

单词 broadcast
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BBC〕British Broadcasting Corporation.英国广播公司美国传统〔BE〕Because journalists don't think the congressman constitutes much of a threat, they don't write or broadcast stories about him. 新闻记者认为那位国会议员不会构成什么威胁,所以就不在报上或电台电视节目中报道他的消息了。朗文写作活用〔FOREIGN〕Listening to radio broadcasts from abroad is still a criminal offense in this country. 收听海外广播在这个国家仍然是犯罪行为。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕CBC, the state-run broadcasting company 加拿大广播公司,国营的广播公司朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕More than half the people questioned said they did not pay any attention to political broadcasts. 我们调查的人超过半数说他们根本不听政治广播。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕The program is broadcast in the morning, a time when advertising rates are much lower. 这个节目在上午播出,这个时间的广告费要低很多。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting. 新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。朗文写作活用〔Polish〕The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.波兰电视台现场直播了记者招待会。柯林斯高阶〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕The news is broadcast hourly on Network Five. 第五联播台每小时播一次新闻。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕BBC is an abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC是British Broadcasting Corporation〔英国广播公司〕的缩写。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕In its report on the speech, the radio carried a brief summary, but did not broadcast the whole thing. 这个广播节目在报道这次演讲的时候只有一个简短的摘要,没有播出全部内容。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Radio WXLM broadcasts on 98.2 FM. WXLM电台在调频98.2兆赫广播。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The exciting thing about the show is that it's a live broadcast and anything can happen. 这个节目紧张刺激之处在于它是现场直播的,任何意外的事都可能发生。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The new advertisement will be broadcast alongside AMV's two existing commercials during prime time viewing. 这则新广告将在黄金时段和AMV已有的两则商业广告一起播出。朗文写作活用〔a life of its own〕The story took on a life of its own and began to appear on news broadcasts everywhere.这个故事越传越广,开始出现在各地的新闻广播里。韦氏高阶〔acquaint sb/yourself with sth〕The Broadcasting Museum offers workshops to acquaint children with the world of radio.广播博物馆还举办讲习班让孩子们了解无线电世界。剑桥高阶〔advisory〕Television companies sometimes broadcast advisories before violent movies.电视台在播放有暴力内容的电影前,有时会有警示。剑桥高阶〔airing〕A radio or television broadcast.无线电广播,电视广播美国传统〔airplay〕The broadcasting of a phonograph record, tape, or compact disc on the air by a radio station.唱片播送:无线电台对图片、磁带或唱片的空中播送美国传统〔air〕As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.战争一爆发,所有有关军事主题的节目都停止播出了。剑桥高阶〔am〕You're listening to Radio Gold, broadcasting 24 hours a day on 909 AM.您正在收听的是黄金广播电台,全天24小时调幅909播出。剑桥高阶〔archaic〕Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.许多较小的电台使用过时的设备播音。朗文当代〔arrival〕The coronation broadcast marked the arrival of television.加冕典礼的转播标志着电视时代的到来。外研社新世纪〔audio〕Of or relating to the broadcasting or reception of sound.声频:属于或关于声音的传播或接收的美国传统〔audio〕The audio portion of the broadcast was fine but the picture was poor.播放的节目声音效果很好,但图像效果不佳。韦氏高阶〔beam〕They were beaming radio broadcasts to China.他们曾一直向中国播放广播节目。外研社新世纪〔big〕The broadcasting company is now very big in television.这家广播公司目前在电视业务方面非常成功。英汉大词典〔billboard〕An introductory list of highlights from the program or text that follows, as in a broadcast or magazine.插播:节目或文章之前的一段介绍性目录的要点,如在广播或杂志中美国传统〔broadcast on〕The premier broadcasts on current affairs.总理发表时事广播演说。21世纪英汉〔broadcast over〕The best performances were tape-recorded and broadcast over the radio.最精彩的节目已录了音,并在电台播出。21世纪英汉〔broadcasting〕He's training for a career in broadcasting.他正接受广播从业人员的训练。文馨英汉〔broadcasting〕If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.如果发生这事, 将会改变宗教广播节目的面貌。外研社新世纪〔broadcasting〕She wants to have a career in broadcasting.她想从事广播工作。韦氏高阶〔broadcast〕Channel 5's main news broadcast 第5频道的主要新闻节目麦克米伦高阶〔broadcast〕Don't broadcast the fact that he lost his job.不要到处去宣扬说他丢了工作。朗文当代〔broadcast〕Episode One was broadcast last night.第一集昨晚播出了。外研社新世纪〔broadcast〕I told Tom that I was having an operation but ask him not to broadcast the fact.我告诉汤姆说我当时将有所行动但叫他别散布事实真相。21世纪英汉〔broadcast〕I'm leaving but please don't broadcast (= tell everyone) the fact.我要走了,但请不要到处说。剑桥高阶〔broadcast〕In a broadcast on state radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.在国家电台的广播中,政府也声明愿意重新开始和平谈判。柯林斯高阶〔broadcast〕More details will be given in our news broadcast.更多详情请收听新闻播报节目。牛津搭配〔broadcast〕Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.加罗林电台过去在北海的一艘船上广播。剑桥高阶〔broadcast〕The London Symphony Orchestra broadcasts every Sunday on London Station.伦敦交响乐团每星期日都在伦敦电台演出节目。21世纪英汉〔broadcast〕The concert will be broadcast live(= at the same time as it takes place)tomorrow evening.明晚的音乐会将现场直播。牛津高阶〔broadcast〕The interview was broadcast from London.这次采访从伦敦播出。韦氏高阶〔broadcast〕The interview was broadcast live across Europe.这次采访向全欧洲现场直播。朗文当代〔broadcast〕The judge decided to allow broadcast of the trial.法官决定允许对审判进行广播。韦氏高阶〔broadcast〕The premier will broadcast his message on all stations this morning.今天上午总理将通过各电台(或电视台)发表演说。21世纪英汉〔broadcast〕The programme is broadcast at noon.这档节目在中午广播。英汉大词典〔broadcast〕This interview was originally broadcast last Friday.该访谈节目上周五首播。牛津搭配〔broadcast〕We broadcast the interview live.我们对采访作现场实况广播。21世纪英汉〔broadcast〕We watched a live broadcast of the concert.我们观看了音乐会的现场直播。剑桥高阶〔broadcast〕We watched a live broadcast of the speech(= one shown at the same time as the speech was made).我们观看了那场演说的现场直播。牛津高阶〔broadcast〕We will broadcast live from the ship.我们将从船上作实况直播。牛津搭配〔camera〕Television camera crews broadcast the event all round the world.电视摄制组向全世界播放了这一事件。剑桥高阶〔cellar〕That broadcasting station was in the ratings cellar.那家电台的收听率处于最低档。英汉大词典〔censor〕The station censored her speech before broadcasting it.电台审查了她的讲稿之后才播出她的演讲。韦氏高阶〔channel〕This channel broadcasts 24 hours a day.这个频道全天 24 小时播放节目。牛津搭配〔closed circuit〕A television transmission circuit with a limited number of reception stations and no broadcast facilities.闭路电视:具有数量有限的接收台且无广播设施的电视传输线路美国传统〔coastal〕Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。外研社新世纪〔copy girl〕A girl employed by a newspaper or broadcast news office to carry copy and run errands.勤务女工:报社或广播机构雇用来递送稿件及跑腿的女孩美国传统〔counterprogramming〕The scheduling of television programs so as to attract viewers away from programs broadcast simultaneously on another network.反节目安排:一种电视节目时间安排,目的是为把同时广播的另一网络的观众吸引过来美国传统〔cracker〕Tuesday's concert (to be broadcast on December 28) was a cracker.周二的音乐会(将于12月28日播出)棒极了。外研社新世纪〔dead air〕An unintended interruption in a broadcast during which there is no sound.停播期间:在广播中非故意的中断,这时没有声音发出美国传统〔deadly〕Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.新闻广播准确可靠但却非常枯燥。柯林斯高阶〔decode〕The software decodes the information embedded in the satellite broadcasts.这种软件能够解读卫星广播中的信息。朗文当代〔definition〕The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.清晰度,分解力:接收到电视传播图象或广播信号的清晰程度美国传统〔discontinuity〕There may appear to be discontinuities between broadcasts.广播节目中可能会出现断音。柯林斯高阶〔discontinuity〕There may appear to be discontinuities between broadcasts.广播节目之间可能会出现中断。外研社新世纪〔disrupt〕The tornado disrupted broadcasting along the entire coast.龙卷风使整个沿海的广播都中断了。21世纪英汉〔distress signal〕An international signal used by a distressed ship or aircraft to request help, as by radio broadcasts, flags, or flares.遇难(呼救)信号:处于险境中的船只或飞行器,如通过无线电广播、旗帜或照明弹来呼救的国际通用信号美国传统〔echo chamber〕A room or enclosure with acoustically reflective walls used in broadcasting and recording to produce echoes or similar sound effects.回声室:四面用回声壁封闭的房间,用于广播和录音时制造出回声或近似回声的声音效果美国传统〔every〕The show will be broadcast every weekday morning between 9.00 and 10.00.这个节目将在周一至周五每天上午9点到10点播出。剑桥高阶〔exorcism〕The exorcism was broadcast on television.驱魔仪式在电视上播放。外研社新世纪〔feature〕This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.本周广播节目里有一则关于家庭暴力受害者的特别报道。剑桥高阶〔fluff〕The presenter got through the live broadcast without a fluff.主持人在整个直播过程中没有出现失误。外研社新世纪〔fodder〕Old movies were the cheapest broadcast fodder.老电影是最廉价的播放素材。柯林斯高阶〔foreign correspondent〕A correspondent who sends news reports or commentary from a foreign country for broadcast or publication.驻国外记者:从国外为电台、电视台或出版物发新闻报道或评论的记者美国传统〔for〕The radio station stopped broadcasting for the day.该电台结束当日的播出。文馨英汉〔frame〕The total area of a complete picture in television broadcasting.帧:电视传送的一个完整图象全部的面积美国传统〔frequency〕There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies.广播频率的数量有限。牛津高阶〔frequency〕This station broadcasts on three different frequencies.这家电台以三种不同的频率广播。朗文当代〔globalize〕Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize television.卫星广播技术正推动电视节目的全球化。剑桥高阶〔half hour〕She is to host a new half-hour show that will be broadcast every weekday evening.她将主持一档新的半小时节目,在工作日晚间播出。剑桥高阶〔hookup〕The interview will be broadcast through a satellite hookup.这次访谈将通过卫星联播。韦氏高阶〔hourly〕He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.他打开收音机收听整点新闻。柯林斯高阶〔house〕Broadcasting House 广播电台大楼剑桥高阶〔independence〕The broadcasting corporation is proud of its independence of Government.这家广播公司以其不受政府控制的独立自主而骄傲。英汉大词典〔interference〕The inhibition or prevention of clear reception of broadcast signals.干扰:阻止清晰地接收无线电信号美国传统〔interfere〕These signals interfered with our radio broadcasts.这些信号干扰了我们的无线电广播。外研社新世纪〔jam〕Foreign radio broadcasts were regularly jammed.外国的无线电广播经常受到干扰。剑桥高阶〔journalism〕Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast.新闻材料:出版在报刊杂志上或报道用的文字材料美国传统〔journalism〕The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.新闻工作:报刊杂志及广播电视报道中新闻或新闻文章的收集、撰写、编辑、及报道美国传统〔junta〕The military junta has/have today broadcast an appeal for calm.军政府今天在广播中呼吁人们保持镇静。剑桥高阶〔knuckle〕The show has been criticised for broadcasting scenes considered too near the knuckle for just after the watershed.在刚刚经历转折点之后, 这个演出被批评为传播近乎下流的场景。外研社新世纪〔lean〕The government has been leaning on the TV company not to broadcast the show.政府一直给电视公司施加压力,不准播放此节目。牛津高阶〔live〕In those days the broadcasts all went out live.那时候广播节目都是现场直播的。牛津搭配〔live〕It was broadcast live in 50 countries.在五十个国家现场直播。外研社新世纪〔live〕The ceremony will be broadcast live on television.这个仪式将在电视上作现场直播。朗文当代〔marathon〕The election broadcast, a nine-hour marathon, lasts until seven o'clock in the morning.长达9个小时的马拉松式选举报道一直持续到早上7点。剑桥高阶〔message〕A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world.一段总统的录音讲话被播放给全世界的美国军人。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕We monitor the enemy's radio broadcasts for the information.我们为了收集情报而监听敌方的电台广播。21世纪英汉〔mortally〕Broadcasting was regarded at the time as the mortal enemy of live music-making.广播当时被视为是现场音乐表演的死对头。柯林斯高阶〔nationally〕His speech will be broadcast nationally.他的演说将向全国广播。英汉大词典〔nationally〕The programme will be broadcast nationally.该节目将向全国播出。朗文当代〔network〕A chain of radio or television broadcasting stations linked by wire or microwave relay.广播网:由线路或微波中转站连接的电台或电视台网络美国传统〔network〕To broadcast over a radio or television network.联播:用广播或电视网播送节目美国传统〔newscast〕A radio or television broadcast of the news.新闻广播:收音机或电视播报新闻美国传统〔ocean〕His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.与广播的真正成本相比, 他的酬劳不过是九牛一毛。外研社新世纪〔ocean〕His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。柯林斯高阶〔of every stripe/of all stripes〕Governments of every stripe (= of all political opinions) have a bad habit of interfering in state broadcasting.各种政治主张的政府都有干涉国家广播业的坏习惯。剑桥高阶〔over〕Now we're going over to (= there will be a broadcast from) Wembley for commentary on the Cup Final.现在我们来听听来自温布利体育场的关于杯赛决赛的实况报道。剑桥高阶〔park〕The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck.地震发生时,该电视网正在烛台棒球场直播世界系列赛。柯林斯高阶〔pick sth up〕Can you pick up (= receive broadcasts from) Moscow on your radio? 你的收音机能收到莫斯科的广播吗?剑桥高阶〔pick〕I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.我设法收听到一个美国的新闻广播节目。朗文当代〔point〕We broadcast on ninety-five point nine (95.9) FM.我们以调频 95.9 播音。牛津高阶〔press〕The collecting and publishing or broadcasting of news; journalism in general.新闻事业:新闻的收集,出版或播送;新闻业的总称美国传统〔press〕The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.新闻界:收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称美国传统〔prime time〕The game will be broadcast in prime time.这场比赛将在黄金时段播出。外研社新世纪〔prime time〕The interview will be broadcast during prime time.这次采访将在黄金时间播出。剑桥高阶〔public access〕The city council meeting will be broadcast on public access.市议会的会议将在公共频道播出。韦氏高阶〔public broadcasting〕The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public broadcasting such as religious programmes.这一频道试图减少其播出的公共传播节目的义务,例如宗教节目。剑桥高阶〔radio〕A radio broadcasting organization or network of affiliated organizations.广播电台:无线电广播组织或联合组织的网络美国传统〔radio〕The announcement was broadcast on radio and television.公告已通过无线电广播和电视发布。外研社新世纪〔radio〕The announcement was broadcast on radio and television.通知已在广播和电视上发布。柯林斯高阶〔rebroadcast〕A broadcast that is repeated or that is relayed from another station.重播节目,转播节目:再一次播放的节目或从另一个台站传送过来的节目美国传统〔receive〕We were unable to receive the broadcast.我们无法收听到广播。韦氏高阶〔recording〕The recording of the football match is to be broadcast on television tonight.足球赛录像定于今晚在电视上播放。英汉大词典〔record〕These viewing figures are an all-time record for a single broadcast.这些收视数据达到单一节目有史以来的最高点。牛津搭配〔relay〕The broadcasting station will relay the news of the President's death.广播电台将转播总统逝世的消息。21世纪英汉〔relic〕These broadcasting systems are cold-war relics.这些广播系统是冷战的残留物。英汉大词典〔remote〕A radio or television broadcast originating from a point outside a studio.实况节目:从演播室之外的地点传送的广播或电视节目美国传统〔reverse〕Whatever official news broadcasts claimed, he believed the reverse.不管官方新闻报什么,他都只相信相反的消息。剑桥高阶〔roadshow〕The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.英国广播电台第二频道的路演将会进行现场直播。柯林斯高阶〔satellite〕The broadcast came from America by satellite.广播节目从美国通过人造卫星转播过来。英汉大词典〔satellite〕The pictures are broadcast through a live satellite link with Tokyo.图像是由与东京连接的实况转播卫星传送的。牛津搭配〔satellite〕This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.本节目通过人造卫星从纽约现场直播。朗文当代〔scriptwriter〕One who writes copy to be used by an announcer, performer, or director in a film or broadcast.电影剧本作者,广播节目撰稿者:写在电影或广播中播音员、演员或导演使用的剧本的人美国传统〔script〕The text of a play, broadcast, or movie.剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本美国传统〔script〕To prepare (a text) for filming or broadcasting.为电影或广播写剧本美国传统〔sensitive〕The information was deemed too sensitive to be broadcast.这条消息被认为过于敏感而不宜报道。牛津搭配〔share〕Broadcast networks are losing share to cable networks.广播公司的市场份额正被有线电视抢占。牛津搭配〔simulcast〕To broadcast (a program) by simulcasting.通过联播的方式播放(节目)美国传统〔simulcast〕To broadcast simultaneously by FM and AM radio or by radio and television.联播:同时在收音机的中波和调频上播送或同时在收音机和电视上播送美国传统〔simultaneous〕The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.比赛将同时在电视和电台转播。牛津高阶〔simultaneous〕The opera will be broadcast simultaneously on television and radio.这场歌剧将在电视和电台同步播出。朗文当代〔slot〕The programme will be broadcast in a prime-time slot later this month.节目将在这个月末的黄金档播出。外研社新世纪〔sound truck〕A truck or other vehicle having one or more loudspeakers, usually situated on top, typically used for broadcasting political or commercial messages.宣传车:装有一个或多个高音喇叭的卡车或其他车辆,这些喇叭通常置于车顶,典型地用于传播政治或商业信息美国传统〔soundman〕One in charge of recording, transmitting, or amplifying sound or of producing sound effects, as for a television or radio broadcast.调音员:主管录制、播送或者放大声音或者制造音响效果的人,如为电视或广播节目美国传统〔sow broadcast〕They sowed rebellion broadcast in our army.他们在我们的部队中煽动叛乱。21世纪英汉〔spoiled〕They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers.他们通过广播呼吁选民们投无效选票。柯林斯高阶〔static〕There was so much static on the radio we couldn't hear the broadcast.收音机中的杂音太多,我们都听不到广播了。韦氏高阶〔statutory〕Broadcasting has had to be regulated statutorily.广播业已经必须进行法律监管了。柯林斯高阶〔story〕A news article or broadcast.一篇新闻报导或广播报导美国传统〔story〕The event, situation, or other material for such an article or broadcast.报道题材:这种新闻报导或广播报导的事件,环境或其他背景材料美国传统〔subscription〕East Coast Pay Television was Australia's first digital direct broadcast satellite subscription television service.东海岸付费电视台是澳大利亚第一家提供数字化卫星直播服务的收费电视频道。柯林斯高阶〔successor〕The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.那名前新闻播音员被认为有可能接替即将离任的广播部主任。牛津搭配〔telecast〕To broadcast a television program.广播电视节目美国传统〔television〕The industry of producing and broadcasting television programs.电视业:制作和广播电视节目的行业美国传统〔television〕The trial was broadcast by local television.审判由地方电视台播出。牛津搭配〔transcribe〕To record, usually on tape, for broadcast at a later date.预录:录音,通常录在磁带上,以用于晚些时候的播出美国传统〔transmit〕Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium wave (= uses those particular radio waves to broadcast on).广播七台通过中波201千赫广播。剑桥高阶〔tune up〕The orchestra was tuning up for its regular Sunday afternoon broadcast.管弦乐队正在为每周日下午的广播节目调音。外研社新世纪〔vast〕A vast audience watched the broadcast.大量的观众观看了转播。剑桥高阶〔videotape〕A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.录像磁带:一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放美国传统〔video〕The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.演说通过视频线路向数以千计站在外面的人播放。牛津搭配〔vilify〕He was vilified for making those broadcasts.他因制作那些广播节目遭到了诽谤。外研社新世纪〔watching brief〕One of his responsibilities is to keep a watching brief on foreign broadcasts.他的一个职责是监督外国广播节目。朗文当代〔wavelength〕She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.她找到了他们的广播波段,把收音机调到那个位置收听他们电台的节目。柯林斯高阶〔weathercast〕A broadcast of weather conditions.气象报告:关于天气状况的广播美国传统〔whatever〕There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs.没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。柯林斯高阶Broadcasting House 广播台剑桥国际As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.战争一开始,任何带有战争主题的广播就停止了。剑桥国际Each episode will be broadcast with added interactivity.每一集在播出时会增强互动性。牛津商务Huge amounts of money are spent on sports broadcasting.体育广播花费了大量金钱。剑桥国际I don't want to broadcast our mistake.我不想宣扬我们的错误。牛津商务Infomercials first appeared on night-time TV in America, but they are now also broadcast on British satellite and European TV.商业信息片首次出现在美国夜间电视上,但是现在英国卫视及欧洲的电视中也在播出。剑桥国际Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf (= deaf people).许多电视节目播出时下方附有为聋人提供的字幕。剑桥国际Many of the listeners surveyed (= questioned) said that they were not satisfied with the programmes that the radio station was broadcasting.许多接受调查的听众都说他们不满意电台播放的节目。剑桥国际Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.加罗林电台过去在北海的一艘船上播出。剑桥国际Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize (= cause to operate internationally) television.卫星播放有助于使电视全球化。剑桥国际She is to host a new half-hour show which will be broadcast every weekday evening.她将主持一档在平日晚上播出的半小时节目。剑桥国际She will anchor (=introduce) the broadcast of Christmas greetings to the troops.她将主持对军队的圣诞慰问广播节目。剑桥国际She works in broadcasting.她从事广播工作。牛津商务Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting. 6 名记者寻求在法庭上向禁止广播的合法性提出质疑。剑桥国际Television camera crews broadcast the event all round the world.电视摄像人员对全世界发生的事件进行播放。剑桥国际The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency.广播法允许部长们有权禁止任何触犯高雅趣味和体统的频道的播出。剑桥国际The World Athletics Championships will be broadcast on 100 television networks worldwide.世界运动锦标赛将通过全球的100家电视网播出。剑桥国际The arrival (=introduction) of satellite television changed the face of broadcasting.卫星电视的问世改变了广播的面貌。剑桥国际The channel broadcasts to millions of homes in the south of the country.这频道向国家南部的数百万家庭播放节目。牛津商务The documentary allowed a fascinating peep at/into how television broadcasts are made.记录片提供了一个令人激动的机会来了解电视节目是如何制作的。剑桥国际The election broadcast, a nine-hour marathon, lasts until seven o'clock in the morning.长达9小时的马拉松式的选举报道将持续到早晨7点。剑桥国际The news headlines are broadcast on the half hour. 新闻提要每到半小时正时作一次广播。译典通The show will be broadcast every weekday morning between 9 and 10.节目将在每个工作日早上9点至10点之间播出。剑桥国际The statement will be broadcast at 8 p.m. local time.该声明将于当地时间8点广播。剑桥国际There are concerns that the deregulation of broadcasting could lead to a lowering of standards.有人担心广播事业的脱管可能导致水准的降低。剑桥国际These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country. 这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。译典通This program is being broadcast in stereo. 这个节目正用立体声播放。译典通This programme is being broadcast in stereo. 这一节目正用立体声播出。译典通This week's broadcast features (=includes as a special item) a report on victims of domestic violence.本周特别播放有关家庭暴力的受害者的报道。剑桥国际Under the plan, each of the three broadcast services is to remain a separate entity.按照计划,三种广播服务业都要保持独立的实体。剑桥国际




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