

单词 structure
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bill of health〕gave the structure a clean bill of health in spite of its age.无论其使用年限已有多长,都给建造物开具性能良好的证明美国传统〔board〕boards The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink. boards 护板:冰球场的木质围板美国传统〔bone structure〕a woman in her early thirties with fine bone structure 30出头、脸型漂亮的女子麦克米伦高阶〔cellular〕cellular structure 细胞结构英汉大词典〔commitment〕a novel of plot and structure and commitment 一部情节动人、结构严密、主旨明确的小说英汉大词典〔cosmos〕the structure of the cosmos 宇宙的结构牛津高阶〔creaky〕the creaky antiquated economic structure 老朽过时的经济结构英汉大词典〔crystalline〕the rock's crystalline structure 岩石的晶体结构韦氏高阶〔crystal〕the crystal structure of minerals 矿物质的晶体结构韦氏高阶〔cubic〕a cubic structure 立方体结构韦氏高阶〔demographic〕the demographic structure of the labour force 劳动力的人口结构英汉大词典〔disintegrate〕disintegrate the social structure 使社会结构解体英汉大词典〔evaluation〕a new pay structure based on job evaluations 建立在工作评估基础上的新工资体系牛津搭配〔foliation〕foliation structure 叶理构造英汉大词典〔frame〕a frame structure 框架结构建筑物英汉大词典〔geological〕the complex geological structure of the region 该地区复杂的地质结构剑桥高阶〔graduated〕a graduated company tax rate structure 分级公司税率结构麦克米伦高阶〔harmonious〕a harmonious structure 匀称的结构 英汉大词典〔imbalanced〕the present imbalanced structure of world trade.当前世界贸易的失衡结构柯林斯高阶〔infill〕a steel structure with an infill of redwood sheathing.有红木填充物的钢结构美国传统〔internal〕the internal structure of the planet 行星的内部结构韦氏高阶〔intimate〕the intimate structure of the atom 原子的基本结构英汉大词典〔matrifocal〕a matrifocal family structure 母系家庭结构文馨英汉〔melodic〕the melodic structure of the piece这首曲子的旋律结构外研社新世纪〔molecular〕molecular structure 分子结构英汉大词典〔molecular〕the molecular structure of fuel.燃料的分子结构柯林斯高阶〔molecular〕the molecular structure of fuel燃料的分子结构外研社新世纪〔monolithic〕the monolithic structure of the NHS英国国民医疗服务体系庞大僵化的结构外研社新世纪〔monolith〕the monolithic structure of the state 统一庞大的国家结构牛津高阶〔parallel〕a parallel structure 平行结构英汉大词典〔primary〕primary protein structure 一级蛋白质结构英汉大词典〔realignment〕a realignment of the company's management structure 公司管理层结构的重新调整朗文当代〔renovate〕use oil revenues to renovate the nation's industrial structure 用石油收入来更新国家的工业结构英汉大词典〔retool〕retool the entire industrial structure 调整整个工业结构 英汉大词典〔society〕the class structure of our society 我们社会的阶级结构牛津搭配〔structure〕structure a curriculum; structure one's day.安排课程;对一天进行安排美国传统〔structure〕structure a sentence 造句英汉大词典〔structure〕structure one's arguments 组织自己的论点英汉大词典〔structure〕a structure of steel and stone.钢和石头的建筑。牛津同义词〔structure〕a route structure that takes in 28 cities in 5 countries 一条贯通 5 个国家 28 座城市的公路线英汉大词典〔structure〕a stone/brick/wooden structure 石╱砖╱木结构建筑物牛津高阶〔structure〕molecular structure 分子结构英汉大词典〔structure〕significant changes in the power structure 权力结构的重大变化牛津搭配〔structure〕the structure of a living cell.活细胞的结构。牛津同义词〔structure〕the structure of a novel (poem) 一部小说(一首诗)的结构英汉大词典〔structure〕the structure of the brain 大脑的结构朗文当代〔structure〕the structure of the building 这座建筑物的结构牛津高阶〔structure〕the social structure of society 社会的社会结构牛津高阶〔structure〕to structure a house盖房21世纪英汉〔structure〕to structure the order of meeting visitors排定接见来访客人的顺序21世纪英汉〔taxation〕changes in the taxation structure 税制结构的变化牛津高阶〔three-dimensional〕a three-dimensional structure 三维结构朗文当代〔treelike〕a treelike structure 树形结构韦氏高阶〔underlying〕the underlying structure 底层结构英汉大词典〔way〕ways (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Nautical The timbered structure on which a ship is built and from which it slides when launched. ways (与单数或复数动词连用)【航海】 船台,滑道:在轮船上面造的木质结构,当下水时从其上滑下美国传统〔well-nigh〕a hierarchical structure that was well-nigh unassailable几乎不可撼动的等级制度外研社新世纪a salary structure in which a few top executives monopolize most of the benefits 少数高管独占大部分津贴的薪酬结构牛津商务a two-tier pay structure 二元工资结构牛津商务changes in the structure of the company 公司结构的变革牛津商务the group's governance structure 这个集团的管治结构牛津商务




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