

单词 strapping
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STRONG〕She remembered Martin as a strapping youth with a big appetite. 她记得马丁是一个身材魁梧、胃口很大的青年人。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The farmer's daughters were a fine pair of strapping young girls. 这位农民的一对女儿都是身材高大、体健貌美的年轻姑娘。朗文写作活用〔chafe〕The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.送信人弯下腰去抓了抓绑带摩擦膝盖的地方。外研社新世纪〔chafe〕The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.送信人弯下腰来,挠着膝部被绑腿磨红的地方。柯林斯高阶〔lad〕He's a strapping lad-already bigger than his father.他是个魁梧的小伙子 - 已经长得比他父亲高大了。牛津搭配〔short〕He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.他五大三粗,但头脑简单。牛津高阶〔strapping〕A big strapping lad like you shouldn't have much difficulty lifting that! 像你这样人高马大的小伙子,举那个东西应该没什么问题!剑桥高阶〔strapping〕He was a bricklayer—a big, strapping fellow.他是位砌砖工——一个高大健壮的小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕The carer will have to do all the work: placing the patient on the seat, strapping him in, taking him off again at the top.护工将要全程照顾:将病人抱到座位上,替他系好安全带,到顶层后再将他抱下来。柯林斯高阶A big strapping lad like you shouldn't have much difficulty lifting that! 像你这样魁梧的青年举那东西应该没什么困难。剑桥国际He was a tall strapping boy. 他是一个高大健壮的小伙子。译典通We carried our groceries by strapping them to the back of our bikes with bungee cords / with bungees.我们将杂货用弹力绳捆在自行车后。剑桥国际




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