

单词 tidy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUST〕Didn't I just this minute tell you to tidy your room! 我刚才不是叫你整理一下房间吗!朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Anyone who rents a house is under an obligation to keep it clean and tidy. 任何租房者都有责任保持房屋的干净和整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Andrew's apartment is always so tidy. 安德鲁的房间总是这么整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I haven't had time to tidy up yet. 我还没有时间打扫呢。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I like to see everything looking neat and tidy. 我喜欢每样东西看上去都干净整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I think the least you could do is keep your own bedroom tidy. 我想你至少应该保持自己卧室的整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I want to leave the place nice and tidy before we go. 我们离开之前我想把这里弄得干干净净的。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕If you're not going to watch the football, you can tidy your room. 如果你不看足球赛的话,可以去打扫一下自己的房间。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Malcolm's always been tidy, even as a kid. 马尔科姆向来就爱整洁,小时候已是这样。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕My job was to mow the grass and keep the garden looking generally tidy. 我的工作是割草并使花园总体看上去整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕She hung about after work, tidying up her desk. 她下班后磨磨蹭蹭地整理自己的书桌。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕We spent the morning getting the whole house clean and tidy. 我们花了整个上午把整幢房子打扫得干净整洁。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Will you help me tidy the kitchen up a bit? 你能帮我把厨房收拾一下吗?朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕You can start tidying up that mess you've made now. 你现在可以开始把你弄乱的东西整理干净了。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕We spent the morning tidying up the mess after the party. 聚会后一片狼藉,我们花了一个上午来清理。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕It seems to be an awful lot of work to keep this place looking tidy. 保持这个地方整洁似乎非常费劲。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms.她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。牛津高阶〔after〕The children have to learn to tidy up after themselves (= after they have made things untidy).孩子们必须意识到,自己弄乱了东西,就得自己收拾整齐。剑桥高阶〔and〕Tidy up your room. And don't forget to make your bed! 整理一下你的房间。还有,别忘了叠被子!剑桥高阶〔bargainer〕This machine is designed to save you effort, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.这种机器既省力,又能保持工作台面的整洁。柯林斯高阶〔bargain〕It is designed to save you time, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.它的设计既能节约时间, 又能保持工作台面整洁。外研社新世纪〔battle〕Keeping the house tidy is an uphill battle .要保持家里整洁非常困难。朗文当代〔bother〕Don't go to the bother of tidying up on my account(= don't make the effort to do it).别为了我费事整理一番。牛津高阶〔busy by〕He busied himself by tidying up his desk.他忙于收拾书桌。21世纪英汉〔busy by〕To pass the time she busied herself by tidying up the room.为了打发时间,她忙于收拾房间。21世纪英汉〔busy〕I busied myself with tidying up my desk.我整理书桌来打发时间。剑桥高阶〔charming〕They left me to tidy it all up myself. Charming, wasn't it? 他们留下我一个人来收拾这一切。真是照顾我哟,不是吗?牛津高阶〔clean-cut〕The dashboard and controls are clean-cut and tidy.仪表板和控制开关排列得整整齐齐。外研社新世纪〔clean〕As usual, she left her room clean and tidy before going to school.和往常一样,她去上学之前把房间收拾得干干净净。朗文当代〔clean〕His room is always clean and tidy / neat and clean.他的房间总是干净利落。牛津搭配〔clean〕I like to keep the place clean and tidy.我喜欢使这个地方保持干净整洁。麦克米伦高阶〔clean〕It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy.保持房间整洁是你的职责。牛津高阶〔clean〕She is so clean and tidy, a model daughter.她非常爱干净爱整洁, 是一个模范女儿。外研社新世纪〔clear (sth) up〕I'm tired of always having to clear up after you (= tidy your things).我厌烦了老是要替你整理东西。剑桥高阶〔comfort〕The nurse comforted the patient by tidying up his bed.护士给病人整理床铺,使他躺得舒适一些。英汉大词典〔disapprovingly〕She peers about disapprovingly and starts tidying up the mess.她不以为然地四下看了看, 然后开始收拾这些乱七八糟的东西。外研社新世纪〔do〕The room's tidy — I did it out yesterday.房间很整洁——我昨天打扫过了。英汉大词典〔dreamy〕He was an artist, not particularly tidy, too dreamy to match her ways.他是个艺术家,不讲究整洁,太爱幻想,和她不般配。朗文当代〔ease〕The wife eased her husband by tidying up his bed.妻子给她丈夫整理床铺,使他舒服些。21世纪英汉〔fake up〕Our room is not tidy enough;please fake it up.我们的房子太乱了,请将它装饰一下。21世纪英汉〔fetish〕Sue has a real fetish about keeping everything tidy.休有整洁的癖好。朗文当代〔finished〕The job's finished bar the final tidying up.活儿就剩下最后整理了。外研社新世纪〔generously〕He should be able to keep his room tidy with the generous amount of storage space.有那么宽绰的储物空间,他应该可以保持房间的整齐。柯林斯高阶〔generous〕He should be able to keep his room tidy with the generous amount of storage space.有那么宽绰的储物空间, 他应该可以保持房间的整洁。外研社新世纪〔get around〕Don't you think it's about time you got around to tidying your room? 你不觉得你现在该整理一下你的房间了吗?韦氏高阶〔get〕He's trying to get out of tidying his room.他想逃避收拾房间。朗文当代〔give place to (something)〕Further down the street, tall office buildings give place to rows of tidy houses.沿街下去,高大的办公楼被一排排整齐的房子所取代。韦氏高阶〔go down〕Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates.律师告诫当事人穿戴整洁会赢得地方法官的好感。柯林斯高阶〔happy〕I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。朗文当代〔have〕I want to have my office clean and tidy.我要使我的办公室保持干净整齐。文馨英汉〔housecleaning〕The cleaning and tidying of a house and its contents.大扫除:打扫整理居室及家具美国传统〔hygienic〕Her house remains at all times tidy and hygienic.她的房屋总是保持着整洁卫生。英汉大词典〔hygienic〕Her house remains at all times tidy and hygienic.她的房屋经常保持整洁卫生。文馨英汉〔in tray〕His desk was always tidy, his in tray always empty.他的办公桌总是整洁的, 收件盘也总是空的。外研社新世纪〔jump to it〕I told you to tidy this room - now jump to it! 我告诉过你收拾这房间的——快点儿干!剑桥高阶〔keep〕Keep your room tidy.保持房间整洁。朗文当代〔laboriously〕Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁也不是件轻松活儿。柯林斯高阶〔laborious〕Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁是个辛苦活。外研社新世纪〔land〕Maria's been landed with all the tidying up as usual.收拾打扫的工作照例又落到了玛丽亚的头上。朗文当代〔likewise〕We are trying to keep the place clean and tidy, and we'd like you to do likewise.我们尽力让这个地方保持干净和整洁,所以我们希望你也这么做。麦克米伦高阶〔linear〕Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.她的小说颠覆了线性叙事的传统,没有清晰的时间线索,也没有简单明了的结局。柯林斯高阶〔madly〕I was rushing around madly tidying up the flat before they arrived.我在他们到达之前忙不迭地把公寓打扫了一番。剑桥高阶〔matter〕It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy.穿什么无所谓,只要看上去干净整洁就行。朗文当代〔neatly〕Everything was neat and tidy and gleamingly clean.所有的东西都整整齐齐、干干净净、闪闪发亮。柯林斯高阶〔neat〕Everything in the house was neat and tidy .房子里的每样物品都干净整齐。朗文当代〔neat〕Her house is always kept neat and tidy.她的家总是保持整洁。文馨英汉〔neat〕I've made the front lawn all neat and tidy.我把房前的草坪收拾得整齐又干净。牛津搭配〔neat〕Orderly and clean; tidy.整洁的:整齐的,清洁的;干净的美国传统〔neat〕She left everything very neat and tidy.她把每件东西都归置得整整齐齐、干干净净。外研社新世纪〔neat〕She likes everything neat and tidy.她喜欢一切都井井有条。剑桥高阶〔neat〕The house was always neat and tidy.这房子总是干净整洁的。麦克米伦高阶〔neat〕They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。牛津高阶〔nice〕The house seemed nice and tidy.这房子看上去非常整洁。朗文当代〔no ifs or buts〕I want no ifs or buts - just get on and tidy your room now.少给我胡搅蛮缠——现在就赶快打扫你的房间。剑桥高阶〔nothing〕Andrea's work has always been neat and tidy, if nothing else.安德烈娅的工作至少一直都是利索而有条不紊的。麦克米伦高阶〔oblong〕The church was a small tidy oblong of brick.那教堂是幢小而整齐的长方形砖瓦建筑物。英汉大词典〔obsessionally〕He was obsessionally tidy.他过于爱整洁。外研社新世纪〔particularly〕Keep your office space tidy, particularly your desk.保持你的办公地点整洁, 尤其是你的桌子。外研社新世纪〔pile〕She sorted her clothes into tidy piles.她把她的衣服整理成一叠一叠的,放得整整齐齐。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.除了厨房特别干净外,这地方一片狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔please〕I was tidying my room to please Mum.我在整理房间, 好让妈妈高兴。外研社新世纪〔plump ... up〕Tidy up the room and plump up the cushions to get ready for our guests.整理好房间,把靠垫拍松,准备迎接客人。21世纪英汉〔plush〕All the plush in the world won't tidy up his vulgar soul.世上所有的好东西都无法净化他那俗不可耐的灵魂。英汉大词典〔preach〕My mother's always preaching at/to me about keeping my room tidy.我母亲老是告诫我保持房间整洁。剑桥高阶〔presentable〕Let's tidy up and make the house a bit more presentable .我们来把房子收拾得更像样一点吧。朗文当代〔prodding〕The children always needed prodding into tidying up their rooms.孩子们总是得督促着才去收拾房间。外研社新世纪〔put ... aside〕He's put aside a tidy sum for his retirement.他存了一笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用。21世纪英汉〔put〕She put all her time into tidying the place up.她用全部时间来大扫除。英汉大词典〔reducible〕Things do not happen according to plan, and they are not reducible to tidy models.计划不如变化,不能说什么事都能简单地按固定的模式发生。朗文当代〔remain〕They were tidying up the remains of their picnic.他们正在收拾野餐后剩下的东西。柯林斯高阶〔reserve〕I reserve Mondays for tidying my desk and answering letters.我把周一的时间留出来专门清理办公桌和回复信件。剑桥高阶〔room〕Go tidy your room, or you can't watch TV tonight.去整理你的房间,不然今晚不能看电视。剑桥高阶〔run〕I ran across the letter while I was tidying the drawers.我在整理抽屉时,偶然发现了那封信。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕Maria was running around trying to get the house tidy.玛丽亚在忙着收拾房子。朗文当代〔rush〕There was a mad rush to get the house tidy before they arrived.在他们到达前,有人已经对房屋进行了一通紧张的清扫,使其变得整洁。麦克米伦高阶〔shove〕Tidying the room seems to mean shoving everything under the bed! 整理房间好像就是把所有东西往床底下一塞就算完事了!朗文当代〔square〕I must tidy up and get things square.我得收拾一下,把东西理理整齐。英汉大词典〔sum〕He sold the house for a tidy (= large) sum.他把房子卖了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔surface〕Keep kitchen surfaces clean and tidy.让厨房的台面保持干净整洁。朗文当代〔suspiciously〕He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy flat in Notting Hill Gate.他一个人住在诺丁山门的一套整洁干净得出奇的公寓里。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕Kept in trim shape; neat and tidy.整洁的:保持整洁形状的;整洁的和有条不紊的美国传统〔tidily〕Having a tidy desk can seem impossible if you have a busy, demanding job.如果工作忙、难度大,要想保持桌面整洁似乎不太可能。柯林斯高阶〔tidily〕I'll do your garden, I'll keep that tidy for you.我会帮你弄弄花园,帮你保持它的整洁。柯林斯高阶〔tidily〕She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.她有洁癖,整天不是用吸尘器吸尘,就是擦来擦去。柯林斯高阶〔tidily〕The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit.赚大钱的机会就在那儿摆着。柯林斯高阶〔tidy away〕The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。外研社新世纪〔tidy away〕The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。柯林斯高阶〔tidy sth away〕The children were expected to tidy away their toys before bedtime.孩子们要在睡觉前把玩具收拾好。剑桥高阶〔tidy up〕Tidy the room up before the guests arrive.客人来之前把这间屋子整理整理。21世纪英汉〔tidy up〕He tried to tidy up, not wanting the maid to see the disarray.他试图收拾一下,不想让女佣看见那里乱七八糟。柯林斯高阶〔tidy up〕I really must start tidying the place up.我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。柯林斯高阶〔tidy up〕I really must start tidying the place up.我真得开始收拾这儿了。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕Tidy (up) these papers before you leave, please.请把这些文件整理好再走。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕Tidy away your books if you are leaving the library for longer than half an hour.若离开本图书馆超过半小时,就将书收拾好。英汉大词典〔tidy〕Tidy your room! 把你的房间收拾一下!朗文当代〔tidy〕Chris is a naturally tidy person.克里斯天生是个爱整洁的人。朗文当代〔tidy〕Ellen's room is always neat and tidy .埃伦的房间总是非常整洁。朗文当代〔tidy〕Having a tidy desk can seem impossible if you have a busy, demanding job.如果工作忙、难度大, 要想保持桌面整洁似乎不太可能。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕He always looks neat and tidy.他总是穿戴得整整齐齐的。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕He has always been a tidy person.他一直是个爱整洁的人。韦氏高阶〔tidy〕His business deals make him a tidy sum.他做生意赚了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕I always have to clean and tidy after them.我总得跟在他们后边整理收拾。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕I didn't have time to tidy up.我没有时间收拾。韦氏高阶〔tidy〕I hope you're going to keep your room tidy.我希望你能保持房间整齐。牛津搭配〔tidy〕I like everything to be neat and tidy.我喜欢一切都井井有条。牛津高阶〔tidy〕I must tidy up the house tonight.我今晚必须收拾房子。麦克米伦高阶〔tidy〕I spent all morning cleaning and tidying.我用了整个上午的时间清扫整理。牛津高阶〔tidy〕I try to keep the garden tidy .我尽量保持花园整洁。朗文当代〔tidy〕I'll do your garden, I'll keep that tidy for you.我帮你收拾一下花园, 给你弄得井井有条。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕I'm a tidy person.我这个人讲究整洁。牛津高阶〔tidy〕I'm tired of tidying up after you boys (=tidying somewhere that someone else has made untidy).我已经厌烦了跟在你们这些男孩后面收拾。朗文当代〔tidy〕I'm tired of asking you to tidy your room (up).老是叫你收拾房间,我都厌烦了。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕I've got to tidy my bedroom.我得收拾卧室了。麦克米伦高阶〔tidy〕It must have cost a tidy sum.这准花了相当大的一笔钱。牛津高阶〔tidy〕It was a neatly furnished and immaculately tidy room.这是一个陈设简洁、干净整齐的房间。牛津搭配〔tidy〕It's all wrapped up in one tidy package.都已经整整齐齐地打包成一个包裹了。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕Let's tidy these toys away.我们把这些玩具收拾起来吧。朗文当代〔tidy〕My flatmate isn't very tidy.我的室友不怎么爱整洁。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕None could produce a simple, tidy answer.没人能提出一个简单而又令人满意的答案。英汉大词典〔tidy〕Please tidy your room.请你把房间整理一下。牛津同义词〔tidy〕Please leave your books in a tidy pile.请把你的书堆放整齐。英汉大词典〔tidy〕She earns a tidy salary.她的收入可观。韦氏高阶〔tidy〕She is coming to give the house its Saturday morning tidy.她就要来对屋子进行一次星期六上午的例行打扫。英汉大词典〔tidy〕She keeps her flat very tidy.她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。牛津高阶〔tidy〕She told me to give her hair a tidy.她叫我把她的头发梳理一下。英汉大词典〔tidy〕She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.她有洁癖, 整天不是用吸尘器吸尘, 就是擦来擦去。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕She's very tidy.她非常爱整洁。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕The government needs to tidy up the law surrounding this issue.政府必须修改与这个问题相关的法律。麦克米伦高阶〔tidy〕The house looked very clean and tidy.屋子看起来非常干净整洁。麦克米伦高阶〔tidy〕The house was clean and tidy.房子干净整洁。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕The living room is fairly tidy.起居室相当整齐。牛津搭配〔tidy〕The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit.赚取丰厚利润的机会就摆在那里。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕The sale of the company brought in a tidy sum.公司通过产品销售赚了一大笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔tidy〕There is a tidy sum in the account I opened for you.我给你开立的账户里有很大一笔钱。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕They paid a tidy sum for the house.他们花了一大笔钱买下这栋房子。韦氏高阶〔tidy〕We need to tidy up the house.我们得把房子收拾整洁。韦氏高阶〔tidy〕We sold the house for a tidy sum and moved south.我们把那座房子卖了一大笔钱,然后移居到了南方。朗文当代〔tidy〕When you cook, could you please tidy up after yourself.请你在做饭时随手收拾干净。牛津高阶〔tidy〕You'd better tidy yourself up now.你最好现在就梳理一下。英汉大词典〔tip〕This room is a complete/absolute/real tip (= is very untidy) - tidy it up at once.这个房间完全/绝对/简直是个垃圾场——马上清理干净。剑桥高阶〔useful〕Sometimes he would make himself useful in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.他有时也会在厨房帮忙打扫一下,收拾收拾。朗文当代〔while〕I'll tidy up while you make the dinner.你来做晚饭, 我来收拾。外研社新世纪Tidy (up) these papers/Tidy these papers (up) before you leave, please.在你离开前请把这些纸整理好。剑桥国际Tidy up your room. And don't forget to make your bed! 把你的房间收拾干净,并且别忘了把床铺好!剑桥国际At a word from their teacher, the children started to tidy away their books.老师一下指令,孩子们就开始收拾起他们的书来。剑桥国际Be sure to tidy up before going out. 出去之前一定要收拾一下。译典通During his monologue the actor has to make the bed and tidy the room.在他的独角戏中,演员必须铺床,整理房间。剑桥国际He just takes it for granted that the house is always tidy.他把房子的整洁当作理所当然的。剑桥国际He'll get £50 000 from the company when he retires which is a tidy (= large) sum.他退休时将从公司领取一笔50 000英镑的巨款。剑桥国际Her room is always clean and tidy. 她的房间总是干净整洁。译典通His business deals make him a tidy sum/profit/fortune/penny.他的生意给他带来一笔相当可观的钱/利润/财富。剑桥国际His mother was always impeccably groomed (= very tidy and stylish).他的母亲总是修饰得整洁得体。剑桥国际His room was in a clutter so I had to tidy it up. 他的房间乱七八糟的,我不得不整理一下。译典通I hate all this muddle--I'll have to tidy it up.我讨厌这一片混乱----我不得不把它整理一下。剑桥国际I reserve Mondays for tidying my desk and answering letters.我留出周一来清理书桌,答复信件。剑桥国际I told you to tidy this room--now jump to it (= do it quickly)! 我叫你收拾这间房间的----现在快干!剑桥国际I was just going to tidy up the kitchen, but you've beaten me to it.我正打算整理厨房,你却赶在我之前把它整理好了。剑桥国际I wish you'd stop farting about and help me tidy up.我希望你别再闲荡了,来帮我收拾收拾吧。剑桥国际I'll tidy my things away tonight -- and that's a promise! 今天晚上我要把我的东西收拾好----那是一个保证!剑桥国际I'm tired of asking you to tidy (up) your room/tidy your room up.老是叫你收拾房间,我都厌烦了。剑桥国际I've had it (up to here) with you--you never make any effort to keep the house tidy.我对你已经受够了----你从不努力保持屋子的整洁。剑桥国际Just before the visitors arrived I rushed around madly tidying up.我在客人到达之前赶紧清扫了一番。剑桥国际Keeping the children's rooms tidy is a thankless task/job (= one that is unlikely to be successful or appreciated).保持儿童室整洁是项吃力不讨好的工作。剑桥国际My mother's always preaching at/to me about keeping my room tidy.我母亲老是叫我保持房间整洁。剑桥国际None could produce a simple, tidy answer. 没有人能提出一个简单而又令人满意的答案。译典通Please tidy your station and log out before leaving the lab.请收拾一下你的工作位,离开实验室时要登出系统。牛津商务She gave me a lecture on the importance of being tidy and well-organized.她郑重其事地对我说了一番整洁和有条理的重要性。剑桥国际She likes everything neat and tidy. I 她喜欢一切都井井有条。剑桥国际She told me to tidy my room. 她让我把房间收拾一下。译典通She's always laying down the law about keeping the house tidy.她总是以命令式的口气说要保持房屋整洁。剑桥国际Some women pluck their eyebrows (= remove some of the hairs to make them tidy or change their shape).有些女人修眉毛。剑桥国际Sorry, the kitchen's a bit shambolic--I haven't had time to tidy it up yet.不好意思,厨房有点乱----我还没有来得及给整理好。剑桥国际The children have to learn to tidy up after themselves (=after they have made things untidy).孩子们必须学会整理被他们弄乱的东西。剑桥国际The children were expected to tidy away their toys/to tidy their toys away(=put them in the correct place) before bedtime.孩子们要在睡觉前把他们的玩具收拾好。剑桥国际There are no marks for guessing (= It is obvious) who said we had to tidy up our rooms! 是谁说我们必须打扫房间的这很明显。剑桥国际To pass the time he busied himself with / by (= made himself busy by) tidying up the room.他靠整理房间打发时间。剑桥国际We ought to tidy up before we go home.我们回家之前应该把身上弄整洁一点。剑桥国际We were fighting a losing battle trying to get him to keep his bedroom tidy.我们让他把卧室保持整洁的努力是白费劲。剑桥国际You can tell her to tidy her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't listen to you.你可以告诉她让她整理她的房间但你只是徒劳而已,她不会听你的。剑桥国际You look like something the cat brought in--go and have a bath and tidy yourself up a bit.你看上去邋遢极了----快去洗个澡,把自己弄得干净一点。剑桥国际




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