

单词 staple
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔African〕Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.鱼类是许多非洲人的主食。柯林斯高阶〔FOOD〕People in the coastal region live on a staple diet of rice and fish. 沿海地区的人以大米和鱼为主食。朗文写作活用〔convenience store〕A small retail store that is open long hours and that typically sells staple groceries, snacks, and sometimes gasoline.方便小商店:一种零售小商店,营业时间较长,通常出售日常食品杂货,快餐且有时也出售汽油美国传统〔crop〕Rice is a staple crop for more than half of the world's population.水稻是世界上超过半数人口食用的主要粮食作物。牛津搭配〔cross-dressing〕Cross-dressing has long been the staple device of comedies, farces and thrillers.穿异性服装长久以来一直是喜剧、闹剧以及惊悚剧中的主要表现手法。外研社新世纪〔diet〕Bamboo is the panda's staple diet (=main food).竹子是熊猫的主食。朗文当代〔diet〕Rice is the staple diet (= most important food) of many people in China.在中国大米是很多人的主食。剑桥高阶〔double〕Double the card and tape it; do not staple.把这张卡片对折, 用胶带粘起来。不要用订书机钉。外研社新世纪〔food〕Retail prices of staple foods remain unchanged.主要食物的零售价保持不变。牛津搭配〔form〕Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.谷物是世界各地绝大多数人的主食。外研社新世纪〔form〕Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.谷类是世界范围内很大一部分人的主要食物。柯林斯高阶〔front〕Staple a recent photograph to the front of your application.请在申请表的正面钉一张近照。麦克米伦高阶〔hasp〕A metal fastener with a hinged, slotted part that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin, bolt, or padlock.搭扣:一种带有一个有铰链的、带槽的部分并用于搭在一个钩环上的由大头针、U形钉或扣锁固定的金属扣美国传统〔outfit〕Remember the 1980s, when sweats were the staple of athletic sportswear manufacturers outfitting fitness buffs?还记得20世纪80年代吗?那时宽松运动服套装是厂商为健身爱好者提供的主要运动装产品。外研社新世纪〔padlock〕A detachable lock with a U-shaped bar hinged at one end, designed to be passed through the staple of a hasp or a link in a chain and then snapped shut.挂锁:有U形铁条的被用铰链合在一端的一种可拆开的锁,可以通过门搭扣的锁环或一链条上的链环紧紧扣住美国传统〔people〕Rice formed the staple food of the common people .米饭是老百姓的主食。朗文当代〔pima cotton〕A very strong, high-grade cotton of medium staple developed from selected Egyptian cottons in the southwest United States.皮玛棉:由产于美国西南部的精选埃及长绒棉的中等原料制成的结实的高级棉美国传统〔plantain〕The fruit of this plant, used as a staple food in tropical regions.大蕉:大蕉的果实,作为热带地区的主要食物美国传统〔pseudocereal〕Any of several plants, such as quinoa, that do not belong to the grass family but produce fruits and seeds used as flour for bread and other staples.假谷:不属于草科但会结出作为制作面包和其它主食的面粉而使用的果实和种子的数种植物中的任何一种,如昆诺阿藜美国传统〔ration〕Staples such as bread, rice and tea are already being rationed.面包、大米和茶叶等主要商品已经实施定量供应。外研社新世纪〔securely〕The shed was secured by a hasp and staple fastener.棚屋由一个搭钩和U型扣件固定着。柯林斯高阶〔staff of life〕A staple or necessary food, especially bread.生活必须品:日常必需品或必需的食物,尤指面包美国传统〔staff〕Something that serves as a staple or support.用作订书钉或支撑物的东西美国传统〔staple diet〕Bamboo is the panda's staple diet.大熊猫的基本食物是竹子。牛津高阶〔staple diet〕Environmental changes are depriving the birds of the insects that form their staple diet.环境的改变正使鸟儿渐渐失去作为它们主食的昆虫。韦氏高阶〔staple diet〕I grew up on a staple diet of cartoons and comic books.在我成长的过程中,动画片和连环画杂志是我主要的精神食粮。韦氏高阶〔staple diet〕Italians eat a lot of pasta as part of their staple diet.意大利人的主食之一是意大利面食。麦克米伦高阶〔staple diet〕Sex and violence seem to be the staple diet of television drama.性和暴力好像是电视剧离不开的内容。牛津高阶〔stapler〕A device used to bind material together by means of staples.订书机:用钉书钉把材料装订到一起的装置美国传统〔stapler〕One who deals in staple goods or staple fibers.商品批发商,羊毛筛选者:商品批发商或按纤维长短度分级的人美国传统〔staple〕Staple goods are disappearing from the shops.日常商品正从商店中消失。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕Staple some sheets of paper together into a book.用订书机将几页纸装订成册。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕Staple the invoice and the receipt together.把发票和收据订在一起。牛津高阶〔staple〕Staple the invoice to the receipt.把发票订到收据上。牛津高阶〔staple〕A primary barrier is printed text — a staple of classroom instruction.一大障碍是纸版教材——课堂教学的必备品。外研社新世纪〔staple〕Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk and other staples.救助人员协助分发谷物、牛奶及其他必需的食物。牛津高阶〔staple〕Bananas and sugar are the staples of Jamaica.香蕉和糖是牙买加的主要产品。朗文当代〔staple〕Beans are a staple of the Chinese diet.豆类是中国人常吃的一种食物。英汉大词典〔staple〕Cotton and tea are the staples of that country.棉花和茶叶是那个国家的主要出产。英汉大词典〔staple〕Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.鱼是很多非洲人饮食中的一种主食。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.鱼是许多非洲人不可或缺的食物。外研社新世纪〔staple〕Flour and sugar are among a grocer's staples.面粉和糖是食品杂货店的常备商品。英汉大词典〔staple〕Her latest film is the staple offering of action and comedy that we have come to expect.她的最新影片,如同我们所预料的一样,又是常规的动作加喜剧。剑桥高阶〔staple〕I stapled the check to the form.我把支票订在表格上。韦氏高阶〔staple〕I stapled the order form to the invoice.我把订单订在发票上了。朗文当代〔staple〕I stapled the pages in the upper left corner.我把这几页用订书钉在左上角订起来。韦氏高阶〔staple〕I stapled the pages together.我把这几页订在了一起。韦氏高阶〔staple〕I need to buy some staples, like bread and milk.我需要购买一些主食,像面包和牛奶。韦氏高阶〔staple〕Insects are a staple for most frogs.昆虫是大多数蛙类的主食。英汉大词典〔staple〕Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe.在每个人的衣橱里,牛仔裤是必不可少的。牛津高阶〔staple〕Marty's staple excuses 马蒂惯用的借口朗文当代〔staple〕News and weather reports are staples of television shows.新闻和天气报告是电视节目的日常性内容。英汉大词典〔staple〕Oil is Nigeria's staple export.石油是尼日利亚的主要出口产品。朗文当代〔staple〕Phosphate has been a staple of this area for many years.磷酸盐多年来一直是这一地区的主要产品。剑桥高阶〔staple〕Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism.政治新闻已成为美国新闻报道的主要内容。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕Potatoes are a staple element of our diet.土豆是我们常吃的一种食物。麦克米伦高阶〔staple〕Prices of staple foods such as wheat and vegetables have also been increasing.小麦、蔬菜等主要食品的价格也一直在上涨。剑桥高阶〔staple〕Rice is the staple food of more than half the world's population.稻米是全世界一半以上人口的主食。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕Rice is the staple of their diet.大米是他们的主食。韦氏高阶〔staple〕Rock music was a staple when I was growing up.在我成长的过程中,摇滚乐常常陪伴着我。韦氏高阶〔staple〕Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries.言情小说和工具书是很多公共图书馆的主要藏书。剑桥高阶〔staple〕Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press.围绕王室成员的蜚短流长是小报的主要内容。牛津高阶〔staple〕Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.橡胶成了马来亚经济的支柱产品。牛津高阶〔staple〕She stapled the letter to the application form [blank].她把那封信钉在申请表上。文馨英汉〔staple〕Shortages mean that even staples (= basic foods) like bread are difficult to find.物资短缺意味着连面包之类的主食都难觅踪影。剑桥高阶〔staple〕Sugar and salt are staple items.糖和盐是日常必需品。英汉大词典〔staple〕Technology has replaced steel as the region's staple.技术取代钢铁成为这一地区的主要产品。韦氏高阶〔staple〕Texas sage bushes are a staple of many Phoenix landscapes.得克萨斯鼠尾草灌木是菲尼克斯许多景点的主要植被。外研社新世纪〔staple〕That's a staple plot in mystery novels.那是推理小说中的常用情节。韦氏高阶〔staple〕The staple crop is rice.主要农作物为水稻。牛津高阶〔staple〕The staple diet here is mutton, fish and boiled potatoes.这里以羊肉、鱼和煮马铃薯为主食。剑桥高阶〔staple〕The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet.中国人也把一种面食作为他们的主食之一。柯林斯高阶〔staple〕The black dress was an enduring staple of Diana's wardrobe.黑色礼服是黛安娜衣橱中的主角。麦克米伦高阶〔staple〕The handouts are all stapled together.课堂讲义都是装订在一起的。朗文当代〔staple〕The notice had been stapled to the wall.通知用订书钉固定在了墙上。韦氏高阶〔staple〕The notice was attached to the wall with staples.通知用订书钉固定在了墙上。韦氏高阶〔staple〕The online magazines were her staple reading.网络杂志是她的经常性读物。英汉大词典〔staple〕The shops are running out of staples such as rice and cooking oil.商店的大米和食油等常备商品快要卖光了。麦克米伦高阶〔staple〕They live on a staple diet of rice and vegetables.他们以大米和蔬菜为主食。朗文当代〔staple〕To secure or fasten by means of a staple or staples.用钉书钉钉住美国传统〔staple〕Wheat is a staple crop.小麦是大量生产的粮食作物美国传统〔stitch〕To fasten together with staples or thread.缝合:用针或线固定在一起美国传统〔well-known〕It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.众所周知, 竹笋是熊猫的主要食物。外研社新世纪〔well-known〕It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。柯林斯高阶〔wheat〕Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people across the world.小麦是一种为全世界亿万人提供主食的农作物。剑桥高阶〔wool-stapler〕One who sorts wool by the quality of the staple or fiber.根据纤维的质量来选羊毛的人美国传统Staple the invoice and the receipt together.把发票和收据装订在一起。牛津商务Staple the invoice to the receipt.把发票订在收据上。牛津商务Business clients are the staple of luxury hotels (= their main customers).商业客户是豪华型宾馆的主要顾客。牛津商务Copper is a staple of the local economy.铜是当地经济的支柱产品。牛津商务Cotton is the staple of the area. 棉花是这个地区的主要农作物。译典通He used a stapler to staple these two pieces of A4 paper together. 他用一个钉书机把这两张A4纸钉在一起。译典通Her latest film is the staple offering of action and comedy which we have come to expect.她最新的影片,如我们所料,主要是动作和喜剧。剑桥国际Many supermarkets are now low on staples such as bread and bottled water.许多超市的面包和瓶装水等主要食品现在快卖完了。牛津商务Phosphate has been a staple (= main product) of this area for many years.磷酸盐多年来一直是这地区的主要产品。剑桥国际Prices of staple foods such as wheat and vegetables have also been increasing.诸如小麦和蔬菜之类的主食的价格也在上升。剑桥国际Rice is our staple food. 米是我们的主食。译典通Rice is the staple diet (= most important food) of many people in China.米饭是很多中国人的主食。剑桥国际Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries.浪漫小说和参考书是许多公共图书馆所必备。剑桥国际Short stories are her staple reading. 短篇小说是她经常看的读物。译典通Shortages mean that even staples (= basic foods) like bread are difficult to find.物资短缺意味着即使是像面包那样的主食也很难找到。剑桥国际Sweet potato was the staple of their diet. 过去甘薯是他们的主食。译典通The staple diet here is mutton, fish and boiled potatoes.这里的主食是羊肉、鱼和煮土豆。剑桥国际The letter was stapled to the other documents in the file. 这封信与案卷里的其他文件钉在一起。译典通The price of rice, fuel and other staple goods has risen considerably.大米、燃料和其他主要商品的价格大幅度上升。牛津商务The weather forms the staple of their conversation. 天气构成他们谈话的主要内容。译典通They grow cotton of long staple. 他们种植长纤维棉花。译典通This store sells flour, salt, sugar and other staples. 该店出售面粉、盐、糖和其他日常必需品。译典通Tofu is a dietary staple in most east Asian countries.豆腐是大多数东亚国家的主要食品。剑桥国际Tourism is the staple source of income in the coastal villages.旅游是海滨村庄收入的主要来源。剑桥国际Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people across the world.小麦是全世界数以百万计人口的主要农作物。剑桥国际




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