

单词 windfall
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔windfall〕Detectives questioning neighbours soon found themselves with a windfall of leads.在街坊中调查的侦探们很快就发现他们无意中已掌握了一批线索。英汉大词典〔windfall〕I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.我常常会把被风吹落的水果留给鸟儿们啄食。剑桥高阶〔windfall〕Investors each received a windfall of £3,000.投资者每人都获得了3000英镑的意外之财。剑桥高阶〔windfall〕She had an unexpected windfall when a cousin died.一个表亲去世,她意外地得到了一笔钱。牛津搭配〔windfall〕The government imposed a windfall tax(= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year)on some industries.政府对某些行业征收暴利税。牛津高阶〔windfall〕The government is hoping to collect a windfall tax (= extra tax on a large unexpected company profit) from British Electric.政府打算针对英国电气公司获得的大笔意外利润征收额外的税款。剑桥高阶〔windfall〕The grass of the orchard was littered with windfalls.果园的草地上落了一地的果子。英汉大词典〔windfall〕The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000.这家医院获得了一笔 30 万英镑的意外款项。牛津高阶〔windfall〕They received a windfall because of the tax cuts.由于减税,他们得到了一笔意外之财。韦氏高阶After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard. 风暴过后,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。译典通Exporters have made windfall gains from the falling currency.出口商从货币贬值中获取了意外收益。牛津商务I had a windfall from the football pools. 我从足球比赛赌博中发了一笔横财。译典通I had an unexpected windfall last week --an uncle who I'd scarcely ever met died and left me a thousand pounds.我上周得到了一笔意外之财----一位我甚至没怎么见过的叔叔去世了,留给我1000英镑。剑桥国际I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.我习惯于将被风吹落的水果留给鸟儿们啄食。剑桥国际Shareholders got a windfall of $2 per share.股东得到了每股 2 元的意外收入。牛津商务The windfall allowed me to buy a house. 这意外之财使我得以购置一幢房子。译典通The government imposed a windfall tax on some industries.政府对某些产业征收暴利税。牛津商务




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