

单词 播种
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔broadcast〕broadcast seed 撒播种子英汉大词典〔country〕much country sown to wheat 播种了小麦的大片土地英汉大词典〔dispersal〕the role of birds in the dispersal of seeds 鸟类在传播种子方面的作用朗文当代〔disseminate〕to disseminate seeds播种21世纪英汉〔distribute〕to distribute seeds播种21世纪英汉〔ground〕planting seeds in the ground 把种子播种到土壤中韦氏高阶〔hack〕to hack in turnip碎土播种萝卜21世纪英汉〔labour〕the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting. 播种、种植和收割的辛勤劳作柯林斯高阶〔labour〕the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting播种、栽培及收获的活计外研社新世纪〔planter〕a potato planter 土豆播种机剑桥高阶〔plant〕plant a field in corn. 在地里播种谷物美国传统〔plough〕plough and sow 耕耘播种英汉大词典〔plough〕to plough and sow耕耘播种21世纪英汉〔preparation〕begin preparation of land for sowing 开始整地准备播种英汉大词典〔preplant〕preplant soil fertilization 播种前土壤施肥英汉大词典〔scatter〕to scatter seeds.播种。牛津同义词〔scatter〕to scatter seeds播种21世纪英汉〔seed〕his newly seeded lawns. 他那几片刚刚播种的草地柯林斯高阶〔seed〕seed the fields with wheat 在地里播种小麦英汉大词典〔seed〕to seed a lawn.在草地播种。牛津同义词〔self-sow〕a plant that self-sows readily. 易于自然播种的植物美国传统〔sow broadcast〕to sow seeds broadcast散播种子21世纪英汉〔sowing〕the sowing of seeds播种外研社新世纪〔sow〕sow a crop 播种作物英汉大词典〔sow〕sow clover in the field 在田里播种苜蓿英汉大词典〔sow〕to sow seeds.播种子。牛津同义词〔spreader〕a manure/seed spreader 施肥机;播种机韦氏高阶




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