单词 | the old testament |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aaron〕In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.亚伦:《旧约》中摩西的哥哥,帮助他引导希伯来人逃出埃及美国传统〔Abednego〕In the Old Testament, a young man who with Meshach and Shadrach emerged unharmed from the fiery furnace of Babylon.亚伯尼亚歌:《旧约》中的一年轻人,与米煞和沙得拉从巴比伦的烈火炉中出来而毫发无伤美国传统〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Adam〕In the Old Testament, the first man and the husband of Eve.亚当:《旧约》中的第一个人和夏娃的丈夫美国传统〔Ahab〕Pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel who, according to the Old Testament, was overthrown by Jehu.亚哈:以色列异教徒国王,耶洗别的丈夫。据《旧约》记载被耶和推翻美国传统〔Amalekite〕A member of an ancient nomadic people of Canaan said in the Old Testament to be descendants of Esau's grandson Amalek.亚摩力人:《旧约》中提到的迦南的古游牧部落的成员,据说是伊索的孙子亚摩力的后代美国传统〔Ammonite〕A member of an ancient Semitic people living east of the Jordan River, mentioned frequently in the Old Testament.亚扪人:住在约旦河以东的古闪米特族成员,在《旧约》圣经中多次被提到美国传统〔Aram〕In the Old Testament, an ancient country of southwest Asia, roughly coextensive with present-day Syria.阿拉姆:旧约全书中亚洲西南部一古国,基本与今叙利亚共存美国传统〔Boaz〕In the Old Testament, the husband of Ruth.波阿斯:《旧约全书》中路得的丈夫美国传统〔Cain〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, who murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy and was condemned to be a fugitive.该隐:在旧约全书中,是亚当和夏娃的长子,他出于忌妒而谋杀了他的弟弟亚伯并作为逃犯而被判罪美国传统〔Danite〕In the Old Testament, a descendant of Dan.但族的后裔:在旧约中,但族的后裔美国传统〔Dan〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.但:在旧约全书中,雅各的儿子和以色列的一个部落的祖先美国传统〔Deborah〕In the Old Testament, a judge and prophet who aided the Israelites in their victory over the Canaanites.底波拉:旧约中的一名法官和先知,曾帮助以色列人战胜迦南人美国传统〔Delilah〕In the Old Testament, a mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Philistines by having his hair shorn while he slept, thus depriving him of his strength.黛利拉:圣经旧约中,参孙的情妇。她将参孙出卖给非利士人,在参孙睡觉时剪掉了他的头发,使参孙丧失了能量美国传统〔Eli〕In the Old Testament, a judge of Israel who was the teacher of Samuel.以利:旧约全书中记载的一名以色列法官,是撒母尔的老师美国传统〔Esau〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage.以扫:在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生兄弟雅各美国传统〔Gad〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.迦得:旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先美国传统〔Hagar〕In the Old Testament, the Egyptian servant of Abraham's wife, Sarah. With Abraham she had a son, Ishmael.夏甲:旧约圣经中亚伯拉罕之妻撒拉的婢女,她与亚伯拉罕生有一子,名为以赛玛利美国传统〔Haman〕In the Old Testament, a Persian minister who was hanged for plotting the destruction of the Jews.哈曼:旧约圣经中所记载的一位波斯宰相,因为施阴谋欲杀尽犹太人而被吊死美国传统〔Ham〕In the Old Testament, a son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem.含:旧约圣经中,诺亚的儿子、雅弗和闪的兄弟美国传统〔Heptateuch〕The first seven books of the Old Testament.旧约圣经的头七卷美国传统〔Hexateuch〕The first six books of the Old Testament.首六卷:《旧约全书》的头六卷美国传统〔Isaac〕In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was offered as a sacrifice to God. The sacrifice was prevented at the last moment by divine intervention.以撒:在《旧约》中,指亚伯拉罕之子,被作为祭品献给上帝。祭献在最后一刻因神意的干预而被阻止美国传统〔Issachar〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.以萨迦:在《圣经·旧约》中雅各和利亚的儿子,也是以色列部落的祖先美国传统〔Jezebel〕Phoenician princess and queen of Israel as the wife of Ahab. According to the Old Testament, she encouraged idolatry and was ultimately killed by Jehu.耶洗别:腓尼基的公主和以色列国王亚哈之妻。据《旧约》记载,她鼓励对神的崇拜,最后被耶户所杀美国传统〔Jonathan〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of King Saul of Israel and friend of David.约拿单:《圣经·旧约》中以色列国王扫罗的长子,大卫的朋友美国传统〔Jubal〕In the Old Testament, a descendant of Cain who is said to have invented musical instruments.犹八:《圣经·旧约》中该隐的后代,据说是他发明了乐器美国传统〔Judah〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.犹大:《圣经·旧约》中雅各和利亚的儿子,一支犹太部落的祖先美国传统〔Judith〕In the Old Testament, a Jewish heroine who rescued her people by slaying an Assyrian general.犹滴:《圣经·旧约》中的犹太女英雄,她通过杀死一名亚述大将而拯救了她的全族美国传统〔Leah〕In the Old Testament, the first wife of Jacob.利亚:在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子美国传统〔Levi〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.利未:《旧约》中雅各布和利亚之子,是以色列一个部落的祖先美国传统〔Lot〕In the Old Testament, Abraham's nephew, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back as they fled Sodom.罗德:旧约中的人物,亚伯拉罕的侄子,当他们逃离罪恶之地所多玛时,他的妻子因回头看而被化作盐柱美国传统〔Manasseh〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Joseph and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.玛拿西:《旧约》故事中约瑟夫的长子,是以色列一个宗族的祖先美国传统〔Meshach〕In the Old Testament, a young man who with Abednego and Shadrach emerged unharmed from the fiery furnace of Babylon.米煞:圣经《旧约》中的一个年轻人,他与亚伯尼哥和沙得拉从巴比伦的烈火熊熊的炉中走出而未受伤美国传统〔Michael〕The guardian archangel of the Jews in the Old Testament.米迦勒:基督教《圣经·旧约》中犹太人的守护天使长美国传统〔Moloch〕Bible In the Old Testament, the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom children were sacrificed.【圣经】 摩洛神:在旧约中亚们人和腓尼基人所信奉的神灵,用儿童向他献祭美国传统〔Noah〕In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood.诺亚:在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,藉此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物各一对,在大洪水中保全了性命美国传统〔Rachel〕In the Old Testament, the second wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.拉结:圣经旧约中,雅各的一第二个妻子,约瑟夫和本杰明的母亲美国传统〔Ruth〕In the Old Testament, a Moabite widow who left home with her mother-in-law and went to Bethlehem, where she later married Boaz.路得:旧约中的一摩押寡妇,她与她的婆母一起离开家去伯利恒,后来在那儿嫁给了波阿斯美国传统〔Samson〕In the Old Testament, the Israelite judge and powerful warrior who was betrayed to the Philistines by Delilah.萨姆森:在圣经旧约中,被非利士人黛利拉所背叛的以色列法官、勇士美国传统〔Sarah〕In the Old Testament, the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.撒拉:《旧约》全书中的亚伯拉罕之妻和以撒之母美国传统〔Shem〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Ham.闪:《旧约》中,诺亚的长子,是雅弗和哈姆的哥哥美国传统〔Sheol〕The underworld of the Old Testament, where the dead dwelt in darkness.地狱:《旧约》中的地下世界,在那儿死者住在黑暗中美国传统〔Targum〕Any of several Aramaic translations or paraphrasings of the Old Testament.塔古姆:任一种《旧约》的亚拉姆文中的译文或解释美国传统〔Uriah〕In the Old Testament, an officer in the Israelite army and the husband of Bathsheba. He was sent to die in battle so that David could marry his wife.乌利亚:在旧约中以色列军队中的一个军官,是拔示巴的丈夫。大卫送他到战场以致于大卫能娶他的妻子美国传统〔Zebulon〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.泽布伦:旧约中雅各和利亚的儿子,而且是以色列一个部落的祖先美国传统〔crib〕You shall love your neighbour as yourself is cribbed verbatim from the Old Testament.“要爱人如己”这句话是一字不差地从《旧约》中抄来的。外研社新世纪〔deluge〕Deluge Bible In the Old Testament, the great flood that occurred in the time of Noah. Deluge 【圣经】 大洪水:在旧约全书中,特指在诺亚时代发生的大洪水美国传统〔reading〕He draws his morality from a literal reading of the Old Testament.他的道德观来自于对《圣经・旧约》字面的理解。牛津搭配〔reading〕This morning's reading is from the Old Testament.今早的朗读材料选自《旧约全书》。麦克米伦高阶 |
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