

单词 traditions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔By tradition〕They no longer follow the traditions of their ancestors.他们不再遵循祖先的传统。韦氏高阶〔CONTINUE〕As a family, we want to preserve the traditions of Jewish culture and religion. 作为一个家庭,我们想要保持犹太文化和宗教的传统。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Immigrant families often try to continue cultural traditions. 移民家庭常会尽量保持文化传统。朗文写作活用〔Candomble〕A religion based on African traditions with elements derived from Christianity, practiced chiefly in Brazil.坎多摩宗教崇拜:以非洲传统习俗为基础、带有基督教教义色彩的宗教信仰,主要盛行于巴西美国传统〔Cherry〕American jazz cornetist whose playing and compositions were influenced by musical traditions from around the world.伽瑞,唐纳德·尤金:美国爵士乐小铜喇叭吹奏者,其演奏和作曲受到世界各国音乐传统的影响美国传统〔DISAPPEAR〕The country is changing very quickly and many of the old traditions are dying out. 该国正迅速地变化,许多旧传统已渐渐消失了。朗文写作活用〔Dolphy〕American jazz clarinetist noted for his unconstrained solos and for introducing Eastern musical traditions into jazz.杜菲,艾力克·艾伦:美国爵士乐单簧管乐手,以其不受约束的独奏和将东方音乐传统引入爵士乐而闻名.美国传统〔EXIST〕Many of the old village traditions are dying out. 村里许多古老的传统正在渐渐消失。朗文写作活用〔Hebraic〕Hebraic traditions 希伯来人的传统韦氏高阶〔Ivy League〕Of or resembling the traditions of the Ivy League.常春藤联盟传统的,或与之类似的美国传统〔Judaic〕Judaic traditions.犹太教的传统美国传统〔Reich〕American classical composer whose work often draws on West African and Balinese musical traditions.赖希,史蒂芬.麦克:美国古典音乐作曲家,其作品常借用西非和巴里的音乐传统美国传统〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The documentary explores the success of a Jewish sect intent on keeping ancient traditions alive. 这部纪实片对一个成功地保存古代传统的犹太教派进行了探索。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕A lot of the old traditions are dying out. 许多古老的传统正日渐消失。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕Every village has its own traditions. 每座村庄都有自己的传统。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕As the immigrants became acclimatized to life in America, they abandoned some of their old traditions. 移民习惯了美国的生活后就会放弃一些自己的旧传统。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Only the island of Bali preserved, alongside its own traditions, the Brahman heritage of those ancient times. 只有巴厘岛把古代的婆罗门文化遗产随着该岛的传统保存了下来。朗文写作活用〔accustomed〕We have become/grown/gotten more accustomed to their traditions and routines.我们对他们的传统和惯例更加适应了。韦氏高阶〔agree〕Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions.如今大多数人这么认为,一家好的小酒馆就是我们的优秀传统之一。朗文当代〔aim〕The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。柯林斯高阶〔alive and well〕Many of the old traditions are still alive and well.很多老传统现在依旧沿袭着。韦氏高阶〔alive〕Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.古老的传统在农村根深蒂固。朗文当代〔alive〕The people try to keep the old traditions alive.人们试图保留旧的传统。牛津搭配〔amalgamate〕The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.来宾中心将欧洲的传统与美洲的技术结合在一起。柯林斯高阶〔amalgamate〕The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.游客中心将旧大陆的传统与新大陆的科技结合在一起。外研社新世纪〔analytic philosophy〕A cluster of philosophical traditions holding that argumentation and clarity are vital to productive philosophical inquiry.分析哲学:认为论证和明辩对富成效的哲学质疑至关重要的哲学传统美国传统〔ape〕He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.他称这座新楼的风格毫无新意,并说它只不过是对古典传统建筑的拙劣模仿。剑桥高阶〔assimilate〕Many of these religious traditions have been assimilated into the culture.这些宗教传统有许多已经融入了文化当中。韦氏高阶〔as〕As for the festival itself, it is a joyful celebration of the traditions of this great city.至于节日本身,它是场喜气洋洋的庆祝会,为的是颂扬这个伟大城市的传统。麦克米伦高阶〔carry on〕His eldest son Joseph carried on his father's traditions.他的大儿子约瑟夫继承了他父亲的传统。外研社新世纪〔carry on〕His eldest son Joseph carried on his father's traditions.他的长子约瑟夫继承了乃父的传统。柯林斯高阶〔cleave to sth〕People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to their old traditions.边远山村的人们依然固守着古老的传统。剑桥高阶〔coexist〕Different traditions coexist successfully side by side.不同的传统和谐地共存着。牛津高阶〔collision〕In his work we see the collision of two different traditions.在他的作品中我们看到两种不同传统的冲突。牛津高阶〔compatibility〕Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.他认为自由企业制并不违背俄罗斯的价值观和传统。柯林斯高阶〔compatible〕Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.他争辩道, 自由企业与俄国的价值观和传统是相容的。外研社新世纪〔composite〕His style is a composite of elements drawn from several different traditions.他的风格糅合了从几种不同传统吸收的元素。外研社新世纪〔composite〕Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people.西班牙是一个多民族的国家, 其传统也丰富多彩。外研社新世纪〔composite〕Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people.西班牙是一个汇集了多种传统和民族的国家。柯林斯高阶〔continue〕The traditions will continue only as long as the next generations keep them alive.只要后人能代代遵循,这些传统就会一直传承下去。韦氏高阶〔dead and buried〕Those old family traditions are dead and buried.那些过去的家族传统已不复存在。韦氏高阶〔deeply〕These traditions are deeply rooted in the past. = They are rooted deeply in the past.这些传统深深地植根于过去。韦氏高阶〔disappear〕Many of their traditions and languages have disappeared.他们的传统和语言很多已经消亡。外研社新世纪〔disposition〕This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically.这使他倾向于用批判的眼光看待我们的传统。外研社新世纪〔disposition〕This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically.这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。柯林斯高阶〔doff your hat to sb/sth〕The song doffs its hat to the best soul traditions.这首歌借鉴了最优秀灵歌的传统风格。剑桥高阶〔elder〕Traditions passed down by elders in the tribe.部落的长辈把传统传下来。韦氏高阶〔establish〕Traditions get established over time.传统是随着时间的推移而得到认可的。牛津高阶〔extinct〕Many of these old traditions have since become extinct.从那以后许多旧传统不复存在。韦氏高阶〔form〕The two traditions have merged to form a new culture.这两种传统融合在一起,形成了一种新的文化。韦氏高阶〔guardian〕The historical society sees itself as the guardian of the town's traditions.这个历史协会将自己视为小镇传统的守护者。韦氏高阶〔hadith〕The collective body of these traditions.圣训集:此类传统的集合体美国传统〔hope〕We hope that our children will carry on our family traditions.我们期待我们的孩子能继承家族的传统美国传统〔humorous〕The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions.那首诗幽默地描述了当地的人物和传统。牛津高阶〔iconoclast〕Cage was an iconoclast. He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure.凯奇是个反传统的人。他拒绝接受西方有关和声和结构的音乐传统的束缚。柯林斯高阶〔iconoclast〕Cage was an iconoclast. He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure.凯奇是个打破旧传统的人。他拒绝为注重和声与结构的西方音乐传统所束缚。外研社新世纪〔imbibe〕She had imbibed the traditions of her family.她受到了自己家庭传统的影响。朗文当代〔inherit〕Many countries have inherited traditions of public service.许多国家沿袭了社会服务的传统。麦克米伦高阶〔institution〕We need to respect their beliefs, traditions, and social institutions.我们要尊重他们的信仰、传统和社会习俗。麦克米伦高阶〔irretrievable〕Some of our old traditions are irretrievably lost.我们的一些老传统已经失传,无法追溯。牛津高阶〔linger〕The traditions linger.传统历久犹存。英汉大词典〔magic〕Visitors can experience the magic of age-old traditions and historical sites.参观者可以亲身感受到古老传统和历史古迹的魅力。牛津搭配〔merge〕In this great melting pot cultures are merged and traditions lost.在这个种族大熔炉中,各种文化融为一体,原来的传统则失落了。英汉大词典〔mesh〕They meshed traditions from several cultures into one wedding ceremony.他们把多种文化的传统融入一场婚礼中。韦氏高阶〔military law〕The statutes, codes, and common traditions relating to and executed by military courts for the discipline, trial, and punishment of military personnel.军法:军事法庭为惩戒、审问或处罚军人而援引或使用的法律、法规或一般惯例美国传统〔multifarious〕Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。外研社新世纪〔multifarious〕Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。柯林斯高阶〔nationality〕A people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation.民族:一个拥有共同起源和传统的民族,通常构成一个国家美国传统〔nose〕They thumb their noses at all of our traditions.他们对我们所有的传统都嗤之以鼻。牛津搭配〔observe〕The old people in the village still observe the local traditions.村里的老人仍然遵守当地的传统。剑桥高阶〔old boy〕Eton College, with all its traditions and long list of famous old boys.拥有各种悠久传统和众多知名校友的伊顿公学柯林斯高阶〔originate〕Many Christmas traditions originated in Germany.圣诞节的许多传统起源于德国。朗文当代〔other〕He likes travelling abroad and learning about other people's customs and traditions.他喜欢到国外去旅行,并了解其他民族的风俗习惯。剑桥高阶〔passing〕Most of the old traditions have died out with the passing of time.随着时间的推移大多数古老传统都已消亡。朗文当代〔perambulate〕According to traditions, the selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years.根据传统法律要求市镇行政管理委员会成员每隔五年巡视边界一次。21世纪英汉〔preserve〕It's important that these traditions are preserved.重要的是要保留这些传统。麦克米伦高阶〔pride〕They have a fierce pride in their traditions.他们对自己的传统感到无比自豪。牛津搭配〔profane〕They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church.他们亵渎了教会长期以来的传统。柯林斯高阶〔profane〕They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church.他们亵渎了长期以来持守的教会传统。外研社新世纪〔proud〕She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.她对家族的传统及延续感到甚为骄傲。牛津搭配〔rabbinism〕Rabbinical teachings and traditions.犹太法学博士的教义和传统美国传统〔rabbinist〕A strict observer of the Talmud and of rabbinical traditions.犹太法学博士的信徒:犹太教及犹太法学博士的传统的严格遵循者美国传统〔rear〕My parents reared me in all the honoured traditions.父母以一切受人尊崇的传统为准则将我抚育成人。英汉大词典〔receptive〕The local farmer, despite his strong attachment to traditions, is receptive to innovation.这位当地农民尽管牢牢地受传统思想的束缚,对新事物却仍能接受。英汉大词典〔reclaim〕Sons and daughters are proudly reclaiming the traditions that their parents had forgotten.儿女们带着自豪之情重拾被父辈遗忘的传统。韦氏高阶〔remote〕Their traditions are remote from our own.他们的传统与我们的差别很大。韦氏高阶〔respect〕The colonists had no respect for native traditions.殖民者们丝毫不尊重当地传统。外研社新世纪〔revere〕The family reveres old traditions.这个家庭尊崇老传统。韦氏高阶〔rightfully〕The Baltics' own democratic traditions would help them to regain their rightful place in Europe.波罗的海各国本身的民主传统将有助于其恢复在欧洲应有的地位。柯林斯高阶〔rigid〕Rigid traditions melted away.死板的老传统渐渐解体。英汉大词典〔round〕He went round interviewing people about local traditions.他到处找人访谈,了解当地的传统。牛津高阶〔scholasticism〕Close adherence to the methods, traditions, and teachings of a sect or school.墨守成规:忠实某一宗派或派别的方法、传统和教诲美国传统〔scornful〕They spoke of the old traditions of their ancestors in a scornful voice.他们以轻蔑的口吻谈论祖先的老传统。英汉大词典〔sensitivity〕The education system showed no sensitivity to different cultural traditions.这种教育体制没有体现出对不同文化传统的尊重。麦克米伦高阶〔spirituality〕We studied Eastern traditions of spirituality.我们学习了东方的宗教传统。韦氏高阶〔stick with sth/sb〕He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.他说他会继续坚持他爷爷立下的传统。剑桥高阶〔succeeding〕Many of their traditions will not be passed on to succeeding generations.他们的很多传统不会传到后代。麦克米伦高阶〔suffocating〕It is a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个地方依然保留着陈规陋习和令人倍感压抑的传统习俗。剑桥高阶〔survival〕Most of these traditions are survivals from earlier times.这些传统大多都是以前流传下来的。剑桥高阶〔synthesis〕Their art was a synthesis of Celtic and Mediterranean traditions.他们的艺术是凯尔特传统和地中海传统的综合体。麦克米伦高阶〔the Amish〕Amish traditions 阿米什传统剑桥高阶〔thrive〕These traditions continued to thrive.这些传统依然盛行。牛津搭配〔tradition〕Japan's unique cultural traditions 日本独特的文化传统朗文当代〔tradition〕Native American culture and traditions 美洲印第安人的文化与传统习俗麦克米伦高阶〔tradition〕Old habits and traditions die hard.旧的习惯和传统难以革除。牛津搭配〔tradition〕One of our town's time-honored traditions is to have an Easter egg hunt the week before Easter.我们镇上历史悠久的传统风俗之一是在复活节前一周举行找彩蛋活动。韦氏高阶〔tradition〕Parents bring up their children in accordance with their own traditions.父母按照他们自己的传统信仰来养育孩子。a.麦克米伦高阶〔tradition〕The building was constructed in the best traditions of church architecture.这一建筑是依照教堂最杰出的建筑风格建造的。牛津搭配〔tradition〕The girl had challenged the traditions of her patriarchal tribe.这个女孩儿曾向她所在的宗法部落的传统提出挑战。牛津搭配〔tradition〕There is a lot of emphasis on maintaining local traditions .保持地方传统备受重视。朗文当代〔trample〕Their most cherished traditions have been trampled.他们最珍视的传统被践踏。韦氏高阶〔transcendental meditation〕A technique of meditation derived from Hindu traditions that promotes deep relaxation through the use of a mantra.超脱静坐:来自印度教教义的一种冥思方法,通过运用曼特罗达到高度放松美国传统〔wholesale〕The 20th century in Europe has seen the wholesale abandonment of Christian traditions.在20世纪的欧洲, 基督教传统遭到了全盘的摒弃。外研社新世纪〔wither〕They worry that honoured traditions will wither.他们担心许多优良传统将会逐渐消失。麦克米伦高阶〔wringer〕The nation's democratic traditions were put through the wringer.该国的民主传统受尽种种磨难。英汉大词典Aboriginal traditions 澳大利亚土著传统剑桥国际During the Islamic Revolution, Iran returned to strict observance of Muslim principles and traditions.在伊斯兰革命中,伊朗回复到奉行严格的穆斯林教义和传统。剑桥国际He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.他说这幢新建筑缺乏新意,只是仿效古典传统而已。剑桥国际He likes travelling abroad and learning about other people's customs and traditions.他喜欢到国外去旅行,了解不同的人的习俗和传统。剑桥国际He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.他说他将坚守他祖父建立的传统。剑桥国际He spent a year in Africa, studying the customs and traditions of preliterate tribes.他在非洲待了一年,研究没有文字的部落的风俗习惯。剑桥国际I meant no disrespect for your traditions. 我并无蔑视你们传统的意思。译典通I think children should learn about religious traditions other than their own.我觉得孩子们应该了解一点其他宗教的传统。剑桥国际It remains to this day a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个国家至今仍然是一个陈旧社会法则和压抑传统占上风的国家。剑桥国际Most of these traditions are survivals from earlier times.这些传统大多数是先代遗留下来的。剑桥国际People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to (=continue to believe in) their old traditions.住在边远山村里的人们仍然固守他们古老的传统。剑桥国际The futurists rejected the past and all received artistic traditions.未来主义派反对过去的和所有已普遍接受的艺术传统。剑桥国际The indigenous medical traditions in the area make extensive use of plants.该地区固有的医学传统广泛利用植物。剑桥国际The people living in this area still follow their ancient traditions.生活在这一地区的人们仍然遵循他们古老的传统。剑桥国际They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the church. 他们亵渎了教会长期沿袭的传统。译典通




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