

单词 a group of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOLLOW〕A group of photographers tailed the couple all over London. 一群摄影师尾随着这对夫妇在伦敦到处跑。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The factory was burned down by a group of animal-rights activists. 工厂是被一个积极支持动物权利的团体烧掉的。朗文写作活用〔INTERRUPT〕The speech was interrupted by endless heckling from a group of young men. 演讲遭到一群年轻人不断的请问。朗文写作活用〔Main Line〕A group of suburbs of southeast Pennsylvania. The fashionable area was named after the chief railroad line traveling west from Philadelphia.梅因莱恩:美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部的一片郊区,这个时髦的地区是以从费城向西的主要铁路线命名的美国传统〔WAR〕Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish followed. 政府军遭遇一群叛乱分子,发生了小冲突。朗文写作活用〔approach〕A group of businessmen has made approaches to the owners of the club with an offer to buy it.一伙商人已经与俱乐部的业主们接洽,提出要买下它。韦氏高阶〔augur〕One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.(古罗马)占卜官:古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情美国传统〔cantonment〕A group of temporary billets for troops.临时营房:一组供部队使用的临时性营房美国传统〔chant〕A group of protesters, chanting and carrying placards, waited outside.一群抗议者等候在外面,举着标语牌不停地喊着口号。牛津高阶〔circuit〕A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn.一系列的夜总会、展示厅和度假地,演员在各地方轮回表演美国传统〔come across〕I came across a group of children playing.我碰到一群正在玩耍的小孩。外研社新世纪〔community〕A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.居民:住在相同地区和隶属相同政府下的一群人美国传统〔concert〕Sanctions will be more effective if they are undertaken in concert by a group of countries.如果一批国家联手采取制裁措施, 将会更加有效。外研社新世纪〔conspiracy〕A group of conspirators.阴谋集团美国传统〔depressed〕The new drug is being tested on a group of severely depressed patients.这种新药正在一组重度抑郁症患者中试验。韦氏高阶〔family〕Linguistics A group of languages descended from the same parent language, such as the Indo-European language family.【语言学】 语系:从同一祖先语族传下的语言,如印欧语系美国传统〔fire〕A group of youths had set fire to an old truck.一群青年放火烧了一辆旧卡车。麦克米伦高阶〔fleet〕A group of vessels or vehicles, such as taxicabs or fishing boats, owned or operated as a unit.车队;船队:如出租汽车或渔船等作为一个整体归属或行动的一队船只或车辆美国传统〔flock〕A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church.群众:一群在同一个人领导下的人,尤指同一教派的成员们美国传统〔galactoside〕Any of a group of glycosides that yield galactose on hydrolysis.半乳糖苷:导致半乳糖水解的一组配糖的一种美国传统〔gang〕He ganged up with a group of unruly youths.他和一群目无法纪的青年结成团伙。英汉大词典〔gather〕A group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture.一群学生聚集在行政大楼前要求被剥夺的权利。美国传统〔group〕She belongs to a group of people, all of whom bear the name of a natural object.她参加了一个团体, 里面每个成员的称呼都是一种自然物的名字。外研社新世纪〔hantavirus〕Any of a group of viruses carried by rodents that cause epidemic hemorrhagic fever and severe respiratory infections in humans.汉他病毒:任何由啮齿目动物所传染的滤过性病毒群之一,会导致人体的传染性出血热病及严重的呼吸道感染美国传统〔harmonize〕A group of singers were harmonizing on the street corner.一群歌手正在街角用和声演唱。韦氏高阶〔hebdomad〕A group of seven.七:成七的一组美国传统〔house-raising〕The construction of a house or its framework by a group of friends or neighbors.由一群朋友或邻居来建造一所房子或搭建其框架美国传统〔isomerase〕One of a group of enzymes that catalyzes the conversion of one isomer into another.异构酶:一种能对一种异构体转化为另一种异构体进行催化物的一组酶美国传统〔janissary〕A member of a group of elite, highly loyal supporters.禁卫军:一支精锐的皇家军队中的成员美国传统〔loiter〕There's a group of kids loitering outside the shop.有一群孩子在商店外面闲逛。麦克米伦高阶〔march〕An organized walk or procession by a group of people for a specific cause or issue.游行示威:一群人为了某一特定的原因或理由而进行的有组织的行动美国传统〔multiple star〕A group of three or more stars, usually with a common gravitational center, that appear as one to the unaided eye.聚星:看上去象是一颗星的由三个或更多颗星组成的星群,通常具有一个共同的重力中心美国传统〔pathetically〕Five women in a group of 18 people is a pathetically small number.18人的小组中只有5个女性,真是少得可怜。柯林斯高阶〔pentosan〕Any of a group of polysaccharides found with cellulose in many woody plants and yielding pentoses on hydrolysis.戊聚醣:一种多糖,可见于多种木质植物的细胞中,水解生成戊糖美国传统〔period〕A group of digits separated by commas in a written number.数字:书面数字中一个中间用逗号隔开的数字组美国传统〔peroxidase〕Any of a group of enzymes that occur especially in plant cells and catalyze the oxidation of a substance by a peroxide.过氧化物酶:一组酶中的任一种,尤出现于植物细胞中,并通过氧化物来催化氧化物质美国传统〔phycobilin〕Any of a group of water-soluble proteinaceous pigments that occur in red algae and cyanobacteria.藻青素,藻胆汁三烯:可溶于水的一种蛋白质类色素,红水藻和藻青菌中含有此物质美国传统〔roshi〕The spiritual leader of a group of Zen Buddhists.上师:禅宗的精神领袖美国传统〔sitosterol〕Any of a group of sterols that occur in high concentrations in certain plants, such as yams, and are used in the synthesis of steroid hormones.谷甾醇:一组在某些植物如薯蓣属植物中含有的高浓度的甾醇和甾醇混合物,用于类固醇荷尔蒙的合成美国传统〔spit〕A group of fans spat on the players as they left the field.一群球迷在球员离开球场时朝他们吐口水。朗文当代〔stick〕Slang A group of paratroopers exiting an aircraft in succession.【俚语】 伞兵群:连续跳下的一组伞兵美国传统〔superposition〕Geology The principle that in a group of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest were the earliest to be deposited.【地质学】 重叠原理:认为处于一组沉积岩中,最底下的岩石是最早沉积下来的岩石美国传统〔triplet〕A group of three lines of verse.三行联句:一组三行短诗美国传统〔wait〕One of a group of musicians or carolers who perform in the streets at Christmastime.沿街唱圣诗的人们:圣诞节时在街上演出的一乐队或唱圣歌的人美国传统〔worthy〕We were met by a group of local worthies.一批当地的知名人士接见了我们。朗文当代A group of children started mindlessly hurling stones at passing vehicles.一群孩子开始向经过的车辆乱扔石头。剑桥国际A group of students were trapped in the cave for nineteen hours.一群学生被困在洞中19 小时。剑桥国际After their baby died, they joined a local support group (= a group of people who have had similar experiences, esp. difficult ones, and who provide help to each other).孩子夭折后他们参加了当地的互助团体。剑桥国际As usual, a group of tourists were taking pictures of the sentries outside the palace.和往常一样,一批游客在拍宫殿外的哨兵的照片。剑桥国际She has set up a group of five people who all report to her.她成立了一个由她负责的五人小组。牛津商务




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