

单词 theoretical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕Economic predictions are highly theoretical. It's what they mean in practice that is important. 经济预测是高度理论化的。这些预测在实践中的意义才是真正重要的。朗文写作活用〔Mendelism〕The theoretical principles of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel; Mendel's laws.孟德尔(遗传)学说,孟德尔主义:格雷戈·孟德尔所创立之遗传理论;孟德尔法则美国传统〔Platonic〕Often platonic Speculative or theoretical. 常作 platonic 纯理想的,空谈的:推理的、推测性的或理论的美国传统〔appeal〕Theoretical subjects have lost their appeal for students.理论学科对学生已失去吸引力。外研社新世纪〔atheoretical〕Unrelated to or lacking a theoretical basis.非理论的,与理论无关的:与理论基础无关的或缺乏理论基础的美国传统〔bespatter〕The meaningless abstraction bespattered political and theoretical books.那些毫无意义的抽象语言有损于政治理论书籍的价值。21世纪英汉〔black box〕A device or theoretical construct with known or specified performance characteristics but unknown or unspecified constituents and means of operation.黑箱:一种仪器或理论学说,有已知或特定的性能特征但未知或不确定指出的构成成分或操作方法美国传统〔charge conjugation〕The theoretical conversion of matter to antimatter or of antimatter to matter.电荷共轭:物质和反物质在理论上的相互转换美国传统〔communism〕A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.共产主义:理论上的经济体系,以集体财产所有制和所有成员共同利益的劳动组织为特征美国传统〔constant〕An experimental or theoretical condition, factor, or quantity that does not vary or that is regarded as invariant in specified circumstances.永恒值:不变的或在具体环境中被认为不变的一个实验上或理论上的条件、因素或数量美国传统〔divergence〕There is a slight divergence in the actual data and the theoretical expectations.实际数据和理论预期之间存在着细微的差距。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Demand for our more theoretical courses has fallen away.要我们增开理论课的需求已经减少了。朗文当代〔framework〕Einstein's research provided much of the theoretical framework for particle physics.爱因斯坦的研究为粒子物理学提供了大部分理论框架。麦克米伦高阶〔framework〕He questions the study's theoretical framework.他对该研究的理论体系提出了质疑。韦氏高阶〔framework〕The dual economy idea became the theoretical framework for the different growth models.双重经济理念成为不同增长模型的理论框架。外研社新世纪〔hail〕He was hailed for putting advanced theoretical research into practical use.他由于把先进的理论研究应用到实际中去而受到热情赞扬。英汉大词典〔hairsplitting〕They did not take his theoretical hairsplitting seriously.他们对他在理论上的细微末节的区别并不重视。文馨英汉〔impractical〕Not a part of experience, fact, or practice; theoretical.理论的:不属于经验、事实或实际的;理论上的美国传统〔imprecise〕Utilitarianism is a very broad, imprecise concept that covers a multitude of underlying theoretical positions.实用主义是一个涵盖了许多潜在理论立场的非常宽泛的、不精确的概念。柯林斯高阶〔interplay〕I am interested in the interplay between practical and theoretical linguistics.我对应用语言学和理论语言学之间的相互影响有兴趣。外研社新世纪〔level〕I agree with you, but only on a theoretical level.我同意你的看法,但只是在理论层面上。朗文当代〔line of force〕A theoretical line in a field of force, such that a tangent at any point gives the direction of the field at that point.力线:力场上理论想象线,任一点的切线指向那一点的力场方向美国传统〔metatheory〕A theory devised to analyze theoretical systems.微设论,形上论:用以分析理论性系统的理论美国传统〔methodology〕The study or theoretical analysis of such working methods.方法学:对于这种工作方法的研究或理论分析美国传统〔missing link〕A theoretical primate postulated to bridge the evolutionary gap between the anthropoid apes and human beings.被推定存在于类人猿和人类之间的过渡动物:被假设来弥补从类人猿到人类的进化空白的仅存在于理论上的一种灵长目动物美国传统〔missing mass〕The unobserved matter needed for the observed rotation of most galaxies to match theoretical predictions.迷失质量:观测大多数银河实际运行的结果与其理论预测结果间未观测到的差异美国传统〔notional〕Speculative or theoretical.抽象或理论的美国传统〔operationalism〕The view that all theoretical terms in science must be defined only by their procedures or operations.操作论,操作主义:认为所有科学理论术语都是一套操作美国传统〔orientation〕The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.该课程的定位是以理论为主。牛津高阶〔paper〕Planned but not realized; theoretical.理论上的:计划中而非现实的;理论上的美国传统〔positive〕Concerned with practical rather than theoretical matters.实证的:与实际而不是理论事物有关的美国传统〔practical〕What's the use of theoretical knowledge that has no practical application? 理论知识如果没有实际应用又有什么用呢?剑桥高阶〔practice〕This theoretical freedom of choice is not in practice available to the majority of the population.这种理论上的自由选择权事实上是大多数人无法获得的。外研社新世纪〔quantum system〕A physical or theoretical system that cannot be correctly described without the use of quantum physics.量子系统:使用量子物理学方能正确描述的物理系统或理论系统美国传统〔science〕The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.科学:对现象进行观察、认知、描述、实验性的研究及理论上的解释美国传统〔take-home〕Though the theoretical basis for many of their conclusions was shaky, the take-home lesson was obvious.虽然他们许多结论的理论基础靠不住,但是实得的教益是显而易见的。英汉大词典〔theoretical〕Aristotle's theoretical model of the universe 亚里士多德有关宇宙的理论模型朗文当代〔theoretical〕Britain's control of the territory remained largely theoretical.在很大程度上,英国只是理论上占有该地域。麦克米伦高阶〔theoretical〕Equality between men and women in our society is still only theoretical.在我们这个社会里,男女之间的平等仍然停留在理论上。朗文当代〔theoretical〕He gave as an example a theoretical situation.他举了一个假设的情况作例。英汉大词典〔theoretical〕I think I may claim to have practical, and not merely theoretical, qualifications for the task.对于这项任务, 我想我不仅仅可以纸上谈兵, 而且也有实际的资质。外研社新世纪〔theoretical〕It's a theoretical possibility.这是理论上存在的可能性。牛津高阶〔theoretical〕On a theoretical level, hiring more people seems logical.从理论上说,雇用更多的人是合理的。韦氏高阶〔theoretical〕She has theoretical knowledge of teaching, but no practical experience.她有教学方面的理论知识,但没有实际经验。朗文当代〔theoretical〕The course is designed to be practical rather than theoretical.该课程旨在实际应用,而不是讲理论。麦克米伦高阶〔theoretical〕The danger is more than just a theoretical possibility.这种危险不仅仅只在理论上存在可能性。韦氏高阶〔theoretical〕The first year provides students wi th a sound theoretical basis for later study.第一年为学生以后的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。牛津高阶〔theoretical〕The idea is purely theoretical at this point.在这个阶段此种构想还只是纯理论的。韦氏高阶〔theoretical〕These fears are purely theoretical.这些担心纯属假设。外研社新世纪〔theoretical〕These fears are purely theoretical.这些担忧纯粹是臆测出来的。柯林斯高阶〔theoretical〕This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.从理论上讲,这肯定是有风险的,可是实际上很少出问题。柯林斯高阶〔theoretical〕This research is purely theoretical.这项研究是纯理论性的。牛津搭配〔theoretical〕You can get a theoretical knowledge of angling from textbooks.你可以从教科书上得到关于垂钓的理论知识。英汉大词典〔theoretics〕The theoretical part of a science or an art.理论:科学或艺术的理论部分美国传统〔thinking〕There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking.不可否认,他的思想很有理论深度。柯林斯高阶〔written〕Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work came easily to her.埃米发现, 理论性的和文字性的工作对她来说并不难。外研社新世纪〔written〕Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work came easily to her.埃米发现理论和笔头作业对她来说十分容易。柯林斯高阶I am slow at learning theoretical constructs. 我学理论概念相当迟钝。译典通I didn't enjoy studying Philosophy--I found it too much of a theoretical discipline.我不喜欢学哲学----我发现它是门理论性太强的学科。剑桥国际Perfect competition provides a theoretical model for market efficiency.完全竞争为市场有效性提供了一个理论模型。牛津商务The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony. 政府与中央银行按理论是协调一致的。译典通The new statistics course is much more applied-- certainly not as theoretical as the one I did.新的统计学课程更富有实用性----肯定不像我以前听的那门课那样偏重理论。剑桥国际




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