

单词 the UK
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔allied〕claims that the UK was too closely allied to the USA to assume a role in Europe宣称英国因与美国有太紧密的结盟关系而不能在欧洲起作用的说法外研社新世纪〔conflation〕her apparent conflation of the interests of Jewish people in the UK with the military and political interests of Israel她对英国犹太人的利益和以色列的军事和政治利益的明显混淆外研社新世纪〔course〕the only university in the UK to offer courses in computer games technology 英国唯一一所开设电脑游戏技术课程的大学牛津搭配〔demand〕the growing demand for pasta in the UK 在英国对意大利面食持续增加的需求朗文当代〔first generation〕first-generation Caribbeans in the UK 在英国的第一代加勒比海移民牛津高阶〔inequity〕a report on racial inequity in the UK 关于英国种族不公的报告朗文当代〔market〕changes in the UK market 英国市场的变化牛津搭配〔multinational〕foreign multinationals operating in the UK 在英国开展业务的外国跨国公司牛津搭配〔practise〕medical graduates who intend to practise in the UK 打算在英国从业的医科毕业生朗文当代〔short-haul〕short-haul routes within the UK 英国国内短途航线朗文当代〔south-easterly〕the south-easterly parts of the UK 英国的东南部麦克米伦高阶〔supplier〕a leading supplier of computers in the UK 英国一家主要电脑供应商牛津高阶〔ticket〕air travel sold and ticketed in the UK 在英国销售和出票的航空旅行业务朗文当代〔unemployment〕monthly unemployment figures for the UK 英国每月的失业数字朗文当代〔vis-a-vis〕the bargaining position of the UK vis-a-vis the rest of Europe 英国相对于其他欧洲国家的谈判地位朗文当代a resident of the UK 英国的居民牛津商务an analysis of the technical efficiency of the UK steel industry 英国钢铁业技术效率分析牛津商务the former chairman and managing director of the energy company in the UK 这家英国能源公司的前任董事长兼总经理牛津商务the growth of debit-card use in the UK and abroad 在英国和国外借记卡使用情况的增加牛津商务to be resident abroad/in the UK 常驻国外/英国牛津商务




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