

单词 to torture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PLACE〕They tried to torture him into revealing the whereabouts of the $90 million, but he didn't know anything. 他们对他严刑拷打,要他说出那笔9,000万美元的下落,可他什么也不知道。朗文写作活用〔amount to〕The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture.这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的。柯林斯高阶〔grill〕To torture or afflict as if by broiling.折磨:象烤东西一样地折磨或让人受苦美国传统〔impale〕To torture or kill by impaling.对…施刺刑:用刺的方法折磨或杀死美国传统〔put〕The interrogators put the prisoner to torture.审问者使囚犯们受到折磨美国传统〔rack〕To torture by means of the rack.用刑具折磨美国传统〔stretch〕To put to torture on the rack.置于刑架上折磨美国传统〔subject to〕The prisoners were subjected to torture.囚犯们遭受了折磨。韦氏高阶〔torture〕To subject (a person or an animal) to torture.拷打:将(人或动物)置于酷刑之下美国传统〔wrong〕We all accept that it is wrong to torture people.我们都承认严刑逼供是不对的。朗文当代




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