

单词 bring into
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Judaize〕To bring into conformity with Judaism.使…皈依犹太教:使…皈依或遵奉犹太教,使……犹太化美国传统〔MONEY〕You have to pay a duty on the value of goods worth over $500 that you bring into the country. 凡带入该国的物品价值在500美元以上的就要付关税。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕There are restrictions on what you can bring into the country. Alcohol, for example, is totally forbidden. 该国对可携带入境的东西是有限制的,比如说酒是绝对禁止的。朗文写作活用〔accord〕To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony.使符合,使同意;使和谐美国传统〔adjust〕To bring into proper relationship.调停,调和:导致正常的关系美国传统〔balance〕To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony.使和谐,使谐调:进入或保持相等的或令人满意的比例或和谐状态美国传统〔balance〕To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium.使平衡:进入或保持一种平衡状态美国传统〔combine〕To bring into a state of unity; merge.使结合:使成统一的状态;合并美国传统〔conform〕To bring into agreement or correspondence; make similar.使符合:使一致或使符合;使相似美国传统〔correlate〕To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation.相互联系:建立或使…发生互为因果、相互补充、平行或互惠的关系美国传统〔effect〕To bring into existence.使存在美国传统〔equilibrate〕To maintain in or bring into equilibrium.使…保持或达到平衡美国传统〔existence〕They are striving to bring into existence a new kind of society.他们正努力创造一个新型社会。牛津搭配〔focus〕To render (an object or image) in clear outline or sharp detail by adjustment of one's vision or an optical device; bring into focus.使集中于焦点:通过调节视力或光学仪器使(一物体或图象)外缘清晰或细节分明;调焦美国传统〔foul〕To bring into dishonor; besmirch.玷污;败坏美国传统〔geometrize〕To bring into conformance with the laws and principles of geometry.使…符合几何原理或定律美国传统〔key〕To bring into harmony; adjust or adapt.使和谐;调节或使适应美国传统〔lick〕To bring into satisfactory condition or appearance.使成形,使象样:把某物整理好或使某物外形美观美国传统〔put〕The president is trying to put through (= bring into operation) reforms of the country's economic system.总统正试图对该国的经济体制进行改革。剑桥高阶〔question〕This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law.这宗案件引起了对整个法律宗旨的怀疑。牛津高阶〔renew〕To bring into being again; reestablish.使…重现;重建美国传统〔renormalize〕To bring into a normal or more normal state once again.使重新正常化:使再一次进入正常或更正常状态美国传统〔stain〕To bring into disrepute; taint or tarnish.玷污:败坏;污染或使失去光泽美国传统〔stalemate〕To bring into a stalemate.使陷入僵局美国传统〔straiten〕To put or bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship.使窘困:使陷入困难或不幸中,尤指财政困难美国传统〔subjective〕Expressing or bringing into prominence the individuality of the artist or author.突出艺术家或作家的个人特征的美国传统〔tune〕To adopt or adjust, especially in order to bring into harmony.使…和谐,调整:调整或调节,尤指为了达到和谐一致美国传统〔weld〕To bring into close association or union.使紧密结合,使成整体美国传统Even bringing into play all the resources and staff available would not be likely to help resolve the immediate shortfall in production.即便是把所有的资源和人力都用上,也不可能解决迫切的产量下降的问题。剑桥国际The President is trying to put through (= bring into operation) reforms of the country's economic system.总统想要推行这个国家的经济体制改革。剑桥国际The way the study was designed brings into doubt the validity of its conclusions.该项研究的研究方法让人怀疑其结论的正确性。剑桥国际We've heard that the pilot hopes to berth (= bring into port) the tanker as soon as the engines are running again.我们听说领航员希望发动机一旦再次启动就将油轮泊入海港。剑桥国际




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