

单词 together
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRANGE〕We need to get all the sales staff together for a conference - could I leave it to you to fix it up, Jane? 我们需要召集全体销售员来开个会——交给你来安排好吗,简?朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕We tried to be happy together but it was never meant to be. 我们尽量愉快相处,可那根本是不可能的。朗文写作活用〔DANCE〕The band first played together at a high school prom. 这个乐队首次在一起演出是在一个高中舞会上。朗文写作活用〔FAIRLY/QUITE〕Mick and Carla have been together quite a lot recently. 米克和卡洛最近来往得相当频繁。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Put a blob of glue on each surface and carefully press together. 在每一个表面上涂上一滴胶水,然后小心地贴在一起。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕These days people often live together before getting married. 现在很多人都是先同居后结婚。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕We had 15 minutes to throw lunch together, eat, and get changed. 我们有15分钟弄顿午饭,吃饭,再换衣服。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕People came together from all over the country to attend the funeral. 人们从全国各地来参加这个葬礼。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The ingredients should be blended together until they are smooth. 各种成分要搅拌到均匀为止。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕The houses were built very close together, and the gardens were rather small. 这些房子都建得紧挨在一起,花园也相当小。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Her clothes lay heaped together in a corner of the room. 她的衣服堆在房间的角落里。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Jan rubbed his hands together to keep them warm. 简搓着双手取暖。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The children all slept together in the same bed, snug and secure. 孩子们全挤在一张床上睡,又舒适又安全。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕I spilled coffee on my book and some of the pages stuck together. 我把咖啡泼到了书上,有几页粘在了一起。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕That jacket and skirt don't really go together. 那件外套和裙子不是很配。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The afternoon flew by as they went through the next scene together. 他们在一起排练下一个场景时,下午就不知不觉地很快过去了。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Designers from both countries got together and held a joint exhibition. 两国设计师共聚一堂,举行联合展览。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Together these two paintings are worth more than $10,000. 这两幅画合起来价值超过10,000美元。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕I don't know what I can do to keep our marriage together -- I'm at my wits’ end! 我不知道怎么做来维持我们的婚姻—我已智穷计尽了!朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕Living together without getting married is increasingly common among the young. 未婚同居在年轻人中越来越普遍了。朗文写作活用〔add〕Add these three numbers together.把这三个数字加起来。韦氏高阶〔administrator〕Unable to put together a financial rescue package, the firm was forced to call in administrators.由于无法制订出一套财政拯救计划, 公司被迫请来接管人。外研社新世纪〔agglomerate〕A volcanic rock consisting of rounded and angular fragments fused together.集块岩:由圆形石块和有角的石块聚结而成的火山岩美国传统〔assembly〕A signal by bugle or drum for troops to come together in formation.集合号,集合鼓:部队集结时以吹号或击鼓发出的信号美国传统〔banner〕The oil-producing countries joined together under the banner of OPEC.产油国都加入了石油输出国组织。朗文当代〔belong〕She and her husband are a perfect couple. They belong together.她和她丈夫是完美的一对儿,天生就该在一起。韦氏高阶〔bind〕Loyalty to our leader bound us together.对领袖的忠诚把我们团结起来。牛津同义词〔botch〕His report was a patchwork of data botched together.他的报告是一堆胡乱拼凑起来的材料。英汉大词典〔brown sauce〕A sauce made from butter and flour browned together and stock.棕色调味汁:将变成棕色的黄油和面粉混合并储存后制成的调味汁美国传统〔bunch〕The children bunched together in small groups.孩子们你一群我一伙地聚在操场上。朗文当代〔bunch〕We did a bunch of songs together.我们一起唱了很多首歌。柯林斯高阶〔bundle〕The company offered customers a single computer solution, bundling together hardware and software.公司捆绑销售软件和硬件,为客户提供一套完整的计算机解决方案。朗文当代〔bust〕The couple had busted up before and got together again.这对夫妇曾一度分居,后来又归和好。英汉大词典〔call〕The president called the cabinet together.总统召集内阁会议。英汉大词典〔catamaran〕A raft of logs or floats lashed together and propelled by paddles or sails.捆扎筏:由圆木或浮体捆扎起来的用桨或帆推动的筏子美国传统〔clamp〕Any of various tools with opposing, often adjustable sides or parts for bracing objects or holding them together.夹具:任何一种有相对的、通常可调节的边或部件的工具,用来夹住物体或把它们持在一起美国传统〔clap together〕They clapped together a small shelter for their dog.他们匆忙给狗搭起一个小棚。21世纪英汉〔clap〕To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding.拍手,鼓掌:手掌拍击在一起并发出突然的爆响,如在喝彩中美国传统〔clash〕I like red and orange together, though lots of people think they clash.我喜欢红色和橙色相搭配,尽管许多人认为这两种颜色不协调。剑桥高阶〔close〕We stood close together to stay warm.我们紧挨着站在一起取暖。韦氏高阶〔clump〕The pizza toppings were clumped together rather than evenly spread out.比萨饼的配料堆成了一团, 而不是均匀地平摊开来。外研社新世纪〔cobble〕She cobbled together a tent from a few pieces of string and a sheet.她用几根绳子和一条床单仓促地搭了一个帐篷。朗文当代〔cobble〕The diplomats rushed to cobble together a treaty.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份条约。韦氏高阶〔colourless〕The vast expanse of sea and sky merge together in the same colourless palette.辽阔的大海与天空融为一体, 形成白茫茫的一片。外研社新世纪〔combine〕The two countries combined together against their enemy.这两个国家联合起来一致对敌。21世纪英汉〔come together〕The project started slowly, but everything is finally starting to come together now.项目起步缓慢,但现在一切终于开始步入正轨了。韦氏高阶〔common〕They work together for the common good.他们为了共同的利益一起努力。朗文当代〔compromising〕They were discovered together in a compromising situation.他们被人发现在一起,场面有伤风化。牛津高阶〔conspire against sth〕I'd planned a romantic evening together, but circumstances conspired against it - friends arrived unexpectedly and then Dave was called out to an emergency.我计划两人共度一个浪漫的夜晚,可是事不凑巧——先是朋友们不期而至,接着戴夫被叫去出急诊。剑桥高阶〔conspire〕To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.搞阴谋:一起秘密筹划以进行非法或错误的行动或通过非法行动实现合法目标美国传统〔contact〕A coming together or touching, as of objects or surfaces.接触:对(物体或表面的)一次靠近或接触美国传统〔council〕An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion.会议:召集在一起进行咨询、评议和讨论的一群人美国传统〔crack〕Dennis rubbed his hands together and cracked his knuckles .丹尼斯搓搓双手,把指关节弄得格格响。朗文当代〔cream sauce〕A white sauce made by cooking together a mixture of flour and butter with milk or cream.乳脂酱:一种用面粉和奶油的混合物与牛奶或乳酪调制而成的白色酱汁美国传统〔cream〕Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl.在碗里把黄油和蔗糖搅成奶油状。麦克米伦高阶〔crowded together〕We need to organize the closet so that the shoes aren't crowded together.我们需要把壁橱整理一下,这样鞋子就不会堆在一起了。韦氏高阶〔crowd〕A large number of things positioned or considered together.大堆,大量:被放在一起的或被认为一起的许多东西美国传统〔day〕We must get together again some day.我们哪天一定要再聚一次。英汉大词典〔depend〕A: Do you always go on your holiday together with your sister? B: It depends. If I have my holiday at the same time as she, then we go together.甲:你总是同你姐姐一起去度假的吗? 乙:那要看情况。如果我们两人正好同时休假,我们就一起去。英汉大词典〔difference〕Joe and I have had our differences, but we work well together.我和乔有分歧,但我们一起工作得很好。麦克米伦高阶〔dock〕The Russians and Americans docked (= joined together in space) (their spacecraft) just after one o'clock this morning.俄罗斯人和美国人(的宇宙飞船)今天凌晨1点刚过时实现了太空对接。剑桥高阶〔dovetail〕To be joined together by means of dovetails.鸠尾榫接头:用鸠尾榫结合在一起美国传统〔efficiency〕Together with efficiency gains and reduced costs from the investment programme, margins should continue to grow.随着效率的提高和成本的降低, 这个投资项目利润将不断增加。外研社新世纪〔elevate〕We need to work together to elevate the position of women in society.我们需要为提高妇女在社会中的地位一起努力。麦克米伦高阶〔enjoyment〕They found real enjoyment just in being together.他们只要待在一起就感到十分快乐。牛津搭配〔envy〕I felt a twinge of envy when I saw them together.看到他们在一起,我感到一阵忌妒。朗文当代〔film〕He spliced the two lengths of film together.他把两段胶卷拼接起来。牛津搭配〔fingertip〕The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry.像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起。柯林斯高阶〔gang〕Cutthroats who gang togetter hang together.结成团伙的杀手被一起绞首。21世纪英汉〔gang〕The smaller shopkeepers ganged together to beat off competition from the supermarkets.一些规模较小的店家联合起来对抗超级市场的竞争。朗文当代〔gather〕The coach gathered her players together.教练把她的队员们召集到了一块儿。韦氏高阶〔gather〕We gathered our things together and left quickly.我们收拾好自己的东西赶快离开了。剑桥高阶〔get together〕The two teams should get together and try to work out a joint solution.两个团队应该聚在一起讨论, 以找出一个共同的解决方案。外研社新世纪〔get〕It's a long time since I got together with Tom.我好久没有和汤姆见面了。英汉大词典〔glue〕They are glued together.它们被粘在了一起。外研社新世纪〔go your own/separate way〕After a couple of years together, we realized we weren't really happy and decided to go our separate ways.在一起两年后,我们意识到彼此不适合对方,决定各走各的路。剑桥高阶〔go〕Dirt and disease usually go together.肮脏和疾病往往是相伴而来的。英汉大词典〔go〕Wisdom and maturity don't necessarily go together.智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。剑桥高阶〔gravity〕Gravity pulls objects together.引力的作用使物体聚在一起。牛津搭配〔grin〕They were frequently together, sometimes grinning about something, but as often solemn.他们老在一起,时而为某事龇牙咧嘴地笑,时而又一本正经。英汉大词典〔half〕He joined two halves together to make a whole.他把两半接在一起成为一个整体。文馨英汉〔hang together〕The movie starts out well, but the story doesn't hang together after the first hour.电影的开头部分很精彩,但演了一个小时后故事情节就乱套了。韦氏高阶〔hang〕The speech doesn't really hang together.这个发言不是很连贯。麦克米伦高阶〔happen〕You never know what's going to happen when they get together.你永远不知道他们聚在一起会发生什么事。韦氏高阶〔harmoniously〕To live together harmoniously as men and women is an achievement.夫妻能和睦相处就是一种成就。柯林斯高阶〔have two left feet〕When we danced together, I discovered he had two left feet.我们一起跳舞的时候,我发现他手脚很不协调。剑桥高阶〔head〕Let's put our heads together and solve this problem.让我们一起想办法解决这个问题美国传统〔heal〕Two hours ago, they healed over and went out for dinner together.两小时前他们停止了争吵,一起到外面吃晚饭去了。21世纪英汉〔helluva〕The man did one helluva job getting it all together.这家伙把事情全都料理妥当了,真是干得不错。柯林斯高阶〔herd together〕Refugees are herded together in squalor.难民被聚集到了肮脏破烂的地方。外研社新世纪〔herd〕The prisoners were herded together .犯人们被集合起来。朗文当代〔hoist〕A group of flags raised together as a signal.作为信号一起扯起的一组旗美国传统〔hold〕How can any family hold together under these circumstances? 在这种情况下哪里有家庭能保持团结呢?麦克米伦高阶〔homesick〕Seeing other families together made him terribly homesick.看到别的家庭共享天伦,他加倍思念故乡。牛津搭配〔home〕A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.家庭,家族:一个居所以及居于其中的家庭或社会单位;家庭美国传统〔hongi〕To greet another or exchange greetings in Maori fashion by touching or pressing noses together.碰鼻子问候:问候他人或是以毛利人用鼻子相互碰触或挤压的方式相互交换问候美国传统〔how〕How wonderful! This means we can all travel together.太妙了!这意味着我们可以一起旅行了。麦克米伦高阶〔huddled〕We stood huddled together for warmth.我们站在那里挤作一团取暖。剑桥高阶〔in order for〕We all have to work together in order for us to win. = We can win, but in order for that to happen, we all have to work together.为了能赢,我们所有人必须齐心协力。韦氏高阶〔independent〕They all made the same comment, quite independent of each other (= without deciding together to do so).他们都不约而同作出了相同的评论。剑桥高阶〔ingredient〕Mix all the ingredients together and place them in a shallow dish.将所有配料搅拌混合后放入浅底盘中。麦克米伦高阶〔intertwine〕To join or become joined by twining together.使缠绕在一起:通过搓捻使连结或连接在一起美国传统〔jammed〕We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor.我们在狭窄的走道里肩靠肩地紧挨在一起。朗文当代〔join〕I don't think you'll be able to see the join when I've glued the pieces together.我想等我把这些碎片粘好后,你就看不出接缝了。麦克米伦高阶〔jostle〕The condition of being crowded together.拥挤:被挤在一起的情形美国传统〔joy〕It was a real joy to see the children playing happily together at last.看到最终孩子们在一起玩得很开心真让人高兴。麦克米伦高阶〔keep together〕It's been hard to keep the team together.要把这支队伍凝聚在一起一直都很难。外研社新世纪〔keep〕We huddled together to keep warm.我们挤在一起来保暖。牛津高阶〔knock〕None of them can agree and it needs someone to knock heads together.他们当中没一个人同意,需要有个人来强制命令他们停止争吵。朗文当代〔league〕To come together in or as if in a league.加入或象加入联盟美国传统〔liable〕Partners are jointly and severally (= together and individually) liable for a partnership's debts.合伙人共同连带承担合伙公司的债务。牛津搭配〔like〕I'd like for us to work together.我希望我们在一起工作。牛津高阶〔live-in〕Residing together with another, especially in sexual intimacy.同居的:尤指性关系密切而居于一处的美国传统〔loosen〕The screws holding the bed together had loosened.床上的螺丝钉松了。剑桥高阶〔mannerism〕We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.我们相处了这么久,以致相互沾染了对方的癖性。剑桥高阶〔meant to be/do something〕They knew as soon as they met that they were meant to be together.他们刚相见就知道他们注定要在一起。韦氏高阶〔middle lamella〕The pectin-rich intercellular material cementing together the primary walls of adjacent plant cells.胞间层,中层:富有胶质的细胞间物质,能粘合邻近植物细胞的初生壁美国传统〔mixing〕Mix the ingredients together slowly.把各种原料慢慢搅拌在一起。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕I treasure the moments we spent together.我很珍视我们一起度过的那些时刻。牛津搭配〔now〕They've been going out together for a long time now.他们至今已交往很长时间了。朗文当代〔off〕We lived together, off and on, for two years.我们断断续续在一起生活了两年。外研社新世纪〔ought to〕We ought to get together some time soon.我们应该尽快聚一下。朗文当代〔perform〕The two artists have never performed together before.两位艺术家以前从未一起演出过。牛津搭配〔piece〕Police are trying to piece together his movements before the murder.警方想把凶案发生前他的行踪拼凑起来。朗文当代〔piece〕We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts.我们从几方面粗略的说法中设法弄清了真相。21世纪英汉〔pin〕Doctors inserted a metal pin in his leg to hold the bones together.医生们把一根钢针钉进他腿里把骨头固定住。剑桥高阶〔pleasurable〕They spent six weeks pleasurably together.他们愉快地共度了6个星期。柯林斯高阶〔plug〕When they killed Dad, they pulled the plug on everything that held the family together.他们杀死了爸,从而把维系家庭的一切纽带全毁了。英汉大词典〔ply〕One of the sheets of wood glued together to form plywood.层板:被粘在一起形成胶合板的几张木板的一张美国传统〔pool〕We played pool together and were good mates.我们一起打过台球,是好哥们儿。柯林斯高阶〔precious〕A family holiday allows you to spend precious time together.家庭度假会让你们一起度过宝贵的时光。外研社新世纪〔press〕She pressed her lips together.她紧抿着双唇。牛津高阶〔pull sth together〕They somehow managed to pull together a plan of action.他们想办法制定出了一个行动方案。剑桥高阶〔pull〕The cyclists were together until the bend, when Tyler pulled ahead.自行车选手们原本胶着在一起,直到转弯处泰勒才超前领先。牛津高阶〔quilt〕To make into a quilt by stitching (layers of fabric) together.缝被:把(织物层)缝合在一起的制成被子美国传统〔rake〕He raked together the fallen leaves (into a pile).他把落叶耙集在一起(成为一堆)。文馨英汉〔rattle〕He hasn't two sixpences to rattle together.他身无分文。英汉大词典〔recapture〕They are trying to recapture those happy times they had together.他们正试图重温在一起时的快乐时光。韦氏高阶〔rub〕His massive thighs rubbed together as he walked.他走路时粗大的双腿互相蹭擦着。英汉大词典〔run away〕Mark and my sister are planning to run away together to get married.马克和我姐姐打算一起私奔到外地结婚。剑桥高阶〔run over〕Let's run the lines over together one more time.我们一起再过一遍台词吧。韦氏高阶〔sake〕They stayed together for the sake of the children.为了孩子,他们还待在一起。牛津高阶〔scrambled eggs〕Eggs with the yolks and whites beaten together and cooked to a firm but soft consistency.炒蛋:蛋黄和蛋清搅拌在一起,煎硬但要有松软的黏稠性美国传统〔screw〕Screw these two pieces together.把这两块用螺丝拧在一起。剑桥高阶〔secure〕We huddled together, secure in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on its way.我们挤在一起,知道直升机已经在过来的路上,因而感到放心了。朗文当代〔separate〕They did arrive together, but I think they left separately.他们确实是一起到的,但我想他们是分开走的。朗文当代〔shackle〕Their legs were shackled together.他们的双腿被铐在了一起。韦氏高阶〔shot〕There's a shot of us all together.我们有一张大家在一起的合影。英汉大词典〔slap together〕I slapped a sandwich together as I was running out the door.由于急着出门,我赶做了个三明治。韦氏高阶〔squish〕To squeeze or crush together or into a flat mass; squash.把…挤扁或压扁;压碎美国传统〔stick together〕Little Gordon should have been sticking Heinkel bomber kits together.小戈登本该一直粘贴组装亨克尔轰炸机模型的。外研社新世纪〔strip〕The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together.最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。柯林斯高阶〔symphysis〕A growing together of bones originally separate, as of the two pubic bones or the two halves of the lower jawbone.联合:原来分离的骨头长在一起,如两块共生骨或下颌骨的两块骨头美国传统〔tack〕He tacked some stories together into a novel.他把几个故事凑成一部小说。英汉大词典〔tag together〕He planned to tag old articles together to make a book.他计划把旧文章凑成一本书。21世纪英汉〔the week/month/year before last〕We had lunch together the week before last.上上周我们一起吃过午饭。剑桥高阶〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔throw together〕People of different occupations were thrown together for the jury.不同职业的人们聚到一起组成陪审团。韦氏高阶〔tie〕I kept all his letters tied together with a ribbon.我把他所有的信用一根丝带扎在一起。朗文当代〔together〕Together they account for less than five per cent of the population.他们总共占不到总人口的 5%。柯林斯高阶〔together〕Add these numbers together and then divide the total by 7.把这些数字相加,然后把总数除以 7。朗文当代〔together〕He, together with Bill Dunn, decided to climb out of the canyon.他和比尔‧邓恩决定一起爬出峡谷。朗文当代〔together〕He's incredibly together for someone so young.他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。牛津高阶〔together〕Our views are not so close together.我们的观点不太接近。英汉大词典〔together〕Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates.贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。柯林斯高阶〔together〕The trees grew close together.那些树长得很密集。外研社新世纪〔together〕They've decided to spend more time together.他们决定要花更多的时间在一起。朗文当代〔trying〕They have been through some trying times together.他们一起经历过一些苦日子。韦氏高阶〔turbulent〕They had been together for five or six turbulent years of rows and reconciliations.他们在一起生活了五六年, 一直吵吵闹闹, 分分合合, 没有片刻安宁。外研社新世纪〔twine〕Twine the different coloured threads together.把不同颜色的线编在一起。剑桥高阶〔two〕Putting two and two together, I felt that I could not have been far wrong.总的说来,我感到自己是错不到哪里去的。英汉大词典〔unite〕To be or become bound together by adhesion.混合,化合:通过粘着结合到一起美国传统〔unrelieved〕She held the family together through years of unrelieved poverty.她带领全家人一起度过了贫困的漫长岁月。剑桥高阶〔warm to sb〕I wasn't sure about Sarah at first, but I warmed to her after we'd been out together a few times.一开始我不太确定是不是喜欢萨拉,可后来我跟她一起外出约会了几次后就对她有了好感。剑桥高阶〔weave〕Bragg weaves together the histories of his main characters.布拉格把他主要人物的身世都串在一起。柯林斯高阶〔weave〕We were shown how to roughly weave ferns and grass together to make a temporary shelter.有人给我们演示了如何将蕨类植物和草简单地编起来,搭成临时的栖身之所。剑桥高阶〔weldment〕A unit composed of an assemblage of pieces welded together.焊件:由许多片焊接在一起的金属片组成的元件美国传统〔whip〕To keep together, as members of a political party or hounds in a pack.召集:使聚集在一起,如政党成员或一群猎狗美国传统〔wicket〕The period during which two batsmen are in together.两个球员一起击球的一段时间美国传统〔work〕We have proved that different groups can work harmoniously together.我们已经证明,不同群体能够和谐共事。牛津搭配〔zip〕The two sleeping bags can be zipped together to make a double.这两个睡袋可以用拉链拉起来合成一个双人睡袋。朗文当代A great diplomat will be required to hold the country together (=keep it as one country so that it does not become divided or get into a state of confusion).惟有一位了不起的有手腕的人能使这个国家保持统一。剑桥国际He put me to the blush by his foolish behavior when we were out together. 我们一起出去时,他愚蠢的行为使我羞愧。译典通His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.他的工资仅够口的。剑桥国际I was astonished by the news of the divorce--they'd seemed so happy together.听到他们离婚的消息,我十分惊诧----他们一直看上去生活得很和谐快乐。剑桥国际It was faintly (= slightly) amusing to see them together again.看到他们又在一起觉得有点好笑。剑桥国际My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.我的书被弄湿了,所有的书页都粘在了一起。剑桥国际My lamp isn't working but I don't want to take it apart (=separate it into the pieces that make it up) in case I can't put it together again.我那盏灯不亮了,但我不想把它拆开,怕万一装不起来。剑桥国际The boy just threw together a composition and handed it in. 男孩匆匆拼凑了一篇作文就交上去了。译典通The climbers roped up/roped themselves together.登山者用绳子将彼此系在一起。剑桥国际The emergency building is transported in individual modules, such as bedrooms and a kitchen, which are put together on site.紧急情况下使用的房子以单独组件运输,比如卧室和厨房等,它们可以当场组装起来。剑桥国际The money that I owe you for the telephone together with the rent equals £300.我欠你的电话费加上房租一共是300镑。剑桥国际The teams have met (= come together to compete) twice this season.这些队伍在这一赛季已经比了两次。剑桥国际The vase is broken into so many pieces that it'll be impossible to put it back together again (= repair it).这只花瓶碎成这么多片,要修复它是不可能的。剑桥国际Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary project to bring computers and ordinary people together.他们梦想着能把计算机和普通老百姓联系在一起,这简直就像是一项革命性的工程。剑桥国际We hope they can iron their differences out and get on with working together.我们希望他们能解决分歧,继续共事。剑桥国际We really got on each other's nerves when we were living together.我们住在一起时确实闹得不可开交。剑桥国际We were going to do something more ambitious over Christmas this year but we never got it together.我们打算今年的圣诞节搞得更隆重些,可是却总没安排好。剑桥国际We've put together a pack which contains all the necessary information.我们整理出一套包括所有必要信息的资料。牛津商务With so many frontal systems so close together, we can expect the weather to be highly changeable over the next few days.有这么多不同类型的气流前锋如此接近,我们预计天气在以后的几天内将是变化多端的。剑桥国际




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