

单词 the father of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Aegeus〕A king of Athens and the father of Theseus.埃勾斯:雅典的国王,忒修斯的父亲美国传统〔Anchises〕The father of Aeneas who was rescued by his son during the sack of Troy.安喀塞斯:埃涅阿斯的父亲,血洗特洛伊时由其子救出美国传统〔DNA〕DNA evidence proved Koresh was the father of at least twelve of the children who died.DNA验证显示, 科雷什至少是死去的12个孩子的父亲。外研社新世纪〔Hyperion〕Greek Mythology A Titan, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the father of Helios.【希腊神话】 许珀里翁:一个叫泰坦的巨人,是大地女神和天王之子,是太阳神之父美国传统〔INVENT〕Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was born in 1856. 心理分析之父西格蒙德·弗洛伊德生于1856年。朗文写作活用〔Iapetus〕Greek Mythology A Titan who was the father of Prometheus and Atlas and an ancestor of the human race.【希腊神话】 伊阿珀托斯:一个提坦巨人,是普罗米修斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,而且是人类的祖先美国传统〔Laertes〕The father of Odysseus.累尔提斯:奥法赛的父亲美国传统〔Lug〕The ancient Celtic god of artisanship and warriors. He was said to be the father of Cuchulain.拉格:古凯尔特的工匠和战士之神。据说他是库丘林的父亲美国传统〔Monroe〕American guitarist, singer, and songwriter widely regarded as the father of bluegrass.门罗,威廉·史密斯:美国吉他手、歌星及歌曲作家,被广为称作蓝草音乐之父美国传统〔NAME〕She refused to name the father of her child. 她不肯公开孩子父亲的名字。朗文写作活用〔Oceanus〕A Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.奥西娜斯:环绕地球的外部海域的泰坦神,为所有海洋女神和河神之父美国传统〔Peleus〕A son of Aeacus and the father of Achilles.珀琉斯:爱考士之子和阿喀琉斯之父美国传统〔Priam〕The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.普里阿摩斯:是帕里斯,赫克托耳和卡珊德拉的父亲,特洛伊的国王,在特洛里城被希腊人攻陷时被杀美国传统〔THREATEN〕The priest was being blackmailed by a woman who said he was the father of her child. 牧师被一个女人敲诈,说牧师是她孩子的父亲。朗文写作活用〔Telamon〕One of the Argonauts and the father of Ajax.忒拉蒙:阿尔戈英雄之一,埃阿斯的父亲美国传统〔Uranus〕Greek Mythology The earliest supreme god, a personification of the sky, who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans.【希腊神话】 优利纳斯神:最早的至上的神,是天的化身,是大地女神的儿子和配偶,是希克罗比斯和泰坦们的父亲美国传统〔Uther Pendragon〕In Arthurian legend, a king of Britain and the father of Arthur.大龙头尤瑟:英国传说中的不列颠王,亚瑟王之父美国传统〔Zacharias〕In the New Testament, the husband of Elizabeth and the father of John the Baptist.撒迦利亚:新约圣经中以利沙伯的丈夫及施洗约翰的父亲美国传统〔as〕Mandela became, as it were, the father of the nation.曼德拉可以说变成了国父。麦克米伦高阶〔come through〕The father of the baby was waiting for his divorce to come through.孩子的父亲正等着离婚手续办完。柯林斯高阶〔father〕Chaucer is considered the father of English poetry.乔叟被看作是英国诗歌之父美国传统〔father〕Freud is the father of psychoanalysis.弗洛伊德是精神分析之父。朗文当代〔father〕George Washington is the father of our country.乔治·华盛顿是我们美国的国父。韦氏高阶〔father〕George suspected that he was not the father of Emily's child.乔治怀疑自己不是埃米莉的孩子的父亲。麦克米伦高阶〔father〕He is often seen as the father of British television comedy.他常被看作英国电视喜剧之父。麦克米伦高阶〔father〕He's the father of three small children.他是三个小孩的父亲。韦氏高阶〔father〕Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.亨利 · 穆尔被认为是现代英国雕塑之父。牛津高阶〔father〕It was the father of all sherries.这是所有雪利酒中最纯正的一种。外研社新世纪〔father〕Max Dupain, regarded as the father of modern photography.被视为现代摄影之父的马克斯·杜培柯林斯高阶〔father〕Spike Milligan was the father of modern British comedy.斯皮克•米利根是现代英国喜剧之父。外研社新世纪〔give away〕Traditionally, it's the father of the bride who gives his daughter away at the wedding.按照传统习惯,新娘的父亲会在婚礼上将女儿交给新郎。韦氏高阶〔grandfather〕The father of one's mother or father.祖父,外公:某人母亲或父亲的父亲美国传统〔have〕Rumour has it that her husband is not the father of the child.传说她丈夫不是这孩子的父亲。麦克米伦高阶〔magnanimity〕The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.一名受害者的父亲以极为宽容的口吻发了言。柯林斯高阶〔modern〕He's known as the father of modern medicine.他被誉为现代医学之父。韦氏高阶〔paterfamilias〕A man who is the head of a household or the father of a family.一家之父,一家之主美国传统〔picture〕We found it hard to picture him as the father of teenage sons.我们很难想像他居然是有几个十几岁儿子的父亲了。牛津高阶〔psychoanalysis〕Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis.西格蒙德•弗洛伊德是广为人知的精神分析学的鼻祖。剑桥高阶〔regard〕He is generally/widely regarded as the father of international law.他被普遍/广泛认为是国际法之父。剑桥高阶〔revered〕Today he's still revered as the father of the nation.现在,他仍被尊为国父。柯林斯高阶〔withhold〕The government is planning to withhold benefit payments from single mothers who refuse to name the father of their child.对于那些拒绝说出自己孩子的父亲是谁的单身母亲,政府正在计划取消她们的救济金。剑桥高阶A.G. Bell was the father of the telephone. 贝尔是电话的发明者。译典通Freud was the father of psychiatry.弗罗伊德是精神病学之父。剑桥国际George Washington is called the father of his country. 乔治‧华盛顿被称为国父。译典通George Washington was the father of his country.乔治·华盛顿是他的国家的缔造者。剑桥国际He has recently lost a paternity suit (= legal case in which a woman claims a particular man is the father of her child).他最近输了一场亲子官司。剑桥国际John Parker, Sr. is the father of John Parker, Jr. 老约翰‧派克是小约翰‧派克的父亲。译典通Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis.众所周知,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德是精神分析学的鼻祖。剑桥国际The government is planning to withhold benefit payments from single mothers who refuse to name the father of their child.政府正在计划取消给予不愿说出孩子父亲名字的单身母亲的救济金。剑桥国际




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