

单词 kong
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Americanize〕Linda Chan was born in Hong Kong but grew up in New York and quickly became Americanized.琳达•陈出生在香港,但是在纽约长大,所以很快就变成了一个地道的美国人。剑桥高阶〔DOUBT〕Mick felt optimistic about going to work in Hong Kong, but Sue was doubtful. 米克对去香港工作态度乐观,但休却抱怀疑态度。朗文写作活用〔Eurasian〕She married into a leading Eurasian family in Hong Kong.她嫁入了香港的一个地位显赫的欧亚混血家族。柯林斯高阶〔GET〕China reclaimed Hong Kong from Britain in 1997. 中国于1997年从英国收回香港。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕In 1997 the sovereignty of Hong Kong was handed over to China. 香港的主权于1997年移交给中国。朗文写作活用〔Hong Kong〕Hong Kong Island香港岛外研社新世纪〔LEAVE〕Her plane leaves Hong Kong at 10.00. 她的飞机10点钟从香港起飞。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Many Hong Kong performers are limited by their lack of English skills in making the transition to Hollywood. 许多香港艺人因受其英语能力所限,难以进军好莱坞。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕We lived in Thailand, then Singapore, and finally settled in Hong Kong. 我们在泰国住过,后来在新加坡也住过,最后在香港定居下来。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The average annual income in Hong Kong is now much higher than it was in 1994. 香港现在的平均年收入比起1994年时要高得多。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕Hong Kong was having to provide for a growing number of refugees. 香港当时不得不收容越来越多的难民。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕My father was posted to Hong Kong when I was six. 我六岁时父亲被派往香港。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕His latest production is a steamy thriller set in Hong Kong. 他最近的一部作品是以香港为背景的色情淫荡片。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕She could see the lights of Hong Kong shining in the distance. 她能看到远处的香港灯火闪耀。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕Hong Kong is an absolutely amazing city. 香港绝对是一个令人赞叹的城市。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕He made several long-distance calls to Hong Kong. 他打了几个长途电话到香港。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕Her home, she said, was in Hong Kong, but she hadn't been there since she was a child. 她说她的故乡是在香港,但她从小时候起就不在那里了。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕You can fly non-stop to Hong Kong, but it's more expensive. 你可以直飞香港,不过票价要贵些。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕I flew to Hong Kong a day early to give myself a chance to acclimatise to the time difference. 我提前一天飞赴香港,让自己适应时差。朗文写作活用〔Union Jack〕The Chinese anthem was played after the Union Jack was lowered in Hong Kong for the last time.英国国旗在香港最后一次降下后,奏响了中国国歌。剑桥高阶〔VISIT〕The Ambassador last visited Hong Kong in 1982. 大使上次访问香港是在1982年。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The Hong Kong Rugby Union has saddled Simpkin with the post of national coach to the ailing team. 香港橄榄球联合会把这支积弱球队的主教练职位推给了辛普金。朗文写作活用〔abundance〕Hong Kong has everything in abundance, from open-air markets to glitzy malls.从露天市场到炫目的商场, 香港应有尽有。外研社新世纪〔alongside〕In Hong Kong a communist government and a capitalist economy operate alongside each other.麦克米伦高阶〔attachment〕He was sent on attachment to their offices in Hong Kong.他被派到他们在香港的办事处工作。朗文当代〔believe〕I don't believe that she's ever been to Hong Kong.我不相信她曾经去过香港。麦克米伦高阶〔bet on〕Over $10 million were bet on the Hong Kong Derby last year.去年香港马赛上的赌金总数达一千多万美元。21世纪英汉〔burst〕Hong Kong is bursting with commercial activity.香港的商务活动十分活跃。英汉大词典〔cast〕Hong Kong casts a spell over the visitor almost as soon as the aircraft touches down.飞机刚一着陆,游客就被香港迷住了。朗文当代〔cede〕Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.鸦片战争后香港被割让给了英国。剑桥高阶〔chain〕The hotel chain recently opened a new hotel in Hong Kong.这家连锁酒店最近在香港开了一家新酒店。韦氏高阶〔clear〕The ship cleared from Hong Kong.这艘船由香港开出。21世纪英汉〔close〕The border with Hong Kong was closed just as my wife and daughters reached there.正当我的妻子和女儿抵达香港边界时,边界却关闭了。文馨英汉〔cold storage〕They put some of their Hong Kong memories into cold storage.他们把在香港的部分记忆暂时封存起来。外研社新世纪〔come〕Our representative in Hong Kong finally came through with the figures.我们在香港的代表最终提供了数据。朗文当代〔conduit〕There is growth in sales to Hong Kong, the conduit for Taiwan's exports to China.台湾通过香港对中国大陆的出口量有所增长。剑桥高阶〔congratulatory〕The national team received congratulatory messages for their World Cup win in Hong Kong.国家队因为在香港获得了世界杯上的胜利而收到了贺电。外研社新世纪〔cruise〕They cruised to Hong Kong on their vacation.他们在假期里到香港去游览。21世纪英汉〔daily〕Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow.国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。外研社新世纪〔daily〕Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow.国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕We flew direct to Hong Kong.我们直飞香港。牛津高阶〔dizzy〕Hong Kong buzzes from dawn to dusk at a dizzy pace.香港生活节奏令人目眩,从早到晚熙熙攘攘的。朗文当代〔either〕He has lived in Hong Kong and Macao, but he doesn't like either (of them).他在香港和澳门都住过,但对这两个地方都不喜欢。英汉大词典〔fly〕I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow.明天我要乘飞机去香港。牛津高阶〔fraud〕He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.他正在力争免于被引渡到香港就诈骗指控接受审判。剑桥高阶〔guarantee〕The loan was guaranteed by a Hong Kong property developer.贷款由香港的一家房地产开发商担保。麦克米伦高阶〔hand back〕Hong Kong was handed back to China in 1997.香港于1997年交还中国管辖。外研社新世纪〔handmade〕These lamps are handmade in Hong Kong.这些灯是在香港用手工制的。文馨英汉〔home〕I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in Hong Kong for so long that it feels like home now.我实际上出生在新西兰,但我在香港住了这么久,现在感觉就像我的故乡一样了。剑桥高阶〔institution〕The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution.香港银行是香港最大的金融机构。外研社新世纪〔intimately〕Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.在香港,房地产与证券密切关联。柯林斯高阶〔in〕The books are printed in Hong Kong.这些书是在香港印刷的。麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕I jumped at the chance of a trip to Hong Kong.我迫不及待接受了香港之行的机会。朗文当代〔link〕There's a new permanent satellite link between Hong Kong and New York.香港和纽约之间有一条固定的卫星通讯线路。麦克米伦高阶〔loggerheads〕Becker was at loggerheads with the head office in Hong Kong.贝克尔与香港的总部产生严重分歧。外研社新世纪〔loose〕A lot of the loose money is floating around in Hong Kong looking for a home.大批闲散资金正在香港寻找去处。外研社新世纪〔many〕I have been to Hong Kong many a time.我到过香港好几次。文馨英汉〔move on〕After three weeks in Hong Kong, we moved on to Japan.在香港待了3周后, 我们又启程去了日本。外研社新世纪〔move〕After three weeks in Hong Kong, we moved on to Japan.在香港逗留了3星期后,我们又启程去日本。英汉大词典〔news〕Hong Kong is in the news this morning.今天上午新闻中报道了香港。朗文当代〔ounce〕In early trading in Hong Kong Monday, gold was quoted at $357.75 an ounce.香港周一早盘交易时, 黄金报价357.75美元一盎司。外研社新世纪〔plane〕We'll drive to Taipei and plane to Hong Kong.我们将开车到台北,然后搭飞机到香港。文馨英汉〔plied〕These are ferries that ply between Hong Kong and Macao.这些是往返香港和澳门间的渡轮。21世纪英汉〔populous〕Hong Kong is one of the most populous areas in the world.香港是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。朗文当代〔post〕Jackson has been posted to Hong Kong.杰克逊被派到香港工作。21世纪英汉〔practise〕He practised as a lawyer in Hong Kong.他曾在香港从事律师职业。外研社新世纪〔practise〕He was born in Hong Kong where he subsequently practised as a lawyer until his retirement.他出生在香港,后来在那里从事律师工作,直到退休。柯林斯高阶〔preference〕My first preference is for the applicant from Hong Kong.我的第一选择是来自香港的申请者。牛津搭配〔put in〕They had asked Hong Kong for permission to put into port there.他们请求香港允许他们在那里入港停留。柯林斯高阶〔quick-freeze〕Meat from Shanghai is quick-frozen and brought to Hong Kong in special ships.来自上海的肉经过速冻再由专用船只运往香港。[亦称作 flashfreeze, share-freeze]21世纪英汉〔reclaim〕In Hong Kong many square miles of land have been reclaimed from the sea.在香港,许多平方英里的陆地都是填海开拓出来的。21世纪英汉〔remake〕The director's next project will be a remake of King Kong.这名导演的下一个计划将是新版的《金刚》。韦氏高阶〔remove〕He removed the family to Hong Kong.他把全家迁移到了香港。21世纪英汉〔rent〕Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world to rent space in.香港是世界上地租最昂贵的城市之一。英汉大词典〔rule〕British rule over Hong Kong ended in 1997.英国对香港的统治于1997年结束。麦克米伦高阶〔satellite〕The interview was satellited from Hong Kong.该采访报道是通过卫星从香港发来的。外研社新世纪〔second-in-command〕He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron.他被派遣到香港任C中队的副队长。柯林斯高阶〔share〕Hong Kong share prices plunged.港股股价跳水。牛津搭配〔shutter〕The company shuttered its Hong Kong business a year ago.这家公司一年前停止了在香港的业务。朗文当代〔skyline〕These buildings have already changed skylines from Los Angeles to Hong Kong.从洛杉矶到香港,城市的空中轮廓为这些建筑物所改变。牛津搭配〔slide〕The Hong Kong economy was sliding into recession.香港经济正走向衰退。牛津搭配〔sovereignty〕China exercises sovereignty over Hong Kong.中国对香港行使主权。牛津搭配〔spare〕Hong Kong was spared a direct hit, but the storm still brought heavy rains and powerful winds.香港虽然未遭正面吹袭,但风暴还是带来了大雨和强风。牛津高阶〔staging post〕Hong Kong is often used as a staging post on flights from Melbourne to London.香港常被用作从墨尔本飞往伦敦的中转站。剑桥高阶〔start〕She travelled to Hong Kong, hoping for a new start.她到香港去旅行,希望开始新的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔stint〕He is returning to this country after a five-year stint in Hong Kong.他在香港工作了5 年后即将回国。柯林斯高阶〔stop over〕He stopped over in Hong Kong for a few hours.他在香港经停了几小时。外研社新世纪〔suggestion〕I think we might take up the suggestion of printing the books in Hong Kong.我认为我们也许会采纳在香港印书的建议。牛津搭配〔superlative〕The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.从丽晶酒店看香港岛景色绝佳。外研社新世纪〔superlative〕The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.在丽晶酒店看香港岛的美景,视野绝佳。柯林斯高阶〔take ... off〕The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards Hong Kong.飞机从机场起飞往南向香港飞去。21世纪英汉〔trump〕The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer.汇丰银行通过提高报价击败了劳埃德保险公司。柯林斯高阶〔trump〕The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer.汇丰银行通过提高报价击败了劳埃德银行。外研社新世纪〔under〕His older brother was forced to leave Hong Kong the year before under similar circumstances.他哥哥前一年在类似情况下被迫离开香港。麦克米伦高阶〔vibrant〕Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.香港是个富有活力的迷人城市。朗文当代〔whizz〕She whizzed off to Hong Kong on business.她因公事迅速到了香港。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the American dollar for many years.港元多年来与美元挂钩。牛津高阶〔youth〕She spent much of her youth in Hong Kong.她的青年时代大部分在香港度过。牛津搭配A Hong Kong court acquitted Graham Sykes and five associates of fraud charges.一个香港法院宣判格雷厄姆·赛克斯和他的五个同伴未犯欺诈罪。剑桥国际Dick adjusted well to Hong Kong. 迪克很能适应香港的生活。译典通He flew to New York via Hong Kong. 他经过香港飞往纽约。译典通He got three years for pulling a job in Hong Kong. 他因在香港行窃被判刑三年。译典通He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.他在为避免引渡到香港接受诈骗罪审判而斗争。剑桥国际He practices as a lawyer in Hong Kong. 他在香港当律师。译典通He worked in Hong Kong until his father found him a job in Canada. 在他父亲给他在加拿大找到差事前,他一直在香港工作。译典通Her daughter was chosen as Miss Hong Kong six years ago. 她女儿六年前当选为香港小姐。译典通Hong Kong is home to some of the world's top international law firms.一些世界顶尖的国际律师事务所以香港为基地。牛津商务Hong Kong is often used as a staging post on flights from Melbourne to London.香港通常被用作从墨尔本到伦敦的航班中转站。剑桥国际Hong Kong is regarded as a service economy.香港经济被看作是以服务业为主的经济体。牛津商务Hong Kong is the mother of all shop ops (= places to shop).香港是购物之乡。剑桥国际Hong Kong rates as one of the biggest trade centers in the world. 香港是世界上最大的贸易中心之一。译典通Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.香港是在鸦片战争后割让给英国的。剑桥国际I've just got back from Hong Kong so I'm feeling totally jet-lagged.我刚从香港回来,因此我正感到完全受时差综合症影响。剑桥国际It is one of the largest listed companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.它是股票可在香港股票市场进行交易的最大公司之一。剑桥国际Jetfoils, hydrofoils and catamarans all compete for business on the busy route from Hong Kong to Macao.在香港通往澳门的繁忙的航线上,喷流水翼船、水翼艇和双体船都在抢生意。剑桥国际King Kong was a gorilla.金刚是只巨猿。剑桥国际Linda Chan was born in Hong Kong but grew up in New York and quickly became Americanized.琳达·陈生于香港,但在纽约长大,很快就变成了地道的美国人。剑桥国际Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong. 我们的船明天启航前往香港。译典通She made a long-distance call to Hong Kong. 她打长途电话到香港。译典通She received a letter postmarked Hong Kong. 她收到一封盖有香港邮戳的信。译典通The Crown Colony of Hong Kong returns to Chinese control in 1997.英辖殖民地香港1997年回归中国。剑桥国际The Hong Kong office is one of several outposts recently established by the company.香港办事处是最近这家公司建立的几个驻外基地之一。剑桥国际The bank expects to open a Hong Kong office next year.这家银行预计明年设立香港办事处。牛津商务The tall buildings of Hong Kong make a magnificent skyline. 香港的高大建筑群映在天空上,颇为壮观。译典通There were rumours that a Hong Kong property tycoon was going to withdraw his millions from the bank.有谣言说一名香港房地产巨子打算从银行抽走他的数百万巨资。剑桥国际They discharged the cargo at Hong Kong. 他们在香港卸了货。译典通They launched out last week on a journey to Hong Kong. 他们上周启航,前往香港。译典通Three institutions in Hong Kong are allowed to issue banknotes.香港有三家机构获准发行纸币。牛津商务We are shipping for Hong Kong. 我们乘船去香港。译典通We have a satellite office in Hong Kong.我们在香港拥有一家下属办事处。牛津商务We stopped over in Paris on the way to Hong Kong.在前往香港的途中我们在巴黎稍作停留。牛津商务




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