

单词 the species
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Evolution depends absolutely on the survival and reproduction of the species. 进化完全依赖于物种的生存和繁殖。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕If nothing is done to save the whales now, the species will soon become extinct. 如果现在不采取措施拯救鲸鱼,这一物种很快就会消失。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕At first it seemed the attempt to save the species was a lost cause. 起初拯救那一物种的尝试似乎是注定不会成功的。朗文写作活用〔aneuploid〕Having a chromosome number that is not a multiple of the haploid number for the species.非整倍的:染色体数不是单倍体的整多倍的美国传统〔cline〕In some species, the phenotype and genotype of the species varies along a cline.一些物种的表现型和基因型在一个渐变群的范围内变化。剑桥高阶〔coexist〕The species coexist in the same environment.这些物种在同一环境中共存。韦氏高阶〔comeback〕The species was nearly extinct but is now making/staging a comeback.这一物种曾濒临绝迹,但现在情况正逐渐好转。韦氏高阶〔courtship〕The male of the species often displays aggression during courtship.这类动物的雄性在求偶期经常表现出攻击行为。韦氏高阶〔die off〕The species is dying off.该物种面临绝种。21世纪英汉〔discoverer〕The species is named for its discoverer.这一物种是以其发现者的名字命名的。韦氏高阶〔divergence〕He is studying the levels of divergence between the species.他正在研究物种间的差异水平。韦氏高阶〔doomed〕The species was doomed to extinction.这一物种注定要灭绝。牛津搭配〔doom〕The species is doomed to extinction.这一物种注定会灭绝。韦氏高阶〔elsewhere〕The species is found elsewhere.这物种生长在别处。英汉大词典〔euploid〕Having a chromosome number that is an exact multiple of the haploid number for the species.整倍体的:恰好是单倍体数的倍数的染色体的美国传统〔existence〕Climate changes threaten the continued existence of the species.气候变化对这些物种的继续生存构成了威胁。牛津搭配〔extinct〕The species is almost extinct.这个物种几近灭绝。外研社新世纪〔extinct〕The species was presumed extinct.这一物种据推定已绝种。牛津搭配〔immature〕The number of immatures seems lower than it ought to be to maintain the species.幼兽(或幼禽)的数量似乎低于这类物种得以繁衍传种所应有的数目。英汉大词典〔indistinguishable〕The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from the female.这个物种的雄性和雌性几乎分辨不出。牛津高阶〔life list〕A cumulative record of the species seen and identified by a naturalist, especially a bird watcher.鸟类记录:自然学家,尤其是鸟类观测者看到或识别的鸟的种类的累积记录美国传统〔limbo〕The species was rescued from the limbo of effective extinction in 1981.这个物种于1981年得到援救, 从灭绝的深渊被拉了回来。外研社新世纪〔male〕The male of the species has a white tail.这一物种的雄性有一条白色的尾巴。牛津高阶〔male〕The male of the species has darker feathers.该物种雄性的羽毛颜色更深。牛津搭配〔male〕The male of the species is less aggressive.这一物种雄性的攻击性较弱。剑桥高阶〔pair〕Many of the species pair for life.许多物种都终生配对。牛津高阶〔precipice〕The species had reached the precipice of extinction in the wild.这些物种在野外已濒临灭绝。外研社新世纪〔separable〕The male and female of the species are also separable by their colour.这一物种的雄性和雌性可按颜色区分开来。麦克米伦高阶〔statable〕Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.达尔文阐明了物种的起源。21世纪英汉〔survival〕Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.非法狩猎正威胁到物种的生存。朗文当代〔typically〕The male of the species is typically smaller than the female.这一物种的雄性一般要比雌性小一些。朗文当代〔unless〕Unless something is done, the species will become extinct.如果不采取措施,这一物种将会灭绝。韦氏高阶Mature males of the species have brightly coloured tail feathers.此类动物的成年雄性有着鲜艳的尾部羽毛。剑桥国际The real threat to the species is loss of habitat as towns spread into the countryside.对物种的主要威胁在于随着城镇向乡村扩展而丧失栖息地。剑桥国际What distinguishes all the species of plants and animals is, in the final analysis, differences in the way carbon atoms choose to bond.归根结底,区分所有的动植物物种,就是看碳原子结合方式上的差异。剑桥国际




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