

单词 whom
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Attis〕A Phrygian man, the consort of Cybele, whom the goddess out of sexual jealousy drove mad, whereupon he castrated himself and died.阿提斯:弗里吉亚人和西布莉的配偶,西布莉出于性妒忌将阿提斯逼疯,阿提斯因此自宫而死美国传统〔Azazel〕Bible In the Old Testament, the evil spirit in the wilderness to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of Atonement.【圣经】 阿撒泻勒:在《旧约全书》中,荒野中的恶魔,赎罪日那一天会给其送去替罪羊美国传统〔BOOKS〕This is the study where Hemingway wrote the legendary novels ‘Death in the Afternoon’ and ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’. 海明威就在这间书房里写出了著名小说《午后之死》与《战地钟声》。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕In the North, Sung systematically purged those whom he considered a threat. 在北方,宋彻底铲除了他认为有威胁的人。朗文写作活用〔GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND〕Her husband, whom she adored, confessed that he had been seeing other women. 她深爱的丈夫坦白承认,他在和其他女人来往。朗文写作活用〔Ganymede〕Greek Mythology A Trojan boy of great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be cupbearer to the gods.【希腊神话】 盖尼米得:特洛伊的美少年,宙斯将他带走做神的斟酒者美国传统〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕There were about twenty spectators, among whom were Bill, Maria and myself. 大约有二十个观众,包括比尔、玛丽亚和我。朗文写作活用〔Ixion〕A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking Hera's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades.伊克西翁:拉庇泰王,他因莽撞地追求天后赫拉的爱,而被宙斯缚在地狱永不停转的车轮上受罚美国传统〔Mary Magdalene〕In the New Testament, a woman whom Jesus cured of evil spirits. She is also identified with the repentent prostitute who washed the feet of Jesus.(抹大拉的)玛丽亚:新约圣经所记,耶稣曾逐出她身上的恶魔。她同时也是为耶稣洗足的忏悔的妓女美国传统〔Mephistopheles〕The devil in the Faust legend to whom Faust sold his soul.墨菲斯托菲里斯:浮士德传说中的魔鬼,浮士德将自己的灵魂出卖给了这个魔鬼美国传统〔Minotaur〕A monster who was half man and half bull, to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him.弥诺陶洛斯:半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死美国传统〔Muse〕Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.【希腊神话】 缪斯:宙斯和记忆女神的九个女儿,每一个掌管不同的文艺或者科学美国传统〔PROVE〕The team is living proof of the old saying that it's not whom you play that counts, but when you play them. 常言道“比赛的胜负不在对手是谁而在天时之利”,那支队就是个活证据。朗文写作活用〔Polynices〕A son of Oedipus for whom an expedition against Thebes was raised.波吕尼刻斯:俄狄浦斯的一个儿子,他曾对底比斯发起远征美国传统〔SEXY〕Helene was an alluring beauty whom few men could resist. 海伦妮是个风情万种的美女,很少有男人抵挡得住她的魅力。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Neighbors remember her as a woman of few words whom everyone respected. 在邻居的记忆中她是个话语不多、受人尊敬的女人。朗文写作活用〔Typhoid Mary〕A person from whom something undesirable or deadly spreads to those nearby.坏事传播者:把不想要或致命的事物传播给身边人的人美国传统〔acquaintance〕A person whom one knows.熟人:所认识、了解的人美国传统〔addressee〕The one to whom something is addressed.收件人,收信人美国传统〔alienee〕One to whom or to which ownership of property is transferred.受让人:财产的所有权所转让给的那个人美国传统〔ancestor〕Law The person from whom an estate has been inherited.【法律】 被继承人:一个人,从他那里财产可被继承美国传统〔appellee〕One against whom an appeal is taken.被上诉人美国传统〔appointee〕Law One to whom a power of appointment of property is granted.【法律】 委托处理财产者:被授权指定财产受益者的人美国传统〔attach〕She is a writer to whom the label ‘feminist' is often attached.她是个作家,常被人称为“女权主义者”。麦克米伦高阶〔bailee〕A person to whom property is bailed.受托人:财产的被委托人美国传统〔beckon〕She's an excellent student, for whom a wonderful future beckons.她是个优秀的学生,美妙的前程向她召唤。剑桥高阶〔beck〕She came at the beck of a youth whom she had known for only one month.一个她结识才一个月的男青年一召,她就来了。英汉大词典〔bedevil〕The theory bedevils scientists, none of whom have been able to prove it true or false.这个理论让科学家们很是头疼,谁都无法证实其对错。韦氏高阶〔bedmate〕One with whom a bed is shared.同床人,配偶:共享一张床的人美国传统〔below〕She has three people working below her (= people to whom she gives orders).她有三名下属。剑桥高阶〔bestow〕The king had friends on whom he bestowed land and privileges.国王赐予他的朋友土地和特权。麦克米伦高阶〔betrothed〕A person to whom one is engaged to be married.与其订了婚的人美国传统〔boy〕We adopted a baby boy, whom we called Graham.我们领养了一个男婴, 给他取名叫格雷厄姆。外研社新世纪〔bunkmate〕A person with whom one shares sleeping quarters.睡在一块的伙伴美国传统〔business〕We are not in the business of creating graduates for whom there are no jobs.我们没有打算培养找不到工作的毕业生。外研社新世纪〔carp〕This was the man whom other trainers love to carp about.这就是那个总被其他教练挑剔的人。外研社新世纪〔cellmate〕A person with whom one shares a cell, especially in a prison.室友:同住一小房间的人,尤指在监狱里美国传统〔check〕He checked with her to see if she knew some friend with whom he could stay.他与她联系,看看她可有什么朋友处可供他借住。英汉大词典〔clear up〕There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up any problems.应该有个你可以事事请教或帮助你解决一切难题的人。柯林斯高阶〔commissary〕A person to whom a special duty is given by a higher authority; a deputy.代表:由更高权力给予特殊责任的人;代理人美国传统〔compatible〕In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.在大城市, 基本上肯定能够找到既和你谈得来, 又让你觉得舒服的医生。外研社新世纪〔compatible〕You find yourself married to someone with whom you're not compatible.你突然意识到自己和一个合不来的人结了婚。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕To whom it may concern…(= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) 敬启者…(如用于公告或求职推荐信的开头)牛津高阶〔conferee〕One upon whom something, such as an honor, is conferred.领受者:被授予称号(例如,荣誉)的人美国传统〔confidante〕A woman to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed.红粉知己:一个可以对其倾吐秘密或私事的女友美国传统〔consignee〕The one to whom something, such as goods or merchandise, is consigned.受托人:货物或商品等东西被托付给的人美国传统〔contemptuous〕He was very contemptuous of "popular" writers, whom he described as having no talent.他很瞧不起“当红”作家,认为他们缺少才华。剑桥高阶〔contempt〕How could she marry a man whom she holds in such utter contempt? 她怎么能嫁给一个自己根本瞧不起的人呢?麦克米伦高阶〔convoluted〕The movie has a fairly convoluted plot, involving who is sleeping with whom.电影情节错综复杂, 性爱关系扑朔迷离。外研社新世纪〔copying〕Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire or identify with.人们发现儿童会模仿他们所崇拜或有共鸣感的人。柯林斯高阶〔copy〕Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire.人们发现孩子们会模仿他们所崇拜的人的行为。外研社新世纪〔cousin〕Many of our distant cousins, whom we hadn't seen for years, came to my sister's wedding.我们家许多多年未见的远房亲戚赶来参加姐姐的婚礼。剑桥高阶〔covenantee〕The party in a covenant to whom the promise is made.合同受约人:合同中受承诺的一方美国传统〔craftsman〕McPhee is a writer's writer, a master craftsman whom many aspirants study.麦克菲是作家中的作家, 一位写作大师, 是众多有志写作者研究的对象。外研社新世纪〔crawl〕Let's see who comes crawling to whom.我们来看看究竟是谁巴结谁。外研社新世纪〔creditor〕One to whom money or its equivalent is owed.债权人:欠其金额或等同物的人美国传统〔death wish〕The desire, often unconscious, for the death of another person, such as a parent, toward whom one has unconscious hostility.死亡愿望:希望他人死亡的愿望,如家长,这种愿望常是无意识的,对所针对的人含有无意识的敌意美国传统〔dedicatee〕One to whom something, such as a literary work, is dedicated.受奉献者;被题献者:接受题词的人,如一部文学作品的美国传统〔delegatee〕One to whom something is delegated.受委派者:某件事所委派给的人美国传统〔domestic partner〕A person with whom one cohabits in a sexual relationship.同居人:与之因性关系而同居的人美国传统〔dun〕He feared he might be seen and dunned by the various people to whom he owed money.他害怕自己可能会被众多债主看见并被追债。外研社新世纪〔end user〕The ultimate consumer of a product, especially the one for whom the product has been designed.最终用户:制成品的最终消费者,尤指产品为其所设计的人美国传统〔established〕How he was murdered and by whom was never established.他是怎样以及被谁谋害的,一直没有查明。英汉大词典〔extricate〕She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking.她拽着哈特的胳膊, 把他从那群正和他聊天的男人中拖了出来。外研社新世纪〔extricate〕She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking.她拽着哈特的胳膊,把他从那群正和他聊天的男人中拖了出来。柯林斯高阶〔feet〕My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.我父亲不在乎我和谁结婚, 只要我能自食其力、不靠丈夫养活就行。外研社新世纪〔few〕There were hundreds of protesters, not a few of whom were women.有几百名示威者,其中不少是女性。朗文当代〔foot〕My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.只要我能够自食其力,不依附于自己的丈夫,嫁给谁我父亲倒是并不介意。柯林斯高阶〔freely〕She wondered whether he had someone to whom he could talk freely.她不知道他是否有可以倾心交谈的对象。柯林斯高阶〔freely〕She wondered whether he had someone to whom he could talk freely.她想知道他有没有可以倾心交谈的对象。外研社新世纪〔friend〕A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.朋友:一个你认识、喜欢和相信的人美国传统〔friend〕A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.相识者,熟人:一个认识的人;熟人美国传统〔friend〕A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.同志,同事:和你一起为同一件事而联合共同奋斗的人;同志美国传统〔gat;got〕It is often difficult to get books back from people to whom you have lent them.把书借给别人后,要想要回来很难。21世纪英汉〔godchild〕A person for whom another serves as sponsor at baptism.教子,教女:在洗礼时认某人为教父的人美国传统〔grantee〕One to whom a grant is made.受让人,被授予人,被批准人美国传统〔gremlin〕An imaginary gnomelike creature to whom mechanical problems, especially in aircraft, are attributed.小妖精:一种据认为引起机械故障,尤其是飞机机械故障的想象出的矮小生物美国传统〔group〕She belongs to a group of people, all of whom bear the name of a natural object.她参加了一个团体, 里面每个成员的称呼都是一种自然物的名字。外研社新世纪〔grow away from〕He's never grown away from the people amongst whom he was brought up.他从未与那些伴随自己长大的人疏远过。外研社新世纪〔guest〕A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, a city, or a government is extended.访客,特别来宾:受某一机构,城市或政府款待的著名访问者美国传统〔hit list〕Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages.一些银行还列出一个黑名单, 威胁要控告名单上的人, 要求赔偿损失。外研社新世纪〔ill at ease〕He was ill at ease with people whom he didn't understand.他和他不了解的人在一起时非常拘束。外研社新世纪〔imagine〕I cannot imagine whom you mean.我猜不出你指的是谁。英汉大词典〔insufferable〕She disliked the president, whom she once described as an "insufferable bore".她不喜欢总裁,曾经说他是个“令人难以忍受的讨厌家伙”。剑桥高阶〔jailbait〕A person below the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse can constitute statutory rape.祸水妞儿,未成年少女:指其小于同意年龄、一经与之发生性关系即在法律上构成强奸的女人美国传统〔jurat〕A certification on an affidavit declaring when, where, and before whom it was sworn.宣誓证明:附在宣誓书上的证明,声明何时、何地、在何人监誓下进行宣誓美国传统〔just〕That department had a staff of just 75, of whom only 44were desk workers.那个部门的工作人员恰好是75名,其中只有44人是在办公室工作的。英汉大词典〔kinship〕Henry is a trusted friend with whom Reed feels a deep kinship.亨利是里德信赖且投契的朋友。英汉大词典〔know〕The soldiers – all of whom we knew as neighbours – stood around pointing guns at us.那些士兵——那些我们视之为邻居的人——站在周围用枪指着我们。外研社新世纪〔lady〕A woman to whom a man is romantically attached.情妇:与男性有浪漫关系的妇女美国传统〔legendary〕There was a real Arthur on whom the legendary king was based.确有亚瑟其人,传说中的亚瑟王就是以他为原型塑造的。麦克米伦高阶〔licensee〕One to whom or to which a license is granted.许可证持有人美国传统〔look about〕Look about carefully before deciding whom to invite.先仔细想好了再决定该邀请谁。21世纪英汉〔love〕A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.情欲,爱欲:对愿意与之结为配偶的人的强烈地欲望和吸引力;性冲动和浪漫的情感美国传统〔mate〕A person with whom one is in close association; an associate.伙伴,同事:与一个人有密切关系的人;同伴美国传统〔mean〕Whom did she mean by them?她说的“他们”是指谁?21世纪英汉〔mean〕Whom do you mean? 你指的是谁? 英汉大词典〔mentor〕He has been profoundly influenced by Krishnamurti, whom he considers his spiritual mentor.他深受克里希那穆提影响, 并将其视为自己的精神导师。外研社新世纪〔messmate〕A person with whom one eats regularly, as in a military mess.共用餐者:如在军队集体食堂里经常与某人一起用膳的人美国传统〔mind〕We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.我们始终考虑到我们是在为谁制作这部影片。英汉大词典〔mistress〕A woman who has a continuing sexual relationship with a usually married man who is not her husband and from whom she generally receives material support.情妇:与通常是已婚但又不是自己丈夫的男子保持长久的性关系,并从他那里得到物质支持的女人美国传统〔model〕The children have their parents on whom to model themselves.孩子们以父母为榜样。外研社新世纪〔name day〕The feast day of the saint after whom one is named.命名日:以其名字命名的圣徒的节日美国传统〔no one〕No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.除收信人本人外,没人能打开邮件。柯林斯高阶〔object〕He had the appearance of a man to whom time was no object.他好像是那种有充裕时间的人。英汉大词典〔obligee〕One to whom another is bound by contract or legal agreement.权利人,债权人:有另一个通过合同或法律合约而受他约束的人美国传统〔obviously〕Sam took an instant dislike to anyone whom Ellimere so obviously seated next to him at dinner.不管吃饭时艾丽米尔刻意安排谁挨着萨姆坐, 他立刻就会讨厌起这个人来。外研社新世纪〔old lady〕One's girlfriend, especially a lover with whom one lives.(男子的)女朋友:女朋友,特别是同居的女友美国传统〔oracle〕A person, such as a priestess, through whom a deity is held to respond when consulted.神使:在有人向神求指引时传达神的旨意的人,如女牧师美国传统〔overwork〕He overworks and underpays the poor clerk whom he employs.他让那个可怜的职员超负荷工作, 却只支付极低的薪水。外研社新世纪〔pen pal〕A person with whom one becomes acquainted through a friendly, regular correspondence.笔友:通过友好和经常的通信而结识的不见面的人美国传统〔personal〕He was a personal friend whom I've known for many many years.他是一位我认识多年的私人朋友。柯林斯高阶〔pickup〕Slang A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.【俚语】 勾搭上的人:随便结识的陌生人,通常是在期望性关系中结识的人美国传统〔please〕He was free to marry whom he pleased.他有自由和他所中意的人结婚。英汉大词典〔pledgee〕A person to whom something is pledged.接受抵押的人美国传统〔police〕Police arrested a man whom they identified as the murderer.警方逮捕了一个他们认定为凶手的人。韦氏高阶〔profit〕Whom would it profit to terrify or to kill James Sinclair?恐吓或者干掉詹姆斯•辛克莱会对谁有好处?外研社新世纪〔prophetess〕A woman who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.受神启示说话的女人:受神启示说话的女人或作为神所表达的意志的阐释者美国传统〔quarter〕He has got no quarter from the competitors whom he had forced out of business.那些被他挤出生意圈的竞争对手们对他毫不宽容。英汉大词典〔relate〕There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.有一些官员会听他讲述整个故事。柯林斯高阶〔secondment〕We have two full-time secretaries, one of whom is on secondment from the Royal Navy.我们有两个全职秘书,其中一人是临时从皇家海军调来的。柯林斯高阶〔self-righteousness〕He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.他对僧侣们颇有微词,认为他们思想偏狭,自视清高。柯林斯高阶〔settle〕By whom was Canada settled?谁曾殖民过加拿大?21世纪英汉〔significant other〕A person, such as a spouse or lover, with whom one shares a long-term sexual relationship.配偶,情人:一个与之有长期性关系的人,如配偶或情人美国传统〔since〕About six thousand people were arrested, several hundred of whom have since been released.约 6,000 人被捕,后来其中的几百人又被释放了。柯林斯高阶〔since〕His style of leadership has attracted increasing criticism among his supporters, many of whom have since left Central Office.他的领导风格已经在他的拥趸中引起了越来越多的批评,很多人后来离开了总局。柯林斯高阶〔spit〕He's the man at whom everyone spit.他是个遭到大家唾弃的人。21世纪英汉〔spring ... on〕Mother reindeer had to leave her baby behind on whom the hyenas had sprung.驯鹿妈妈无可奈何地离开了被一群鬣狗扑住的孩子。21世纪英汉〔squeal〕I arrested him on whom someone had squealed.因有人告发,我抓到了他。21世纪英汉〔steady〕The person whom one dates regularly, usually exclusively.固定的情人:某人固定地,通常为排他地约会的人美国传统〔studio〕The actor was a handsome youngster, over whom five studios were squabbling now.那演员是个英俊的小伙子,现在有5家电影厂为争夺他而吵闹不休。英汉大词典〔submit ... to〕That's the man to whom I had submitted my application.就是哪个人,我曾向他提交过申请。21世纪英汉〔suggest〕The smell of perfume suggests the girl whom I met in the plane on the way to Lisbon.这种香水味令我想起了飞往里斯本的航班上遇到的那位姑娘。21世纪英汉〔suppose〕She was accompanied by a man whom we supposed to be her husband.她由一名男子陪同,我们猜是她丈夫。麦克米伦高阶〔suspect〕Whom do the police suspect? 警方怀疑谁?牛津高阶〔suspect〕He wrote a letter naming the people whom he suspected.他写了一封信,列出了他怀疑的那些人的姓名。麦克米伦高阶〔suzerain〕A feudal lord to whom fealty was due.封建主:受到效忠的封建君主美国传统〔swerve〕She is one of those rare politicians whom one can trust not to swerve from policy and principle.她是一位难得可以信赖的政治家,不会背离自己的政策和原则。剑桥高阶〔tablemate〕A person with whom one shares a table, as while dining.同桌:(如在吃饭时)和某个人共用一张饭桌的人美国传统〔take away〕Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.士兵们抓走 4 个人,其中 1 个随后被放了回来。柯林斯高阶〔take〕Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.查尔斯是个怪人,凯利从没有真正喜欢过他。朗文当代〔take〕George took up with a girl of whom his family disapproved.乔治开始与一个姑娘交朋友,可他家里人不赞成。英汉大词典〔than〕He is a teacher than whom a better dose not exist.哪个教师也比不上他。21世纪英汉〔toll〕For whom the bell tolls?丧钟为谁而鸣?21世纪英汉〔to〕To whom did she address the letter? 那封信她是写给谁的?牛津高阶〔transferee〕Law One to whom a conveyance of title or property is made.【法律】 受让人:称号或财产转让的接受者美国传统〔trio〕There was disappointment for the trio of 200 metre runners, all of whom failed to reach the final.我们参加200米跑的3位选手都很令人失望,没有一个人进入决赛。剑桥高阶〔warrantee〕One to whom a warranty is made or a warrant is given.被保证人:得到担保或保证的人美国传统〔well〕Ours could well be the last generation for whom movie going has a sense of magic.我们很可能是最后一代认为到电影院看电影具有一种魔力的人了。外研社新世纪〔white hope〕Someone, especially a beginning competitor, whom supporters hope will achieve great success.被寄予厚望者:被支持者们寄予希望能获得巨大成功的人,尤其指初期的竞争者美国传统〔whom〕Whom did they invite? 他们邀请谁了?牛津高阶〔whom〕Desperate for money, she called her sister, whom she hadn't spoken to in 20 years.因为急需用钱,她就给姐姐打了电话,她们已经 20 年没说过话了。朗文当代〔whom〕He asked me with whom I had discussed it.他问我和谁讨论过此事。牛津高阶〔whom〕He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores.他拿出了一张爱子的照片。剑桥高阶〔whom〕His brother, with whom he is very close, works for the same company.他跟哥哥关系亲密,都在同一家公司工作。韦氏高阶〔whom〕I don't know whom (或 who) to give it to. (或:I don't know to whom to give it.) 我不知道把它给谁。英汉大词典〔whom〕I met a man with whom I used to work.我碰见了个过去曾一起工作的人。剑桥高阶〔whom〕One writer in whom I had taken an interest was Immanuel Velikovsky.我感兴趣的其中一位作家是伊曼纽尔·韦利科夫斯基。柯林斯高阶〔whom〕The Homewood residents whom I knew had little money and little free time.我所认识的霍姆伍德的居民没多少钱也没多少闲暇时间。柯林斯高阶〔whom〕The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply.你在评论中批评的那位作者已经回信答复了。牛津高阶〔whom〕The man, whom we met yesterday, is staying near our house.我们昨天碰到的那个人就住在我们家附近。英汉大词典〔whom〕There are over 6,000 students, many of whom come from overseas.有6,000多名学生,其中许多来自国外。麦克米伦高阶〔whom〕These new neighbours, to whom I was introduced yesterday, have come here from Beijing.这些新邻居是从北京来的,昨天我被介绍同他们认识了。英汉大词典〔whom〕This is the gentleman whom I mentioned a moment ago.这是我刚才提到过的那位绅士。麦克米伦高阶〔whom〕To whom am I speaking? 阁下是哪位?韦氏高阶〔whom〕To whom did you give it?你把它给谁了?外研社新世纪〔whom〕To whom did you speak? 你跟谁说话了?麦克米伦高阶〔whom〕To whom should I write? 我应该把信写给谁?牛津高阶〔wistful〕What makes me feel rather wistful is that there is no one in whom I can confide.让我备感惆怅的是, 没有一个让我可以袒露心扉的人。外研社新世纪〔writ〕Law A written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act.【法律】 令状:由法院发布的书面命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为美国传统〔youse〕You. Used in addressing two or more people or referring to two or more people, one of whom is addressed.你们:你们。用于向两个或更多人讲话或者请教,其中一位已交谈过美国传统A luckless junior clerk (= one to whom bad things often happen by chance) was blamed for the error.一个倒霉的小职员为那个差错而受责备。剑桥国际Eventually they found a consultant they felt they could do business with (= with whom they could work well).最后他们找到了一个顾问,并觉得有了他,就能干好工作了。剑桥国际Fritz Lang's film, ‘Fury’ is about a mob who lynch a traveller whom they mistake for a murderer.弗里茨·朗格的影片《愤怒》讲述了一群暴民把一个旅行者误认为杀人犯而将其绞死的故事。剑桥国际Goods must be signed for by the consignee (=the person to whom they are sent).货物须经过收件人签收。剑桥国际He sent a dozen roses to his betrothed (= the woman whom he had promised to marry).他派人送给未婚妻一打玫瑰。剑桥国际He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores.他拿出一张儿子的照片,他非常爱他。剑桥国际He was surprised by his wife's sudden mania for exercise and wondered whom she was trying to impress.他惊讶于妻子对锻炼的突然狂热,不禁猜想她要向谁展示。剑桥国际His strongest criticism is reserved for his father, whom he disliked intensely.他非常不喜欢他的父亲,他的最严厉批评是留给他父亲的。剑桥国际I am reliably informed (= I have been told by someone whom I trust) that you have been talking about resigning from the company.我得到可靠消息说你已谈到想从公司辞职。剑桥国际I know who you are and whom you represent. 我知道你是谁并代表谁。译典通In an incendiary speech he called for a popular uprising against the government, whom he accused of dictatorship and oppression.在一次煽动性的发言中他号召人们起来反抗被他指责为独裁和压迫的政府。剑桥国际Janet was a GI bride, marrying an American soldier with whom she then went back the States.珍妮特是军人的新娘,嫁给了一个美国士兵,并同他一道回了美国。剑桥国际Many of our distant cousins, whom we hadn't seen for years, came to my sister's wedding.有很多我们几年没见的远房表亲赶来参加姐姐的婚礼。剑桥国际Most church schools are nevertheless open to unbelievers, whom they do not attempt to convert.大多数教会办学校依然向无宗教信仰者开放, 对这些人他们不期望去改变。剑桥国际My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you the other day, had a heart attack last night. 日前我介绍你认识的我那位新邻居昨晚心脏病发作。译典通News coverage of the campaign can be influenced to a candidate's advantage by spin doctors (= people whose job is to persuade others to consider a situation, esp. a political one, in a particular way, esp. one that is to the advantage of the people for whom they work).政治说客可以使有关选举的新闻报道对竞选者的优势产生影响。剑桥国际Once I discovered that the woman whom he had been dancing with was his daughter, everything fell into place (= became clear).我一发现和他跳舞的那个女人是他的女儿,情况就都清楚了。剑桥国际She grudged every hour spent helping a man whom she hated.帮助她讨厌的人,她每一个小时都吝惜。剑桥国际She had a very close relationship with her stepson, whom she had looked after since he was a young boy.她把她的继子从小照看到大,他们的关系非常亲密。剑桥国际She is a teacher than whom no one is more patient. 她是个比谁都耐心的老师。译典通She made several rather disparaging remarks about the director whom she evidently dislikes.她谈到主管时,说了几句相当轻蔑的话,显然是讨厌这人。剑桥国际She was the girl whom you met at the airport. 她就是你在机场遇见的那个女孩。译典通The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth.这部电影叙述了一名男子寻找在他出生时就与他失散的母亲的漫长历程。剑桥国际The school has a few wild students, one of whom came in with a knife last week.这所学校中有一些无法无天的学生,其中一个人上周带着一把小刀走了进来。剑桥国际The women whom you mentioned are all former employees.你提到的妇女全都是以前的职员。剑桥国际There was disappointment for our trio of 200 metre runners, all of whom failed to reach the final.我们200米跑的三位选手很令人失望,没有一个人进入决赛。剑桥国际They demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little girl whom they had kidnapped.他们要求一大笔赎金来交换被他们绑架的小女孩。剑桥国际Various people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting.形形色色我们不曾期盼的人们来到了会场。剑桥国际When you write a cheque, you write your name on it, the amount of money you are paying and the name of the person to whom your bank will make the payment.当你开支票时,在上面写上你的名字、你付款的数目和你的银行将把款付给的那人的名字。剑桥国际




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