

单词 together with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUNK〕We usually get together with our friends for a booze-up at Christmas. 圣诞节我们通常跟朋友们聚在一起痛饮狂欢。朗文写作活用〔Hesperides〕The nymphs who together with a dragon watch over a garden in which golden apples grow.赫斯帕里得斯:与一条龙一起看守长有金苹果的花园的仙女们美国传统〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Together with the police everyone can play a part in improving the security of their neighborhood. 每个人都可以和警察一起改善社区内的治安。朗文写作活用〔clap〕To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding.拍手,鼓掌:手掌拍击在一起并发出突然的爆响,如在喝彩中美国传统〔clink〕Alice clinked our glasses together with a smile.艾丽斯微笑着把我们的杯子碰在一起。外研社新世纪〔cramp〕To hold together with a cramp.用夹子夹紧美国传统〔depend〕A: Do you always go on your holiday together with your sister? B: It depends. If I have my holiday at the same time as she, then we go together.甲:你总是同你姐姐一起去度假的吗? 乙:那要看情况。如果我们两人正好同时休假,我们就一起去。英汉大词典〔draw〕His eyebrows drew together with worry.他忧虑得皱眉。21世纪英汉〔efficiency〕Together with efficiency gains and reduced costs from the investment programme, margins should continue to grow.随着效率的提高和成本的降低, 这个投资项目利润将不断增加。外研社新世纪〔fasten〕She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.她用回形针把文件别在一起。牛津搭配〔get together〕He often gets together with his friends after work.他在工作之余常和朋友聚会。韦氏高阶〔get〕It's a long time since I got together with Tom.我好久没有和汤姆见面了。英汉大词典〔girl〕How often do you get together with the girls?你和你的姐妹们多久聚一次?外研社新世纪〔hadith〕A report of the sayings or actions of Muhammad or his companions, together with the tradition of its chain of transmission.圣训:穆罕默德或是其随从的语录或行动纪录,并同其连锁传递的传统美国传统〔hold ... together〕They are easily held together with cement.用胶接剂可以很容易地把它们粘在一起。21世纪英汉〔home〕A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.家庭,家族:一个居所以及居于其中的家庭或社会单位;家庭美国传统〔lash〕These poles will be easier to carry if we lash them together with a rope.如果我们用绳子把这些杆子捆在一起,携带起来将会容易一些。剑桥高阶〔lump together〕Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place.因为被归到了酒鬼和吸毒者当中,克莱尔觉得很不自在。柯林斯高阶〔outbuilding〕The barn and other outbuildings were sold together with the main house.谷仓等其他附属建筑物也随主屋一起出售了。剑桥高阶〔overeater〕If you have a serious problem with overeating you should get together with others who share this problem.如果你暴饮暴食很严重,应当同有类似问题的人一起来探讨。柯林斯高阶〔overeating〕If you have a serious problem with overeating you should get together with others who share this problem.如果你暴饮暴食很严重, 应当同有类似问题的人一起来探讨。外研社新世纪〔particleboard〕A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin.碎料板:由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状美国传统〔paste〕He then sticks it back together with flour paste.然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。柯林斯高阶〔plain-laid〕Made of three strands laid together with a right-hand twist. Used of a rope.平捻的,顺搓的,正搓的:将置于右手手腕的三股线搓到一块而制成的。用于绳索美国传统〔purely〕He got together with her purely for business reasons.他和她在一起纯粹是为了公事。麦克米伦高阶〔put together〕I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.我从没想过把这种酒和鱼搭配。韦氏高阶〔radical sign〕The radical sign together with a horizontal bar extending from its top to the end of the expression from which a root is to be extracted.根号:根号与一条水平横线,从开根的表达式开头延伸到结尾美国传统〔rope〕He tied the planks together with a strong rope.他用一根结实的绳子把木板绑在了一起。牛津搭配〔rope〕We tied his hands together with rope.我们用绳子把他的手绑在一起。牛津高阶〔sander〕Such a device together with the truck that carries it.撒沙机车:该设备和运载该设备卡车的总称美国传统〔sandwich sth together〕I sandwiched the cakes together with chocolate butter cream.我在蛋糕之间涂上了一层巧克力奶油。剑桥高阶〔sandwich〕I sandwiched the cakes together with some cream.我把两块饼和一些奶油夹成三明治。英汉大词典〔sandwich〕Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream.在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油。柯林斯高阶〔string〕He tied the packages together with string.他用绳子把这些包裹捆在一起。韦氏高阶〔syenite〕An igneous rock composed primarily of alkali feldspar together with other minerals, such as hornblende.正长岩:一种火成岩,主要由碱长石与其它矿物,如角闪石组成美国传统〔together〕Every month we'll deliver the very best articles, together with the latest fashion and beauty news.每个月我们都登载最好的文章,还有最新的时尚美容资讯。柯林斯高阶〔together〕He, together with Bill Dunn, decided to climb out of the canyon.他和比尔‧邓恩决定一起爬出峡谷。朗文当代〔together〕Mix the flour together with the milk.把面粉和牛奶搅在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔together〕Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates.贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。柯林斯高阶〔together〕That bottle of champagne together with those chocolates will make a nice present.那瓶香槟酒连同那些巧克力会是一份很好的礼物。剑桥高阶〔together〕The money that I owe you for the phone together with the rent equals £300.我欠你的电话费加上房租一共是300英镑。剑桥高阶〔wafer〕To seal or fasten together with a disk of adhesive material.用干胶纸封:用一片粘着物封口或粘住美国传统He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。译典通Individual parts are held together with glue.各个部件由胶水拼装在一起。剑桥国际She had her jaws wired together (= fastened together with wire) so that she wouldn't be able to eat.她用金属丝固定了牙床,这样她就不能吃东西了。剑桥国际That bottle of champagne together with those chocolates will make a nice present.那瓶香槟酒连同那些巧克力会是一份好礼物。剑桥国际The stables and other outbuildings were sold together with the main house.和主屋一起出售的还有马厩和其它外屋。剑桥国际The wires were fastened together with a plastic clip.电线是用一个塑料夹子扣在一起的。剑桥国际These poles will be easier to carry if we lash them together with a rope.如果我们用根绳子把这些柱子捆起来,就容易扛了。剑桥国际When you've finished your work sheets, clip them together (=fasten them together with a clip) and hand them in to me.完成练习之后,把它们别在一起交给我。剑桥国际




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