

单词 to bail
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAVE〕He owed thousands of dollars, and his mother had to sell land to bail him out. 他欠了许多钱,他母亲只得卖地帮助他摆脱困境。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕You can't expect your father to bail you out of trouble all the time. 你不能一直指望你父亲帮你摆脱困境。朗文写作活用〔bail ... out〕The bank helped to bail out the struggling company.银行搭救了那家陷于困境的公司21世纪英汉〔bail ... out〕The government decided the only solution was to bail the state enterprise out.政府认为惟一的解决办法是帮助该国企摆脱困境。21世纪英汉〔bail out of〕The sailor tried to bail the water out of the sinking boat.海员们设法把水从那条正在下沉的船里戽出来。21世纪英汉〔bail out〕He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.他急需现金使经营惨淡的餐馆走出困境。柯林斯高阶〔bail out〕He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.他急需现金, 好让不景气的餐馆摆脱困境。外研社新世纪〔bail out〕Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.里德不得不从严重受损的飞机上跳伞逃生。柯林斯高阶〔bail out〕Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.里德被迫从严重损坏的飞机上紧急跳伞逃生。外研社新世纪〔bail out〕The plane's engine failed and the pilot was forced to bail out.飞机引擎出了故障,飞行员被迫跳伞。剑桥高阶〔bail out〕They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。柯林斯高阶〔bail sb/sth out〕She keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out.她不断陷入巨额债务,最后总是请朋友们帮忙。剑桥高阶〔bail〕Clarke's family paid £500 to bail him out.克拉克的家人交了 500 英镑保释他出来。朗文当代〔bail〕He had to stop rowing to bail water out of the boat.他不得不停止划船,把船里的水舀出去。牛津高阶〔bail〕Her family paid $500 to bail her out.她家里付了500美元把她保释出来。21世纪英汉〔bail〕I borrowed $2,000 to bail my friend out.我借了二千美元缴保释金将我的朋友保出在外候传。文馨英汉〔bail〕I'd understand if you wanted to bail out of this relationship.如果你想从这种关系中摆脱出来,我可以理解。牛津高阶〔bail〕She went to the jail to bail out her boyfriend. = She bailed him out of jail.她去监狱把男朋友保释出来了。韦氏高阶〔bail〕Some local businesses have offered to bail out the museum.当地一些企业主动提出愿帮助博物院渡过难关。朗文当代〔bail〕Sorry, I really have to bail.对不起,我真得赶紧走了。牛津高阶〔bail〕The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.政府只得帮助该公司渡过财政难关。牛津高阶〔bail〕We used a bucket to bail water out of the canoe. = We used a bucket to bail out the canoe.我们用桶从独木舟里往外舀水。韦氏高阶〔bank〕The government has refused to bail out the bank.政府拒绝对该银行进行救助。牛津搭配〔order〕The captain gave the order for the crew to get ready to bail out.机长命令乘员准备跳伞。英汉大词典〔preventive detention〕The pretrial imprisonment without the right to bail of a person accused of a felony and judged dangerous to society.预防性拘留:对于被控有重罪并认定对社会有危害的人实行审前拘留,并不得保释美国传统〔save〕Don't expect me to bail you out if it all goes wrong.如果一切都搞砸了,就别指望我能解救你。牛津高阶〔surrender〕The act of surrendering or of being surrendered to bail.交回罪犯:交还或被交还给保释者的行为美国传统His wife refused to bail him out (= to pay the money needed in order for him to be released).他的妻子拒绝为他做保释人。剑桥国际The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.政府不得不帮助这公司度过经济难关。牛津商务The plane's engine failed and the pilot was forced to bail out.飞机的发动机坏了,飞行员被迫跳伞。剑桥国际When the companies merged, several key people decided to bail (out).公司合并时,几位关键人物决定撒手不管。牛津商务When the engine failed, the pilot told everyone to bail out. 引擎出了故障,飞行员只好叫大家跳伞。译典通When the storm rose on the lake, we had to bail out to reach the shore safely. 湖上起风暴时,我们只好从船里往外舀水以便安全靠岸。译典通




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