

单词 蟋蟀
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUB〕Male crickets make a noise by rubbing their wings together. 雄性蟋蟀通过摩擦翅翼来发出声音。朗文写作活用〔chirping〕The crickets chirped faster and louder.蟋蟀叫得更欢了。柯林斯高阶〔chirp〕The crickets chirped faster and louder.蟋蟀的鸣叫声更急促、更响亮。外研社新世纪〔chirp〕The crickets chirped in the garden.蟋蟀在花园里唧唧地鸣唱。英汉大词典〔chirp〕We heard the crickets chirping.我们听到蟋蟀在唧唧地叫。韦氏高阶〔chirr〕A harsh, trilling sound, such as that made by crickets.唧唧声:一种如蟋蟀所发出的刺耳的颤音美国传统〔chirr〕The crickets chirred plaintively at the foot of the wall.蟋蟀在墙脚下哀鸣。21世纪英汉〔cousin〕The cricket is a cousin of the grasshopper.蟋蟀是蚱蜢的同类。韦氏高阶〔cricket〕The only sound was a cricket chirping.只有蟋蟀唧唧的叫声。牛津搭配〔incomplete metamorphosis〕A life cycle of certain insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers, characterized by the absence of a pupal stage between the immature and adult stages.不完全蜕变:蟋蟀、草蜢等昆虫的生命循环,以缺少幼年期和成年期之间的蛹期为特色美国传统〔riot〕Crab grass is running riot in the meadow.草地上蟋蟀草正在蔓生。英汉大词典〔rub〕The sound you hear is the crickets rubbing their legs together.你听到的声音是蟋蟀共同振翅发出的。韦氏高阶〔seethe〕The field was seething with crickets.田野里到处都是蟋蟀。韦氏高阶〔serenade〕The crickets seranaded us all night long.这些蟋蟀通宵达旦地为我们唱小夜曲。韦氏高阶〔start〕The crickets had started up now that it was evening.到了晚上,蟋蟀开始鸣叫。朗文当代〔stomp〕He angrily stomped his cricket after failing the fight.比赛失败后,他生气地踏死了他的蟋蟀。21世纪英汉〔vocal〕A cricket's chirps are not vocal; they are made by rubbing the legs.蟋蟀鸣声不是从嗓子发出的,而是通过摩擦腿部发声的。英汉大词典We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket. 我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。译典通




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