

单词 warrant officer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CWO〕Chief warrant officer.一级准尉美国传统〔Mister〕Used as the official term of address for certain U.S. military personnel, such as warrant officers.长官:某美国军事人员的官方称呼,如海军二级准尉们美国传统〔boatswain〕A warrant officer or petty officer in charge of a ship's rigging, anchors, cables, and deck crew.水手长:管理轮船装备、抛锚、线缆和甲板船员的准尉或职务较低的官员美国传统〔chief warrant officer〕Abbr. CWOThe highest rank of warrant officer.缩写 CWO海军士官长总长:海军士官长的最高军阶美国传统〔enlisted man〕A male member of the armed forces who ranks below a commissioned officer or warrant officer.士兵:部队的男性成员,其军阶在持有委任状的军官或准尉之下美国传统〔enlisted person〕A member of the armed forces who ranks below a commissioned officer or warrant officer.应征入伍的人:部队的一员,其军街在持有委任状的军官或准尉之下美国传统〔enlisted woman〕A woman member of the armed forces who ranks below a commissioned officer or warrant officer.女兵:部队的女性成员,其军阶在委任的军官或准尉之下美国传统〔enlisted〕Of, relating to, or being a member of a military rank below a commissioned officer or warrant officer.士兵的:低于军官或一级准尉的军人阶级的或其相关的美国传统〔gunner〕A warrant officer in the U.S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance.炮兵军士长:美国海军陆战队中指挥使用大炮的二级准尉美国传统〔machinist〕A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel.海军机械军士长:在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官美国传统〔mate〕A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.下士:美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官美国传统〔rank〕He rose from the ranks(= from being an ordinary soldier)to become a warrant officer.他从普通士兵升至准尉。牛津高阶〔warrant officer〕Warrant Officer First Class 一级准尉剑桥高阶〔warrant officer〕Warrant Officer Gary Owen 加里 · 欧文准尉牛津高阶〔warrant〕A warrant officer.持许可证者美国传统〔warrant〕A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer.委任状:发给以上人员的任命证书美国传统




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