

单词 to bring
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-lined〕if the Prime Minister fails to bring rebellious Tories into line.如果首相无法使倒戈的托利党人就范的话柯林斯高阶〔-lined〕the economic discipline required to bring currencies into line.实现货币统一所需的经济纪律柯林斯高阶〔FORGET〕to forget to bring something 忘记带上某物朗文写作活用〔Herculean〕his herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled island.他为给我们这个纷争不断的岛屿带来和平所作出的艰苦努力柯林斯高阶〔Herculean〕his herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled island他为给我们这个纷争不断的岛屿带来和平所作出的艰苦努力外研社新世纪〔all right〕be all right to do sth Is it all right to bring my dog? 我带狗来行吗?朗文当代〔all-out〕an all-out effort to bring the fire under control.全力以赴控制火势柯林斯高阶〔armful〕stacking armfuls of wood to bring in for the fireplace 堆好成抱的木柴以便烧壁炉韦氏高阶〔attention〕a campaign to bring human rights abuses to the government's attention 一场让践踏人权的行为引起政府关注的运动麦克米伦高阶〔balance〕how to bring calm and balance to your living spaces如何为你的居住空间带来宁静和谐外研社新世纪〔bloom〕a new skincare range to bring back the bloom to dehydrated skin让缺水肌肤重焕光彩的新护肤产品系列外研社新世纪〔bring out〕a writer who's expected to bring out a new novel next year 预计明年推出小说新作的作家韦氏高阶〔bring〕a brave reporter who had risked death to bring the story to the world.一位冒着生命危险向世人报道此事的勇敢记者柯林斯高阶〔bring〕efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的种种努力朗文当代〔bring〕prescribe some traditional medicinal herbs to bring down the fever 开几味中草药退热英汉大词典〔bring〕the drive to bring art to the public.将艺术介绍给公众的事业柯林斯高阶〔bring〕the drive to bring art to the public将艺术介绍给公众的事业外研社新世纪〔bring〕the most effective way to bring the policy of apartheid down 使种族隔离政策无法得逞的最有效的办法英汉大词典〔bring〕try to bring off a rapprochement between two countries 设法在两国间实现友好往来的恢复英汉大词典〔brush〕brush over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect 给油画涂上一层色彩使画面更生动英汉大词典〔charm〕a charm to bring good luck 会带来好运的小饰物英汉大词典〔closure〕trying to bring closure to the victim's family 试图使受害人的家属得到宽慰韦氏高阶〔clover〕a four-leaf clover(= one with four leaves instead of three, thought to bring good luck) 四叶车轴草(一般为三叶,故被认为可带来好运)牛津高阶〔converge〕the social forces that converged to bring the Nazis to power 合在一起使纳粹党人得以上台的各种社会力量英汉大词典〔depressed〕an attempt to bring jobs to depressed areas 给经济萧条地区创造就业机会的努力牛津高阶〔fever〕drugs which can help to bring down the fever 有助于退烧的药牛津搭配〔gospel〕the first to bring the Buddhist gospel to China 第一个把佛教教义传入中国的人英汉大词典〔heave〕heave to bring forth the Asian Cup 为安排亚洲杯比赛费尽力气英汉大词典〔independence〕the need to bring independence to the country 使国家独立的需要牛津搭配〔inflation〕government efforts to bring down inflation政府为减轻通货膨胀所做的努力外研社新世纪〔kindly〕the kindly skill of the earth to bring forth fruit 土地那种生长果实的天然资质英汉大词典〔line〕do whatever necessary to bring juvenile delinquents into line 竭尽所能使少年犯走上正道 英汉大词典〔line〕if the Prime Minister fails to bring rebellious Tories into line如果首相无法使倒戈的托利党人就范的话外研社新世纪〔mercy〕a mercy mission to bring food to people in devastated areas 把食物带给灾区人民的慈善活动麦克米伦高阶〔misguided〕a misguided attempt to bring her parents back together 想让她父母重归于好但却弄巧成拙的努力朗文当代〔peace〕efforts to bring peace to the region 为该地区带来和平的努力朗文当代〔reconciliation〕the power of love to bring renewal and reconciliation 可化解怨气、重修旧好的爱的力量牛津搭配〔reconciliation〕try to bring about a reconciliation between the two families 试图使那两家重修旧好英汉大词典〔reform〕promise to bring about reforms in government 承诺革除行政管理上的种种弊病英汉大词典〔region〕an attempt to bring peace and stability to a troubled region 给动荡地区带来和平与稳定的努力牛津搭配〔region〕efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的努力朗文当代〔stepped-up〕a stepped-up marketing effort to bring in new customers为吸引新顾客而逐步加强的市场营销外研社新世纪〔together〕a reunion to bring the family together合家团聚21世纪英汉




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