

单词 wallow
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENJOY〕Wallowing in angst at the unfairness of it all will only make the problem worse. 这种不公平的事,一味的苦恼只会使问题恶化。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Since his girlfriend left him, he's been wallowing in self-pity. 自从女友离他而去以后,他一直自哀自怜。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕It's no good wallowing in misery. You just have to get out there and find another job. 一味地痛苦是没有用的,你得走出来,再找一份工作。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕She told herself that she must try and learn from his criticism, rather than wallowing in self-pity. 她告诉自己必须从他的批评中吸取教训,不要自叹自怜。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Wallowing in angst about the unfairness of it all will just make the problem worse. 一味地担忧此事不公只会使问题变得更糟。朗文写作活用〔cesspit〕The film wallows in a cesspit of contemporary immorality.这部电影沉溺于当代道德沦陷的泥沼中不能自拔。麦克米伦高阶〔dirt〕Two pigs were wallowing in dirt.两只猪正在泥中打滚。英汉大词典〔pool〕Rhinos are fond of wallowing in muddy pools and sandy riverbeds.犀牛喜欢在泥泞的水塘里和沙质的河床上打滚。牛津搭配〔sea〕The wind dropped completely and left us wallowing in a fairly heavy sea.风完全停了, 只剩下我们在起伏的波涛中颠簸。外研社新世纪〔self-pity〕He was wallowing in self-pity.他那时正沉湎于自哀自怜之中。韦氏高阶〔self-pity〕Instead of wallowing in self-pity he has got on with his life.他没有自怜自哀, 而是继续自己的生活。外研社新世纪〔self-pity〕She's not someone who likes to wallow in self-pity.她不是那种喜欢自怜的人。牛津高阶〔selfpity〕She refused to wallow in self-pity.她决不自怨自艾。牛津搭配〔undeserved〕He wallows in the undeserved praise of his colleagues.他沉醉于同事们的溢美之辞中。英汉大词典〔wallow in sth〕I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity! 我希望她能做一些自助的事,而不是沉湎于自怨自艾之中!剑桥高阶〔wallow in sth〕My idea of a holiday is to stay in a five-star hotel and just wallow in luxury for a week.我的假期设想是预订一家五星级的酒店,纵情享受奢华的一周。剑桥高阶〔wallow〕A pool of water or mud where animals go to wallow.泥坑:动物打滚所去的水塘或泥塘美国传统〔wallow〕At first I only wanted to wallow in my misery.最初我只想沉浸在自己的痛苦之中。外研社新世纪〔wallow〕Buffalo wallow in mud to keep away flies.水牛在泥里打滚来赶走苍蝇。韦氏高阶〔wallow〕Creatures such as hippopotami wallow in mud.河马之类的动物会在泥浆中打滚。外研社新世纪〔wallow〕Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。柯林斯高阶〔wallow〕George still seems determined to wallow in hatred and self-pity.乔治似乎依然沉湎于仇恨与自怜之中不愿自拔。麦克米伦高阶〔wallow〕He loves to wallow in a hot bath after a game.他在比赛后喜欢泡个热水澡。牛津高阶〔wallow〕He'd been feeling sorry for himself, wallowing in self-pity.他一直觉得自己受了委屈,一味地自悲自悯。朗文当代〔wallow〕His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。柯林斯高阶〔wallow〕His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.他疲惫的思绪继续沉浸在自哀自怜之中。外研社新世纪〔wallow〕I wanted only to wallow in my own grief.我只想沉湎于自己的悲伤中。柯林斯高阶〔wallow〕Never have I had such a good excuse for wallowing in deep warm baths.我从来没找到过如此好的理由,可以美美地泡个热水澡。柯林斯高阶〔wallow〕Never have I had such a good excuse for wallowing in deep warm baths.我从来没有过这么好的借口, 可以在深水浴缸里美美地泡个热水澡。外研社新世纪〔wallow〕She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。牛津高阶〔wallow〕The act or an instance of wallowing.打滚:打滚的动作或事例美国传统〔wallow〕The depression, pool, or pit produced by wallowing animals.洼地:因动物打滚造成的凹陷、塘或坑美国传统〔welter〕To wallow, roll, or toss about, as in mud or high seas.翻滚,打滚:象在泥或海中打滚、翻滚或颠簸美国传统He is wallowing in pleasure. 他纵情玩乐。译典通He likes a good wallow in the bath.他喜欢在浴池里面好好地泡一阵子。剑桥国际He threw himself upon his back and wallowed at my feet. 他四脚朝天地倒下去,在我脚边打滚。译典通His parents are partly responsible for his wallow. 他的父母对他的堕落负有部分责任。译典通I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity! 我希望她能做点自助自救的工作,而不要只沉湎于自哀自怜中。剑桥国际My idea of a holiday is to book myself into a five-star hotel and just wallow in the luxury for a week.对于度假,我的想法是给自己在五星级宾馆订一个房间,在奢华中放纵一周。剑桥国际The boat wallowed in the storing sea. 那条船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸而行。译典通The pigs were wallowing (= lying) in the mud.猪在泥淖中打滚。剑桥国际Watching her husband relaxing in the shallow waters she was reminded of a hippopotamus wallowing in mud.看着她丈夫在浅水中放松的样子,她不由想起了河马在烂泥里打滚的情景。剑桥国际




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