

单词 veneer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Circassian walnut〕A type of English walnut, patterned with swirls and curves in shades of brown or with occasional black streaks, used for veneer and cabinetwork.英国胡桃木:一种英国胡桃木材,棕色阴影上有螺旋形和弧形图案,偶有黑色条纹,用于薄木板和细木工美国传统〔beneath〕Beneath his tissue-thin veneer of good manners,he was a very vulgar man.剥去他那彬彬有礼的薄层外表,他其实是个很庸俗的人。21世纪英汉〔black walnut〕The wood of this tree, used especially for veneer, cabinets, furniture, and gunstocks.黑桃木:该树木的木材,特别用于胶合板、橱柜、家具和枪托美国传统〔break away〕He broke away the veneer with a chisel.他用凿子把胶合板拆开。21世纪英汉〔burl〕The wood cut from such an outgrowth, often used decoratively as a veneer.树疤制成的木板:从这样的树瘤上砍下的木头,经常当作装饰性的镶木板美国传统〔cauldron〕A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。柯林斯高阶〔core〕The base, usually of soft or inferior wood, to which veneer woods are glued.心板:通常柔软或劣质的木板的中心板在它上面粘上胶合木片美国传统〔finish〕The furniture had been attractively finished in a walnut veneer.家具上贴了一层胡桃木饰面板,十分漂亮。朗文当代〔overlay〕A layer of decoration, such as gold leaf or wood veneer, applied to a surface.饰面:一层修饰,如金箔或木镶板,铺于表层上美国传统〔politeness〕His veneer of politeness concealed a ruthless determination.他彬彬有礼的伪装下隐藏着不择手段的狠心。牛津搭配〔sophistication〕She adopted an upper-class accent to give herself a veneer of sophistication.她操着上层社会的口音,装出一副很老练的样子。牛津搭配〔strip off〕Money stripped off the veneer of good manners.金钱令他撕去了彬彬有礼的外表。21世纪英汉〔veneer〕A thin veneer of politeness hid Lady Bride's growing anger.表面的礼貌掩盖了布赖德夫人越来越强烈的怒火。朗文当代〔veneer〕For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.她温文尔雅的伪装第一次露出了破绽。牛津搭配〔veneer〕He concealed his darker side behind a veneer of respectability.他将自己阴暗的一面隐藏在体面的外表之下。牛津搭配〔veneer〕He managed to acquire a thin veneer of knowledge to mask his real ignorance.他装出有点儿知识的样子,用来掩饰自己的无知。牛津搭配〔veneer〕He was able to fool the world with his veneer of education.他打着受过良好教育的幌子到处欺瞒世人。柯林斯高阶〔veneer〕He was able to fool the world with his veneer of education.他打着受过良好教育的幌子蒙骗世人。外研社新世纪〔veneer〕Her veneer of politeness began to crack.她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。牛津高阶〔veneer〕Her voice was low, shaking under the veneer of calm.她故作镇静,低低的说话声却在颤抖。英汉大词典〔veneer〕His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。柯林斯高阶〔veneer〕Only the finest timbers and veneers are used.只用上好的木料和饰面板。柯林斯高阶〔veneer〕She dropped her veneer of sophistication.她卸下了矫揉造作的伪装。韦氏高阶〔veneer〕She managed to hide her corrupt dealings under a veneer of respectability.她设法用一层体面的外衣掩盖了自己的腐败勾当。剑桥高阶〔veneer〕The cabinet was veneered in oak.这个橱柜用橡木镶的面。韦氏高阶〔veneer〕The lyrics strip the veneer of respectability from the music.歌词让配乐变得不再光鲜。牛津搭配〔veneer〕The wardrobe is made of chipboard with a pine veneer.这个衣柜是用刨花板贴上一层松木镶板制成的。剑桥高阶〔veneer〕The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer.木料被锯成大块的薄板。柯林斯高阶〔veneer〕They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play by showing war in its true horror.他们通过展示战争恐怖的实质剥除了该剧宣扬沙文主义的外衣。牛津搭配〔veneer〕They're brutal people behind their civilized veneer.他们表面上彬彬有礼,骨子里却是野蛮残忍。牛津搭配〔woodgrain〕A veneer made of plastic, vinyl, inferior wood, or other material that is designed to have the appearance and often the texture of finely grained wood.木制板面:用塑料、乙烯基、次等木材或是其它原料作成的一层胶合板,通常为呈现木材表面的精美纹理美国传统A veneer of self-confidence thinly concealed his nervousness.一点故做镇静的自信稍稍掩盖了他的紧张。剑桥国际After the tooth implant surgery, she started to wear laminate veneers outside her new teeth. 在动了植牙手术之后,她在牙齿外面戴上牙罩冠。译典通Much modern furniture is not solid but uses a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood. 许多现代家具用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。译典通She managed to hide her corrupt dealings under a veneer of respectability.她设法用体面表象掩盖了她腐败的行迹。剑桥国际The Japanese cover their television sets in artificial wood veneers especially for the British market.日本人将电视机,尤其是供应英国市场的,用人工木镶板贴外壳。剑桥国际The cabinet has crotched mahogany veneers on the base. 柜子的底座上有成分叉的红木饰面。译典通The wardrobe is made of chipboard with a pine veneer.这个衣橱是用刨花板贴一层松木镶板做成的。剑桥国际They may have a veneer of culture, but in essence they are barbarians. 他们有文明的虚饰,但骨子里他们是野蛮人。译典通




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