

单词 to declare
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕Individual states do not have the power to declare war. 各州无权宣战。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Members of parliament are obliged to declare all their financial interests. 国会议员必须申报所有的利益关系。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕The bank claims that the company's losses are the result of an ill-advised decision to declare bankruptcy. 银行称,这家公司亏损是因为他们很不明智地决定宣布破产。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕The officials we met in the capital looked suspicious and tense, as if they were expecting us to declare war on them. 我们在首都会见的那些官员看上去满腹疑虑并且很紧张,好像以为我们要对他们宣战似的。朗文写作活用〔affirm〕To declare solemnly and formally but not under oath.承认:未经宣誓但庄严且正式地声明美国传统〔amnesty〕The government refused to declare an amnesty for people who had not paid the disputed tax.对于那些未缴纳有争议的税款者,政府拒绝给予宽限。剑桥高阶〔blow open〕Today he became the second candidate to declare himself——thus blowing the leadership race wide open.今天他成了第二个自己宣布竞选的候选人,这样就使领导地位的竞争结果完全不能肯定了。21世纪英汉〔canonize〕To declare (a deceased person) to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.宣布为圣徒:宣布(一位已逝世的人)为圣者并使其能够享有圣者的全部荣耀美国传统〔channel〕Goods to declare - use the red channel.有商品要报税——走红色通道。剑桥高阶〔channel〕If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel.如果你没有东西要申报,就走绿色通道。剑桥高阶〔checkmate〕Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.将死!:国际象棋中宣告对手的“国王”被将死的感叹词美国传统〔check〕Games Used to declare that a chess opponent's king is in check.【游戏】 将军!:宣布下棋的对手的“国王”处于被将军状态时用的感叹词美国传统〔customs〕You will have to declare these goods when you go through customs.通过海关时,你得申报这些货物。牛津搭配〔declarative〕Serving to declare or state.便于公告的,便于陈述的美国传统〔declare war〕Congress has the power to declare war on/against other countries.国会有权向他国宣战。韦氏高阶〔declare〕Are you going to declare all that wine at customs? 你打算在海关申报所有那些葡萄酒吗?麦克米伦高阶〔declare〕Goods to declare.需要申报的货物。剑桥高阶〔declare〕I have nothing to declare.我没有要申报纳税的东西。21世纪英汉〔declare〕The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府准备宣布永久停战。外研社新世纪〔declare〕When are you going to declare yourself? 你什么时候表态?英汉大词典〔declare〕You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.收入在超过了一定数字后需要申报。剑桥高阶〔declare〕You may have to declare that you have had an HIV test.你可能需要声明自己已经做过艾滋病病毒检测。柯林斯高阶〔early〕It's too early to declare his efforts a success.现在就断言他的努力已经获得成功还为时过早。柯林斯高阶〔empower〕This amendment empowers the president to declare an emergency for a wide range of reasons.这一修正案授权总统可在一系列情形下宣布进入紧急状态。剑桥高阶〔enounce〕To declare formally; state.正式宣告;声明美国传统〔execrate〕To declare to be hateful or abhorrent; denounce.痛斥,咒骂:宣布…为可憎的或可恨的;斥责美国传统〔independence〕Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence (= officially state its independence) .立陶宛是苏联诸多共和国中第一个宣布独立的。朗文当代〔independence〕Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence.立陶宛是(前)苏联中第一个宣布独立的国家。麦克米伦高阶〔knock〕To declare sold at an auction, as by striking a blow with a gavel.敲槌宣布卖出:在拍卖会上宣布货物卖出,比如用木槌敲击来宣布美国传统〔levy〕To declare and wage (a war).发动(战争):发起和进行(战争)美国传统〔meld〕To declare or display (a card or combination of cards in a hand) for inclusion in one's score in various card games, such as pinochle.摊出(得分的牌或牌组):在各种牌戏中,宣布或出示(手中的牌或牌组)以将其计入得分,如塔牌中美国传统〔open season〕To pass this legislation would be to declare open season on homosexuals.这项法律的通过就是宣布对同性恋者采取不公正待遇。剑桥高阶〔overrule〕To declare null and void; reverse.宣布无效;撤消美国传统〔protest〕Law To declare (a bill) dishonored or refused.【法律】 拒绝支付:宣布(票据)拒受或拒绝美国传统〔quantification〕It is difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms are reluctant to declare their losses.由于各家公司都不愿意公布所受的损失,所以很难得出一个精确的数字。柯林斯高阶〔revalidate〕To declare valid again.重新宣布有效美国传统〔ring〕The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。英汉大词典〔severe〕There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the Inland Revenue.未向税务机关申报个人全部收入会受到严厉的处罚。剑桥高阶〔skim〕Slang To fail to declare part of (certain income, such as winnings) to avoid tax payment.【俚语】 瞒报:为了逃税而不去宣布…(一定的收入,如获利)美国传统〔swear〕To declare or affirm solemnly by invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing.宣誓:通过唤起伸灵或神圣的人或事来严肃地宣布或证实美国传统〔validate〕To declare or make legally valid.使合法化:宣布或使法律上有效美国传统〔vest〕Congress is vested with the power to declare war. = The power to declare war is vested in Congress.国会被赋予宣战的权力。韦氏高阶〔vest〕Congress is vested with the power to declare war.国会被赋予宣战的权力。21世纪英汉〔war〕He was angry, but reluctant to declare war on his old friends.他很生气,但不愿意向老朋友宣战。麦克米伦高阶Goods to declare -- use the red channel.有商品要报税----走红色通道。剑桥国际He called for the power to declare war to be a decision of Parliament and no longer part of the Royal Prerogative (= the power of the king or queen to make official decisions without other people's agreement).他要求宣战权应属议会,而不再是皇室的特权。剑桥国际It's time to declare war on the illegal use of copied programs.对非法使用复制程序宣战的时候到了。牛津商务The power to declare war resides in Congress. 宣战的权力属于国会。译典通There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the tax authorities.未向税务机构申报个人全部收入会受到严厉的惩罚。剑桥国际This 13th amendment empowers the president to declare an emergency, in any part of the country, for a wide range of reasons.第13次宪法修正案使总统有权出于广泛的原因在全国任一地区宣布紧急状态。剑桥国际




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