

单词 variously
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔call〕a tree variously called 'rowan' and 'mountain ash' 一种既称为 rowan 又称为 mountain ash 的树牛津搭配〔coloured〕variously coloured birds 各种颜色的鸟牛津搭配〔plier〕pliers A variously shaped hand tool having a pair of pivoted jaws, used for holding, bending, or cutting. pliers 钳子:一种有各种形状的手工工具,它有一对置于枢轴上的鄂夹,用来折叠、弯曲或切割美国传统〔size〕variously sized shoes各种尺码的鞋21世纪英汉〔translate〕a Greek word variously translated as 'summit', 'top' and 'finishing stroke' 一个可以译为“极点”、“顶端”、“最后修饰”等不同说法的希腊语单词牛津搭配〔variously〕sth the phenomena variously known as 'mass culture', 'popular culture', or the 'public arts' 被冠以不同名称如“大众文化”、“通俗文化”或“大众艺术”的现象朗文当代〔variously〕the crowds, which were variously estimated at two to several thousand.人数估计不一、从两千人到数千人不等的人群柯林斯高阶




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