

单词 swell up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕I dropped a brick on my foot, and it swelled up like a balloon. 我不慎把砖头砸到脚上,脚肿得像只气球。朗文写作活用〔bee〕My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.我手臂上被蜜蜂螫的地方肿了起来。剑桥高阶〔bloat〕To cause to swell up or inflate, as with liquid or gas.使膨胀:使肿起或膨胀,如通过液体或气体美国传统〔bulge〕To swell up.鼓胀,膨胀美国传统〔fright〕His face is so swelled up it's a fright to look at.他的脸肿胀得厉害, 看起来很吓人。外研社新世纪〔set in〕His eye swelled up as infection set in.他的眼睛开始发炎, 肿了起来。外研社新世纪〔swell up〕She swelled up her head when she learned that she had won the prize.当她获悉自己获奖时,得意洋洋地昂起了头。21世纪英汉〔swell〕Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。牛津高阶〔swell〕Her feet swelled up after the long walk to the top of the hill.她经过长途跋涉到达山顶后,脚肿了起来。牛津搭配〔swell〕Her injured face was swelling up.她受伤的脸肿了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔swell〕The bee sting made my whole arm swell up.蜜蜂蜇得我整个胳膊都肿了。韦氏高阶〔swell〕When you develop a throat infection or catch a cold the glands in the neck swell up.当咽喉感染或感冒时,扁桃腺就会肿胀。柯林斯高阶〔times〕My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.被黄蜂蜇了以后,我的脚肿成了原来的三倍。剑桥高阶My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.我手臂上被蜜蜂螫过处肿了起来。剑桥国际My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.被黄蜂叮咬以后我的脚肿胀到原来的三倍大。剑桥国际Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。译典通




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