

单词 sublime
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔empyreal〕Elevated; sublime.高尚的;崇高的美国传统〔float〕Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie on the lush grass.你躺在绿草如茵的草地上,涤荡心灵的乐声随着清香的夏日微风飘到你的身边。柯林斯高阶〔from the sublime to the ridiculous〕The dresses in the fashion show went/ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous.时装展上的作品良莠不齐。剑桥高阶〔from the sublime to the ridiculous〕The movies shown at the festival ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous.节日期间放映的电影从高雅的到粗俗的都有。韦氏高阶〔notwithstanding〕Thomas Carlyle, notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.托马斯·卡莱尔,尽管他的措辞冗长乏味,但其文体隽永优美,不失为一位散文大师。英汉大词典〔numinous〕Spiritually elevated; sublime.精神的;升华的美国传统〔sublimely〕Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie.优美的音乐随着充满香气的夏日微风飘到了你躺着的地方。柯林斯高阶〔sublimely〕At times the show veered from the sublime to the ridiculous.有时表演会突然从高雅而变得低俗。柯林斯高阶〔sublimely〕He displayed a sublime indifference to the distinction between right and wrong.他对是非之间的差别根本就无动于衷。柯林斯高阶〔sublimely〕She elevated every rare small success to the sublime.她把每一个极不起眼的小小成功都夸大成非凡的成就。柯林斯高阶〔sublimely〕The administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary.政府的极端软弱无能或许只是暂时的。柯林斯高阶〔sublime〕Sublime music filled the air.空气中充满了美妙的音乐。麦克米伦高阶〔sublime〕A great deal of literature is only the obvious transformed into the sublime.很多文学作品都是化寻常为神奇。剑桥高阶〔sublime〕A hit song sublimed her as a star.一首轰动一时的歌曲使她变成了歌星。21世纪英汉〔sublime〕At any rate, Grace Kelly's cool and sublime bearing was on fine display here.至少, 格雷丝·凯莉沉着超然的风采在这里有了很好的体现。外研社新世纪〔sublime〕At times the show veered from the sublime to the ridiculous.有时表演会从大雅变成大俗。外研社新世纪〔sublime〕He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence.现存的最令人惊叹的交响乐中有些是由他创作的。韦氏高阶〔sublime〕He possesses sublime self-confidence.他自信心很强。剑桥高阶〔sublime〕He transforms the most ordinary subject into the sublime.经他一点化,极普通的题材也能变得令人叫绝。牛津高阶〔sublime〕Her dancing approached the sublime.她的舞蹈近乎完美。麦克米伦高阶〔sublime〕Her paintings are sublime.她的绘画作品令人赞叹。韦氏高阶〔sublime〕Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.她的歌曲把流行乐和巴西音乐巧妙地融合在一起。朗文当代〔sublime〕His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit.他脸上显出一副极端自负的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔sublime〕She elevated every rare small success to the sublime.她把每一个极不起眼的小小成功都夸大成非凡的成就。外研社新世纪〔sublime〕Something sublime. 高尚的东西美国传统〔sublime〕The administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary.政府的极端软弱无能或许只是暂时的。外研社新世纪〔sublime〕The book has sublime descriptive passages.这本书中有一些非常优美的描写段落。剑桥高阶〔sublime〕The view was sublime.景色十分迷人。朗文当代〔sublime〕The works on display range from the mainstream to the sublime.展出的作品有主流的,也有非比寻常的。朗文当代〔sublime〕To render sublime.超群出众美国传统〔winged〕Soaring as if with wings; elevated or sublime.高远的:象有翅膀般飞翔的;高扬的或升华的美国传统He is a man of sublime virtue. 他是具有高尚美德的人。译典通He possesses sublime self-confidence.他自信心十足。剑桥国际I like sublime mountain scenery. 我喜爱壮丽的山景。译典通Many species have been wiped out through sublime ignorance. 许多物种由于人们的极端无知而灭绝了。译典通Mozart had the ability to transform the popular musical styles of his day into something sublime.莫扎特能将当时流行的音乐风格转化成高雅艺术。剑桥国际The book contains sublime descriptive passages.这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。剑桥国际The dresses in the fashion show went from the sublime to the ridiculous.时装表演中展示的作品有好有坏,良莠不齐。剑桥国际




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