

单词 torpedoes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔concussion〕I was blown off the deck by the concussion of the torpedoes.鱼雷的剧烈震动把我从甲板上甩下来。外研社新世纪〔destroyer〕A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles.驱逐舰:一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等美国传统〔engage〕It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes.从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。柯林斯高阶〔home〕Only two torpedoes struck home.只有两枚鱼雷击中目标。外研社新世纪〔submarine〕To attack by submarine, especially with torpedoes.用潜艇袭击:用潜艇袭击,尤指使用鱼雷者美国传统〔torpedo boat〕A small, fast, thinly plated warship equipped for firing torpedoes.鱼雷艇:一种装甲较轻,行动迅速的小型舰艇,配备鱼雷攻击美国传统〔torpedo tube〕A tube in the hull of a submarine or another naval vessel through which torpedoes are launched.鱼雷发射管:潜水艇或其它海上舰艇上装备的用来发射鱼雷的发射管美国传统〔true〕Some torpedoes ran true.有几枚鱼雷命中了目标。英汉大词典〔waterline〕Two torpedoes struck below the waterline.两颗鱼雷击中船身吃水线以下。朗文当代The Navy's latest submarine entered service three years late and virtually unable to fire its torpedoes.海军最新的潜艇晚了三年服役,根本不能够发射鱼雷。剑桥国际There was damage from the torpedoes both fore and aft.船的前后部都因遭鱼雷打击而损坏。剑桥国际




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