

单词 think
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ADMIT〕what you say when you think someone should admit something 认为某人应该承认某事时说的话朗文写作活用〔BAD〕a situation that you think is wrong or immoral 情况糟糕的或不道德的朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕to express what you think or feel 表达自己的想法或感觉朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕when you think something is unlikely to happen 认为某事不可能发生朗文写作活用〔HONEST〕so honest that some people think you are rude 坦率得使人觉得无礼朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕the feeling you have when you think something is very unpleasant 认为某事物很不好时的感觉朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕to think of an idea 想出一个主意朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕to think that someone or something is perfect when they are not 认为某人或某事物是完美的,其实并不如此朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕to think you know what is going to happen in the future 觉得自己预先知道将要发生什么事朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕to think you are better than other people 自以为比其他人好朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕when you think something will happen 认为某事会发生朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕to make you think of another similar person or thing 使你想起另一个相似的人或物朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕to think that something happens because of something else 认为某事因另一事而发生朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕when you think that something will happen or is true because of the way something seems 从表面推知某事将会发生或某事是真实的朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕someone who does not usually show what they feel or think 通常都不表露自己的感受或想法的人朗文写作活用〔THINK〕to think about something before making a decision 作决定之前对某事加以考虑朗文写作活用〔THINK〕to think that something is true, but not be sure 觉得某事是真的,但不确定朗文写作活用〔THINK〕what you say when you think something is true, but you are not sure 当你认为某事是真的但又不肯定时的说法朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕when you think someone is honest 认为某人是诚实的朗文写作活用〔answerable〕a powerful businesswoman who seems to think that she's answerable to no one 一位似乎认为自己不用向任何人负责的强势女企业家韦氏高阶〔big〕think big 想干一番大事英汉大词典〔black〕think only in terms of black or white 认为凡事非绝对好便绝对坏英汉大词典〔blamed〕think blamed well of one's house 以为自己的房子好得要命英汉大词典〔clarity〕think with clarity 清楚地思考文馨英汉〔deeply〕to think deeply(= about all the aspects of sth) 沉思牛津高阶〔fraud〕fashion frauds who think they are being original by raiding the tired old styles of the '60s抄袭60年代陈旧款式却自认为具有独创性的时尚造假者外研社新世纪〔go for〕she goes for a doc-tor, but I don't think she ever studied or practiced medicine.人们把她看成是个医生,不过,我想她从未学过医,也没有当过医生。21世纪英汉〔hard〕think hard 拼命思索英汉大词典〔highly〕think highly of sb.'s opinion 极其赞赏某人的意见英汉大词典〔immorality〕those who think that birth control and abortion are immoral.那些认为节育与堕胎是不道德行为的人柯林斯高阶〔lead〕lead pupils to think clearly 引导学生有条理地思考英汉大词典〔lightly〕think lightly of sb.'s achievements 轻视某人的成就英汉大词典〔long-range〕think long-range politically 从政治上的长远观点来考虑英汉大词典〔machine〕think of the lower animals as mere machines without sense 认为低等动物不过是毫无感觉的机械般作出反应的东西英汉大词典〔native〕think sb. the native leader of the country 认为某人是国家的当然领袖英汉大词典〔ourself〕the way we think of ourself and others我们看待自己和他人的方式外研社新世纪〔palm〕to read sb's palm(= to say what you think will happen to sb by looking at the lines on their palm) 看手相牛津高阶〔poor〕to have a poor opinion of sb(= to not think well of sb) 对某人评价很低牛津高阶〔proven〕his proven ability to think on his feet他已被证明的随机应变的能力外研社新世纪〔risk〕a calculated risk(= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) 值得承担的风险牛津高阶〔schemer〕office schemers who think of nothing but their own advancement.只想着自己晋升的阴险狡诈的办公室职员柯林斯高阶〔space〕how people of other cultures think about time and space 其他文化的人对时空的概念朗文当代〔swing〕entrepreneurs who think big and swing for the fences 志向高远、迎难而上的企业家牛津高阶〔think ... up〕to think up a creative innovation想出一个有创意的革新21世纪英汉〔think tank〕the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington华盛顿的一个保守派智囊团——美国企业协会外研社新世纪〔think〕think oneself into a dilemma 想得无所适从英汉大词典〔think〕think out a solution 想出解决办法 英汉大词典〔think〕think success 一心想成功英汉大词典〔think〕think the unthinkable 思索难以想像的事英汉大词典〔think〕a think columnist 时事短评专栏作家英汉大词典〔think〕a think company 智囊团英汉大词典〔think〕a think session 思想交流会 英汉大词典〔think〕give sth. a good think 对某事好好想想 英汉大词典〔think〕to think badly of someone把某人想得很坏21世纪英汉〔think〕to think before you act三思而后行21世纪英汉〔to〕think to oneself 自忖英汉大词典〔true〕the true face of war(= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 战争的真实面目牛津高阶〔uncompanionable〕think sb. morose and uncompanionable 认为某人乖戾且难以相处英汉大词典〔watford〕civil servants who seem to think the world ends north of Watford 似乎把沃特福德以北当作天涯海角的公务员牛津高阶〔worse〕think none the worse of sb.仍然看重某人英汉大词典




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