

单词 tourist
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔attraction〕tourist attractions 旅游景点剑桥高阶〔blast out〕loudspeakers blasting out essential tourist facts in every language known to man用人们知道的每一种语言大声地播放基本旅游信息的扬声器外研社新世纪〔board〕the Welsh Tourist Board(= responsible for giving tourist information) 威尔士旅游局牛津高阶〔bonanza〕a tourist bonanza 旅游业的繁荣英汉大词典〔cabin〕a tourist cabin 旅游者野营小屋英汉大词典〔centre〕the local Tourist Information Centre 当地旅游信息中心麦克米伦高阶〔class〕tourist class.观光级美国传统〔cloak〕the decision to cloak major tourist attractions in unsightly hoardings.在主要景点外挂满刺眼的大幅广告牌的决定柯林斯高阶〔destination〕a popular tourist destination 热门的旅游景点韦氏高阶〔do-it-yourself〕a do-it-yourself tourist 自助游游客英汉大词典〔down-river〕a big tourist hotel a few hundred yards down-river.下游几百码处的一家大型旅游酒店柯林斯高阶〔down-river〕a big tourist hotel a few hundred yards down-river下游几百码处的一家大型观光酒店外研社新世纪〔fleece〕an unsuspecting tourist fleeced by a scam artist 毫无戒备地被骗子骗走钱财的游客韦氏高阶〔height〕the height of the tourist season 旅游旺季的高峰期朗文当代〔high〕the high tourist season; high summer.旅游旺季;盛夏美国传统〔hike〕shopkeepers who hiked their prices for the tourist trade.店铺老板们对观光客们大幅提价美国传统〔honeypot〕traditional tourist honeypots such as London, Bath, Edinburgh, and York.诸如伦敦、巴斯、爱丁堡、约克等传统的旅游胜地柯林斯高阶〔honeypot〕traditional tourist honeypots such as London, Bath, Edinburgh, and York伦敦、巴斯、爱丁堡、约克等传统的旅游胜地外研社新世纪〔industry〕the tourist industry 旅游业剑桥高阶〔industry〕the tourist industry 旅游业英汉大词典〔industry〕the Scottish tourist industry.苏格兰旅游业柯林斯高阶〔invasion〕the annual tourist invasion 一年一度游客的涌入牛津高阶〔jaded〕a jaded tourist 疲惫的游客英汉大词典〔kit〕a tourist information kit 一套旅游资料韦氏高阶〔literature〕literature about local tourist attractions.关于本地名胜的小册子。牛津同义词〔main〕one of the main tourist areas of Amsterdam.阿姆斯特丹的主要旅游区之一柯林斯高阶〔make〕make up a tourist guide 编写旅游指南 英汉大词典〔mecca〕tourist meccas 旅游胜地韦氏高阶〔nationwide〕a nationwide search for a missing British tourist 在全国范围内对一名失踪英国游客的搜寻朗文当代〔office〕a tourist information office 旅游信息处麦克米伦高阶〔office〕the tourist office 旅游信息询问处朗文当代〔office〕the local tourist office 当地旅游办事处牛津高阶〔pesky〕as if he were a pesky tourist asking silly questions of a busy man.好像他是个让人讨厌的旅客,尽向忙碌的人问些愚蠢的问题柯林斯高阶〔promote〕a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination.在特殊的圣卢西亚活动周期间这个岛屿可以作为旅游胜地进行宣传推广柯林斯高阶〔risk〕the brave tourist who risks life and limb for adventure 冒着生命危险去探险的勇敢旅行者牛津搭配〔rush〕a sudden rush of tourist traffic 突然的游客人流高峰牛津搭配〔seasonal〕seasonal jobs in the tourist industry 旅游业的季节性工作朗文当代〔season〕the tourist season 旅游旺季牛津高阶〔season〕the tourist season 旅游旺季英汉大词典〔spot〕one of the region's best-known tourist spots 这个地区最著名的旅游景点之一麦克米伦高阶〔spot〕visit the tourist spots 观光旅游胜地英汉大词典〔sucker〕sucker a tourist into a confidence game.诱骗一位游客参加一个骗人的把戏美国传统〔themed〕a colonial-themed tourist attraction.殖民地建筑主题的观光景点美国传统〔thriving〕a thriving tourist industry 兴旺发达的旅游业朗文当代〔tourist class〕to travel tourist class乘坐经济舱旅行外研社新世纪〔tourist〕tourist passengers 旅游车厢的乘客英汉大词典〔tourist〕a tourist agency 旅行社英汉大词典〔tourist〕a tourist flight 坐经济舱的空中旅行英汉大词典〔tourist〕a tourist hotel 旅游旅馆英汉大词典〔tourist〕a tourist hotel/destination 旅游酒店/目的地麦克米伦高阶〔tourist〕a popular tourist attraction/destination/resort 为游客所喜爱的旅游景点╱目的地╱胜地牛津高阶〔tourist〕the local tourist information office 当地旅游问询处牛津搭配〔tourist〕the reduction in tourist traffic due to the violence 暴力事件导致的游客数量减少牛津搭配〔trade〕novelties for the tourist trade 供旅游业出售的各种新鲜玩意儿英汉大词典〔trade〕the area's dependence on the tourist trade 该地区对旅游业的依赖牛津搭配〔trail〕a tourist trail(= of famous buildings) 游览路线牛津高阶〔unmissable〕an unmissable tourist attraction 不可不去的旅游点英汉大词典〔witness〕witness a gang of hoodlums steal the wallet of a tourist 看到一伙流氓扒窃一旅游者的钱包英汉大词典〔worker〕workers in the tourist industry 旅游行业工作者朗文当代the local tourist office 当地旅游办事处牛津商务




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