

单词 bullfight
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abolish〕I think bullfighting should be abolished.我认为斗牛应该废止。剑桥高阶〔banderilla〕A decorated barbed dart that is thrust into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles by a banderillero in a bullfight.带有倒钩的短标枪:斗牛中斗牛士的助手用于刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的短扎枪,带有倒钩和装饰美国传统〔banderillero〕One who implants decorated barbed darts into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles during a bullfight.斗牛士助手:斗牛中用带有倒钩和装饰的短枪刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的斗牛士美国传统〔bullring〕A circular arena for bullfights.斗牛场:斗牛用的圆形竞技场美国传统〔corrida〕A bullfight.斗牛美国传统〔cuadrilla〕The group of assistants to the matador in a bullfight.斗牛助手:斗牛中协助斗牛士的一群人美国传统〔emotive〕He raised the highly emotive issue of bullfighting.他提出了斗牛这个激动人心的话题。牛津搭配〔faena〕The series of final passes performed by a matador preparatory to killing a bull in a bullfight.最后几次刺杀:斗牛士在斗牛过程中杀死斗牛前所做的最后关头的系列动作美国传统〔heritage〕Bullfighting is part of Spain's heritage.斗牛是西班牙传统的一部分。外研社新世纪〔horn〕About more than 100 people were horned in the bullfighting this year.在今年的斗牛中,约有一百多人被牛抵伤。21世纪英汉〔mano a mano〕A bullfight in which two rival matadors take turns fighting several bulls each.肉搏,格斗:一种斗牛方式,两个竞争的斗牛士轮流单独斗多只牛美国传统〔metaphor〕Central to Piccaso's work was the metaphor of the bullfight.斗牛这一意象乃是毕加索作品的主线。英汉大词典〔moment of truth〕Sports The point in a bullfight at which the matador makes the kill.【体育运动】 斗牛时最后刺中要害的一剑美国传统〔novillada〕A bullfight in which the bulls engaged are less than four years old.轻型斗牛表演:公牛的年龄小于四岁的斗牛表演美国传统〔originate〕The bullfight originated in Spain.斗牛起源于西班牙。英汉大词典〔pase〕One of several usually one-handed maneuvers in bullfighting in which the matador presents and moves the cape to attract a close, passing charge of the bull.斗牛士的一种动作:斗牛中几种通常为单手的动作中的一种,斗牛士摆出和抖动披肩,将牛引到近处发起短暂的进攻美国传统〔paso doble〕Music for or in the rhythm of this dance, set in march time and often played at bullfights.双步舞乐:跳这种舞的音乐,或以这种舞的节拍演奏的音乐,常常编成进行曲的形式在斗牛时演奏美国传统〔picador〕A horseman in a bullfight who lances the bull's neck muscles so that it will tend to keep its head low for the subsequent stages of the fight.骑马斗牛士:斗牛的骑手,用长矛刺牛的颈部肌肉,以使其头低下来准备下一轮的战斗美国传统〔veronica〕A maneuver in bullfighting in which the matador stands with both feet fixed in position and swings the cape slowly away from the charging bull.双足立定式:斗牛的一种动作,斗牛士双脚站在一个地方不动并舞动斗篷慢慢离开冲锋的斗牛美国传统〔whitewash〕The walls were whitewashed and covered with bullfighting posters.墙壁粉刷过后贴满了斗牛比赛的海报。朗文当代I think bullfighting should be abolished.我认为斗牛应被废止。剑桥国际She snapshotted a few pictures of the bullfight. 她拍了几张斗牛场面的快照。译典通




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