

单词 stabilize
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕The family has taken some comfort from the fact that her condition has stabilized. 她的情况已经稳定,家里人多少有些安慰。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕It would be very tricky to try to stabilize the region without the support of other countries. 如果没有其他国家的帮助,想要稳定该地区是很难办到的。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕It is hoped that the tax increases will help to stabilize the economy. 大家希望增税有助稳定经济。朗文写作活用〔age〕To change (the characteristics of a device) through use, especially to stabilize (an electronic device).使稳定:通过使用来改变(一件器材的特征),尤其是使(一件电器)稳定美国传统〔all〕Over all, the proportion of the population 19 and under may stabilize at about 27 per cent.总的说来,19岁以及19岁以下的人口比例可能稳定在27%左右。英汉大词典〔alpha helix〕A common structure of proteins, characterized by a single, spiral chain of amino acids stabilized by hydrogen bonds.α螺旋:一种蛋白质普通结构,其特征为由氢键所稳定住的单螺旋氨基酸链美国传统〔anticipate〕It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%.据预测,通货膨胀将稳定在 3%。牛津高阶〔ballast〕To stabilize or provide with ballast.用压载物来稳定或支撑美国传统〔compartment〕The knee joint is composed of three compartments and ligaments that stabilize the joint.膝关节由三个隔间和起稳定作用的韧带组成。剑桥高阶〔compensate〕To stabilize the purchasing power of (a monetary unit) by changing the gold content in order to counterbalance price variations.补偿:为平抑物价波动通过改变金含量来稳定(货币单位)的购买能力美国传统〔discipline〕The government has stabilized the economy through strict fiscal discipline.通过严格的财政控制,政府稳定了经济。牛津搭配〔enfeebled〕They took measures to stabilize the enfeebled economy.他们采取多种措施稳定疲软的经济。韦氏高阶〔fin〕A fixed or movable airfoil used to stabilize an aircraft, a missile, or a projectile in flight.安定翼,直尾翅:用以稳定飞行中的飞机、导弹或发射体的固定式或活动式机翼美国传统〔hold〕His blood count has stabilized and is holding.他的血细胞计数已稳定并持续不变。英汉大词典〔house〕Undersea tunnels are dangerous until they are stabilized and lined, but once completed, they are safe as houses.海底隧道在没有砌好并加固前是有危险的, 但是一旦完工, 就十分安全。外研社新世纪〔intervene〕The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.中央银行今天对货币市场进行了干预,试图稳定汇率。剑桥高阶〔liquidate〕The government tried to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt.政府清偿国债以图稳定经济。英汉大词典〔naught〕This brings to naught every effort to stabilize the economy.这使稳定经济的所有努力都付诸东流。外研社新世纪〔polyadenylic acid〕A polymer of adenylic acid attached to messenger RNA that stabilizes the molecule before transport from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.多聚腺苷酸:一种腺苷酸的聚合物,附在信使核糖核酸上,它能使分子在从细胞核传递到细胞质之前得到稳定美国传统〔settle〕To establish on a permanent basis; stabilize.稳定:在固定的基础上建立;使稳定美国传统〔solidify〕These measures are calculated to solidify and stabilize his rule.这些措施旨在巩固和稳定他的统治。英汉大词典〔stabilization〕Although her illness is serious, her condition is beginning to stabilize.虽然她病得很重,但病情正开始趋于稳定。柯林斯高阶〔stabilization〕Officials hope the move will stabilize exchange rates.官员们希望此举能使汇率稳定下来。柯林斯高阶〔stabilizer〕An airfoil that stabilizes an aircraft or a missile in flight.翼面:飞行中稳定飞机或导弹的翼面美国传统〔stabilize〕After 24 hours the patient's condition began to stabilize.24小时后, 病人的情况趋向稳定。外研社新世纪〔stabilize〕Doctors stabilized the patient's condition.大夫们使患者的病情稳定下来。牛津高阶〔stabilize〕He suffered a second heart attack two days ago but his condition has now stabilized.他两天前心脏病再次发作,不过现在病情已经稳定了。剑桥高阶〔stabilize〕In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population at 1.6 billion.中国执行独生子女政策是为将其人口稳定在16亿。剑桥高阶〔stabilize〕Oil prices have stabilized for now.油价目前已稳定下来。麦克米伦高阶〔stabilize〕Prices have stabilized.物价已经稳定了。韦氏高阶〔stabilize〕The country's population has stabilized at 3.2 million.全国人口数量稳定在320万。韦氏高阶〔stabilize〕The government's efforts to stabilize prices have not succeeded.政府稳定物价的措施没有奏效。韦氏高阶〔stabilize〕The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun.坦克中的陀螺仪用于稳定火炮的瞄准系统。21世纪英汉〔stabilize〕The patient's condition stabilized.患者的病情稳定下来。牛津高阶〔stabilize〕The patient's condition began to stabilize.病人情况开始稳定。英汉大词典〔stabilize〕The patient's condition has now stabilized.病人的情况现已稳定下来了。朗文当代〔stabilize〕The pilots were able to stabilize the airplane and land safely.飞行员们使飞机平稳飞行并安全着陆。韦氏高阶〔stabilize〕The population has tended to stabilize.人口数已趋于稳定。英汉大词典〔stabilize〕The prices stabilized, the economic conditions began to take a favourable turn.物价稳定了,经济形势也开始有所好转。21世纪英汉〔stabilize〕This will help to stabilize prices.这有助于稳定物价。外研社新世纪〔stabilize〕Two huge reinforced-concrete portal frames running from east to west are stabilized by the curved walls.两个巨型混凝土门式钢架横跨东西, 弧形墙体使其保持稳定。外研社新世纪〔stabilize〕We have to stabilize her before she can be moved.在她能被移动之前我们必须先稳定她的病情。麦克米伦高阶〔stabilize〕We'll use ropes to stabilize the platform.我们将用绳子来固定这个平台。韦氏高阶〔tab〕A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.调整片,补翼:附着在较大的机翼上,用来帮助稳定飞机辅助性的小机翼美国传统〔unballasted〕Not stabilized or properly stabilized by ballast.不稳定的:未用压舱物稳住的美国传统He suffered a second heart attack two days ago but his condition has now stabilized.他两天前第二次心脏病发作,但现在他的情况稳定了。剑桥国际In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population.在中国,独生子女政策被采用来稳定国家的人口。剑桥国际Since the early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has stabilized at 50%.从70年代早期开始,高中的大学升学率稳定在50%。剑桥国际The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.中央银行今天对货币市场进行了干预,试图稳定汇率。剑桥国际The business was stabilized without recourse to (= without using) external financing.这家企业在不借助外部资金的情况下稳定了下来。牛津商务The government took measures to stabilize prices. 政府采取措施稳定物价。译典通




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