

单词 tongue-tie
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAY〕Nervousness affects people in different ways. While some people become tongue-tied, others cannot stop talking. 紧张会对人有不同的影响,有的人会说不出话来,有的人则是不停地说话。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕She became tongue-tied when she looked at the handsome man sitting beside her. 看到这位英俊男子坐在她的旁边,她都不会说话了。朗文写作活用〔adolescence〕Some young people become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence.一些年轻人在刚进入青春期时会变得羞怯和寡言少语。外研社新世纪〔gauche〕He is tongue-tied and gauche.他拙于言辞,不善交际。文馨英汉〔gauche〕He is tongue-tied and gauche.他讷于言辞,不善交际。英汉大词典〔grin〕He just stood there, tongue-tied and grinning sheepishly.他只是张口结舌地站在那儿, 羞怯地笑着。牛津搭配〔life〕He has never been so tongue-tied in his life.在他一生中还从未如此张口结舌过。英汉大词典〔tongue-tied〕A tongue-tied silence was suddenly broken.突然,沉默无言的局面被打破了。英汉大词典〔tongue-tied〕Affected with tongue-tie.结舌的:受到结舌病困扰的美国传统〔tongue-tied〕Believe it or not, he could get tongue-tied if he had to ask for a date.信不信由你,如果约会得由他提出,他会窘得说不出话来。英汉大词典〔tongue-tied〕He can’t explain because he gets tongue-tied.他不能作解释,因为他说不出话来。牛津同义词〔tongue-tied〕In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied.他们在场时我变得局促不安, 说不出话来。外研社新世纪〔tongue-tied〕In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied.当着他们的面,我有些难为情,说不出话来。柯林斯高阶〔tongue-tied〕She became tongue-tied whenever he was around.只要他在身边,她就紧张得说不出话来。韦氏高阶〔tongue-tied〕When adults spoke to her, she became tongue-tied and shy.大人和她讲话时她变得害羞,说不出话来。朗文当代〔tongue-tie〕To make tongue-tied.使结舌;使说不出话美国传统A tongue-tied silence was suddenly broken. 突然,沉默无言的局面被打破了。译典通He was completely tongue-tied with rage. 他气得一句话也讲不出来。译典通Talking to girls is a snap for him, but I'm always tongue-tied.对他来说,和女孩子交谈十分容易,可我却常常哑口无言。剑桥国际




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