

单词 vigor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adynamia〕Loss of strength or vigor, usually because of disease.体力衰弱:通常由于疾病而导致的力量或精力的丧失美国传统〔animated〕Filled with activity, vigor, or spirit; lively.栩栩如生的:充满活力、生机或精神的;栩栩如生的美国传统〔blast〕To criticize or attack with vigor.攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击美国传统〔bloom〕To grow or flourish with youth and vigor.有活力:因年轻和活力而茁壮成长美国传统〔brace〕A cause or source of renewed physical or spiritual vigor.刺激物:令体力或精神振奋的因素美国传统〔con spirito〕With spirit and vigor. Used chiefly as a direction.精神的:精神抖擞地和有活力的。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔corroborant〕Producing or stimulating physical vigor. Used of a medicine.激起活力:制造或激起身体活力的。通常用作药物美国传统〔deaden〕To lose vigor, brilliance, or liveliness.失去活力,失去光泽,不快乐美国传统〔dim〕Lacking keenness or vigor.缺乏敏锐或魄力的美国传统〔dive〕To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto.钻研:全身的投入,潜心钻研,探究美国传统〔dynamism〕Continuous change, activity, or progress; vigor.动态:不断的变化、活动或进步;活力美国传统〔emasculate〕Deprived of virility, strength, or vigor.无男子气的、无力的或无生机的美国传统〔force〕Intellectual power or vigor, especially as conveyed in writing or speech.智力,活力:智慧的力量或精力,尤其指文章或演说所传达的美国传统〔ginger〕Informal Spirit and liveliness; vigor.【非正式用语】 精力,活力;精神美国传统〔lack〕President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak.克林顿总统开腔时颇有气势。外研社新世纪〔lack〕President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak.克林顿总统开腔时颇有气势。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor.衰弱:变得软弱或脆弱;失去力量或活力美国传统〔lusty〕Full of vigor or vitality; robust.充满活力;健壮的美国传统〔manhood〕The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, and vigor, often thought to be appropriate to a man.大丈夫气概:具有常被认为是适合男人的多种品质的混合体,如勇气、决心和活力美国传统〔namby-pamby〕Lacking vigor or decisiveness; spineless.无生气的:毫无生气的或矫揉造作的;懦弱的美国传统〔over-the-hill〕Past the peak of one's youthful vigor and freshness.已过壮年的:经过了年轻时精力充沛且精神饱满之顶峰的美国传统〔plow〕To undertake (a task, for example) with eagerness and vigor.冲劲十足地工作:迫切而干劲十足地着手(如一项任务)美国传统〔prime〕The age of ideal physical perfection and intellectual vigor.盛年,壮年:具有理想体力最佳状态和智力的年纪美国传统〔rally〕A sharp improvement in health, vigor, or spirits.复原,恢复:在健康、活力或精神方面的猛长美国传统〔refresh〕To revive with or as if with rest, food, or drink; give new vigor or spirit to.恢复精力:通过或仿佛通过休息、食物或饮料得到恢复;给…以新的活力或精神美国传统〔rejuvenate〕To restore to youthful vigor or appearance; make young again.返老还童:恢复年轻的精力或面容;使再次年轻美国传统〔renascent〕Coming again into being; showing renewed growth or vigor.复兴的:再次产生或形成的;显示复兴的生长或活力的美国传统〔renovate〕To impart new vigor to; revive.恢复(精神):给予新的活力;恢复生机美国传统〔retain〕If you want to retain youthful vigor,you have to take regular exercise.如果你想保持青春活力,你就得经常锻炼。21世纪英汉〔revival〕A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.重振,恢复:在一段时期的默默无闻或平静之后重归使用、接纳、活动或活力美国传统〔revive〕To impart new health, vigor, or spirit to.使振奋,复原:给予新的健康、精力或精神美国传统〔revive〕To regain health, vigor, or good spirits.振作,恢复:重获健康、精力或良好的精神美国传统〔roborant〕Restoring vigor or strength.增强体力或使精力充沛的美国传统〔sluggish〕Lacking alertness, vigor, or energy; inert or indolent.懒散的:缺少机灵、活力或能量的;呆滞的或懒惰的美国传统〔stale〕Impaired in efficacy, vigor, or spirit, as from inactivity or boredom.不活泼的:由于不活动或者烦躁而没有效率、没劲或没精神美国传统〔sthenia〕A condition of bodily strength, vigor, or vitality.强壮,有力:身体上的力量、精力或活动美国传统〔strong〕These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing vigor, durability, or power of body or spirit.当这些形容词表示有或显示活力、持久性或身体或精神的力量时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔tonic〕Producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor.滋补的:产生或刺激身体、思想或感情活力的美国传统〔tuck〕Energy; vigor.精力,活力美国传统〔unilateral〕They had campaigned vigor ously for unilateral nuclear disarmament(= when one country gets rid of its nuclear weapons without waiting for other countries to do the same).他们曾致力於单方面裁减核武器运动。牛津高阶〔vigor〕He is now in the full vigor of manhood.他正年富力强。文馨英汉〔vigor〕She defended her beliefs with great vigor.她坚决捍卫自己的信仰。韦氏高阶〔vim〕He's full of vim and vigor.他元气充足[精力充沛]。文馨英汉〔vivid〕Full of the vigor and freshness of immediate experience.有生气的:充满活力和蓬勃朝气的美国传统A succinct style lends vigor to writing. 措辞简练使文笔有力。译典通No one can match up to Tom in vigor. 没有人能在体力方面比得过汤姆。译典通Pruning increases the vigor of a plant. 整枝能使植物更加茁壮地生长。译典通The leader of the expedition must be a man of great vigor. 探险队的负责人必须是个精力充沛的人。译典通This law is still in vigor. 这一法律仍然有效。译典通




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