy.一艘快艇,其上船员15人,声称自己属于意大利海军柯林斯高阶〔whose〕an animal whose fur changes colour 其毛会变色的动物英汉大词典〔whose〕the man whose son you rescued你救了他儿子的那个男人外研社新世纪a business consultant whose normal rate is $200 per hour 一般收费每小时 200 元的商业顾问牛津商务a designer whose clothes have not lost their exclusivity 所设计的服装没有失去尊贵风格的设计师牛津商务corporate raiders, whose motto is ‘Get in, get out, get rich’ (= buy a company and then sell it quickly for a large profit) 企业狙击手的座右铭是“进入、走出、富起来”(收购一家公司,然后迅速转卖出去赚大钱)牛津商务




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