

单词 the unemployed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔army〕the army of the unemployed 失业大军英汉大词典〔army〕the growing army of the unemployed 人数越来越多的失业大军麦克米伦高阶〔bridge〕to try to bridge the gap betweem the unemployed and employers企图弥合失业者和雇主之间的分歧21世纪英汉〔depress〕to depress the incomes of the unemployed workers减少失业工人的收入21世纪英汉〔join〕to join the ranks of the unemployed 加入失业大军牛津高阶〔leap〕the leap in the unemployed from 35,000 to 75,000.由35,000猛增至75,000的失业人数柯林斯高阶〔leap〕the leap in the unemployed from 35,000 to 75,000失业人数从3.5万猛增至7.5万外研社新世纪〔militant〕a growing militancy amongst the unemployed 失业者中不断增长的反抗倾向牛津高阶〔package〕a jobs package aimed at helping the unemployed 旨在帮助失业者的整套就业方案牛津搭配〔poverty〕the true extent of poverty among the unemployed 失业者实际的贫穷程度牛津搭配〔programme〕a programme designed to get the unemployed back to work促进失业人员再就业的方案外研社新世纪〔the unemployed〕centers for the unemployed 失业人员中心韦氏高阶〔touched〕keeping the unemployed in touch with the labour market.使失业者即时了解劳动力市场的最新动态柯林斯高阶〔touch〕keeping the unemployed in touch with the labour market让失业人员获得劳动力市场的最新信息外研社新世纪〔unemployed〕discuss the problem of the unemployed 讨论失业者面临的问题 英汉大词典〔unemployed〕the problem of the unemployed 失业者的问题文馨英汉joining the growing ranks of the unemployed 加入到日益壮大的失业人员队伍里牛津商务to join the ranks of the unemployed 加入失业大军牛津商务




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