

单词 swim pool
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕There's an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus. 校园里有一个具有奥运会规模的游泳池。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕I often fantasize about living in a big house with tennis courts and a swimming pool. 我常想象自己住在一幢有网球场和游泳池的大房子里。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool. 酒店里有一个室外游泳池。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕When I'm in training I spend at least four hours a day at the swimming pool. 我在训练期间,每天在游泳池里至少游上四小时。朗文写作活用〔access〕We have unlimited access to the swimming pool.我们对游泳池有无限制的使用权。外研社新世纪〔action〕The swimming pool is currently out of action.游泳池眼下无法使用。麦克米伦高阶〔amenity〕The hotel has other amenities such as a restaurant, swimming pool, and exercise room.这家旅馆还设有其他便利设施,如餐厅、游泳池和健身房。韦氏高阶〔baste〕She stayed all day by the swimming pool, basting herself with oil.她整天呆在游泳池边,不住往身上抹油。英汉大词典〔beach ball〕A large inflatable ball used for games especially at a beach or swimming pool.海滨气球,浮水气球:一个游戏用的可膨胀圆球,尤指在海滨或游泳池美国传统〔begrudge〕No one begrudges (him) his swimming pool.没有人艳羡他的游泳池。英汉大词典〔boast〕The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.那家酒店还有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场。牛津高阶〔bottom〕She could only just touch the bottom (= of a swimming pool, etc.).她刚刚能触到底。牛津搭配〔cabana〕A shelter on a beach or at a swimming pool used as a bathhouse.简易浴室:海滩上的或游泳池旁的遮蔽物,用作公共浴室美国传统〔cavort〕They were spotted cavorting beside the swimming pool.有人看见他们在游泳池边嬉戏调情。剑桥高阶〔come under sth〕Swimming pools usually come under "leisure centres" in the phone directory.游泳池通常列在电话簿的“休闲中心”条目下。剑桥高阶〔come〕Libraries and swimming pools come under Leisure Services.图书馆和游泳池归入休闲服务部门。麦克米伦高阶〔complete〕The house comes complete with swimming pool and sauna.这栋房子配备有游泳池和桑拿浴设备。朗文当代〔contact〕He lost one of his contacts in the swimming pool.他把一个隐形眼镜片掉在游泳池里了。韦氏高阶〔disport〕The children are disporting themselves in the swimming pool.孩子们在游泳池中戏耍。21世纪英汉〔dive off〕The swimmer ran to the side of the swimming pool and dived off.那游泳者奔到游泳池边,纵身跳下。21世纪英汉〔dive〕The boy ran to the side of the swimming pool and dived off.男孩跑到游泳池边,跳了下去。英汉大词典〔drain〕The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter.每年冬天这座游泳池都要排干水后进行清洗。朗文当代〔drool over sb/sth〕Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.罗兹和我坐在游泳池边痴痴地看着那些帅小伙儿。剑桥高阶〔entire〕There are only 60 swimming pools in the entire country.全国总共只有60个游泳池。柯林斯高阶〔entire〕There are only 60 swimming pools in the entire country.全国总共只有60个游泳池。外研社新世纪〔estate〕He has a beautiful estate 40 miles from New York with a country house and a swimming pool on it.他在离纽约40英里处有一个美丽的庄园,那里有一所别墅和一个游泳池。英汉大词典〔heated〕The hotel boasted a heated swimming pool.该饭店有一个温水游泳池。外研社新世纪〔languidly〕A tanned blonde in a bikini swims languidly in the clear swimming pool.一位身穿比基尼泳装、皮肤晒成古铜色的金发女郎在清澈的泳池里慵懒地游着泳。柯林斯高阶〔non-resident〕Non-resident guests are welcome to use the hotel swimming pool.欢迎非旅馆住客使用本旅馆的游泳池。牛津高阶〔of a kind〕The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use.学校有一个所谓的游泳池,但对大多数班级来说都太小了,不够用。剑桥高阶〔orient〕Orient the swimming pool north and south.把游泳池建成南北向。英汉大词典〔pet〕Next to the swimming pool was a sign forbidding heavy petting.游泳池边上有个禁止性挑逗的标志牌。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and plunged in.他奔到游泳池边,一纵身跳进水里。英汉大词典〔plunge〕He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and plunged in.他跑到游泳池边,一纵身跳进水里。21世纪英汉〔poolside〕The area next to or around a swimming pool.游泳池边或周围地区美国传统〔roof〕The swimming pool will be roofed over in October this year.游泳池将于今年十月加盖屋顶。21世纪英汉〔unlimited〕You'll have unlimited access to the swimming pool.你可以无限次地进入泳池。外研社新世纪〔water level〕Check the water level of the swimming pool.核实一下游泳池的水位。韦氏高阶〔we〕Can we all go to the swimming pool this afternoon? 我们今天下午能都去游泳吗?剑桥高阶〔whole〕Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground – the whole nine yards.我们新的公寓楼有网球场、游泳池、游乐场 — 应有尽有。朗文当代〔wisdom〕In their infinite wisdom, they closed the swimming pool at the busiest time of year.他们自作聪明,在一年中生意最好的时候关闭了游泳池。牛津搭配A line of palm trees fringe the swimming pool. 游泳池边缘围了一圈棕榈树。译典通He drowned in the hotel swimming pool after drinking a potent mix of whisky, gin and vodka.喝了威士忌、松杜子酒和伏特加的混合酒后,他淹死在旅馆的游泳池里。剑桥国际Parents have raised several thousand pounds towards the cost of a swimming pool for the school.家长们为了给学校造一座游泳池已经筹集了几千英镑。剑桥国际Relaxing by the swimming pool, he lifted his glass and said, “This is the life for me!” 在游泳池旁潇洒地躺着,他举起杯子说,“这才叫生活!”剑桥国际The swimming pool is 3 metres at its greatest depth (= distance below the surface).游泳池最深处为3米。剑桥国际The allure of the moonlit swimming pool proved too much for them, and they all jumped in for a swim.洒满月光的游泳池对他们的吸引力太大了,他们全都跳了进去游起泳来。剑桥国际The house has its own swimming pool.这栋房子有自己的游泳池。剑桥国际The temperature of the swimming pool was just (= exactly) right.游泳池的温度正合适。剑桥国际We'll cut those two trees down (=remove them) to make room for the swimming pool.我们将砍掉那两棵树,腾出地方来造游泳池。剑桥国际




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