

单词 to yield
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abandon〕To yield (oneself) completely, as to emotion.完全屈从:完全屈从,如情感美国传统〔compliance〕A disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others.顺从别人意愿的性格或倾向美国传统〔give〕To yield to a more powerful force; retreat.在优势兵力前撤退;撤退美国传统〔give〕To yield to physical force.屈服于外力美国传统〔give〕To yield to urging or demand; give in.放弃激励或要求;屈服,让步美国传统〔give〕Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.支持不住:在压力下屈服的能力或倾向美国传统〔hardening〕Something that hardens, as a substance added to iron to yield steel.硬化剂:如加在铁上使其形成钢的硬化性物质美国传统〔indulge〕To yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree; humor.迁就,纵容:尤指过分地受欲望和幻想的支配;迁就美国传统〔knuckle〕To yield to pressure; give in.向外界压力作出让步;屈服美国传统〔milk〕To yield or supply milk.产奶,出奶:生产或提供牛奶美国传统〔obstinate〕These adjectives are compared as they mean tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.对这些形容词进行比较,它们都表示固执地不情愿屈服的意义或具有此种特征。美国传统〔pan〕To yield gold as a result of washing in a pan.在淘洗中收获金子美国传统〔personality inventory〕A questionnaire that is scored to yield a profile of the particular traits or characteristics that make up the respondent's personality.人格调查表:一种调查表,它被记录以产生特殊的特性外形或组成回答者个性的特点美国传统〔re-cede〕To yield or grant to one formerly in possession; cede (something) back.归还:将…放弃给或还给原拥有者;交还(某物)美国传统〔renitent〕Reluctant to yield or be swayed; recalcitrant.顽强的:拒绝屈服或动摇的;桀骜不驯的美国传统〔sugarhouse〕A sugar refinery or processing plant, especially a building in which maple sap is boiled down to yield maple syrup and maple sugar.制糖厂:精炼糖或加工糖的工厂,尤指煮熬槭树液制造槭糖浆和槭糖的厂棚或建筑美国传统〔sugaring off〕The process or an instance of boiling down maple sap to yield maple syrup and maple sugar.熬制槭糖:煮熬槭树液制槭糖的过程或事例美国传统〔temporize〕To yield to current circumstances or necessities; act to suit the time.见风使舵:向现实环境或需要妥协;见风使舵美国传统〔yield to sth〕It's very easy to yield to temptation and spend too much money.很容易会抵制不住诱惑而大把地花钱。剑桥高阶〔yield up〕Are the citizens still refusing to yield up the town?这城里的人们还在拒绝放弃此城吗?21世纪英汉〔yield〕After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。牛津高阶〔yield〕Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。柯林斯高阶〔yield〕He refused to yield up his gun.他拒绝缴枪。牛津高阶〔yield〕His legs began to yield under the sheer weight of his body.他的双腿连自己的体重也承受不住,开始弯曲。剑桥高阶〔yield〕If you're going downhill, you need to yield to bikers going uphill.下山的时候,你需要停车让上山的骑自行车的人先行。剑桥高阶〔yield〕Our army refused to yield.我军拒绝投降。21世纪英汉〔yield〕Our research has only recently begun to yield important result s.直到最近我们的研究才开始取得重要成果。朗文当代〔yield〕The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.总统现在面临着让权给共和党人的压力。柯林斯高阶〔yield〕The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.总统现在面临着让权给各个共和国的压力。外研社新世纪〔yield〕The combined investment is expected to yield £5,000 in the first year.这项联合投资预计第一年盈利5,000英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔yield〕The company refused to yield to the protesters' demands.公司拒绝了抗议者提出的要求。韦氏高阶〔yield〕The heavy weight caused the rope to yield.巨大的重量导致绳索断裂。韦氏高阶〔yield〕The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.劫机者拒绝了释放乘客的要求。朗文当代〔yield〕The military has promised to yield power.军方答应交出权力。朗文当代〔yield〕The search for truth is beginning to yield fruitful results.对真相的调查正开始产生富有成效的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔yield〕The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.在那么重的压力之下架子就要坍了。英汉大词典〔yield〕The tax is expected to yield millions.这项税收预计会带来数百万的收入。韦氏高阶〔yield〕They were forced to yield (up) their land to the occupying forces.他们被迫将领土割让给占领军。剑桥高阶〔yield〕They were obliged to yield fifteen to twenty kilometres.他们不得不后退15至20公里。英汉大词典〔yield〕Traditional brick was slow to yield to modern glass.现代玻璃建筑并没有很快取代传统砖石建筑。外研社新世纪Carl's failing as a boss is that he refuses to yield any responsibility.作为老板,卡尔的失败在于他拒绝放弃任何权力。剑桥国际He refused to accept the force of logic (= be persuaded by reasonable argument) , now he will have to yield to the logic of force (= physical power) .他不愿接受合理的劝说,现在他将不得不屈服于武力。剑桥国际He was forced to yield the castle. 他被迫放弃城堡。译典通His legs began to yield under the sheer weight of his body.他的双腿连自己的体重也受不了,开始弯曲。剑桥国际It's very easy to yield to the temptation to sign for a lot of money.屈服于签收大笔钱款的诱惑是非常容易的。剑桥国际The talks with management failed to yield any results.与管理方的会谈没能产生任何结果。剑桥国际They were forced to yield (up) some of their lands during the war.他们在战争中被迫放弃了一些土地。剑桥国际




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