

单词 trace back to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔back〕A lot of emotional problems can be traced back to childhood.许多情感问题都可以追溯到童年时期。朗文当代〔fester〕The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.这一争端可以追溯到积累了好几个世纪的仇怨。朗文当代〔past〕Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.现代的很多节日都可以追溯到久远的过去。牛津搭配〔trace back〕British empiricism can be traced back to Hume and Locke.英国的经验主义可以追溯到休谟和洛克。外研社新世纪〔trace back〕The rumour was traced back to Tom.这个谣言追究到汤姆身上。21世纪英汉〔trace back〕The tradition traces back to the last century.这一传统可以追溯到上个世纪。外研社新世纪〔trace〕His ancestors trace back to the 16th century.他的祖先可上溯到16世纪。英汉大词典〔trace〕Many phobias can be traced back to childhood experiences.很多恐怖症可追溯到儿童时代的经历。麦克米伦高阶〔trace〕The friendly relationship between the two countries traces back to the last century.两国间的友好关系追溯到上个世纪。21世纪英汉〔trace〕The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to (= first happened in) festivals in ancient China.复活节送彩蛋的习俗可追溯至中国古代的节庆活动。剑桥高阶〔trace〕The rumour was traced back to a journalist.那谣言追究到一名新闻记者身上。英汉大词典〔trace〕The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.这些绘画的风格可以追溯到中世纪早期的影响。朗文当代〔trace〕The word “amiable” traces back to the Latin word for “friend.” 单词amiable(友善的)源于拉丁语表示friend(朋友)的词。韦氏高阶〔trace〕The word “amiable” can be traced back to the Latin word for “friend.” 单词amiable(友善的)的词源可以追溯到拉丁语表示friend(朋友)的词。韦氏高阶His fear of snakes traces back to an experience in his childhood. 他对蛇的惧怕溯自他孩童时的一次经历。译典通Rivalries between the gangs can be traced back to (= first happened in) the 1950s in some black and Hispanic neighbourhoods.这些帮派之间的争斗源于50年代存在于一些黑人和讲西班牙语人邻里中的敌意。剑桥国际The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to festivals in ancient China.在复活节送鸡蛋的习俗可溯至古代中国的喜庆节日。剑桥国际These buildings have an ancestry which can be traced back to Greece and Rome.这些建筑物历史悠久,可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时代。剑桥国际




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