

单词 strained
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Government finances are strained to the hilt, dealing with essential services. 政府的财政状况在满足基础服务方面非常拮据。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕After the argument there was a strained silence. 争吵之后大家都默不作声,气氛很不自然。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Since my father's affair things have been very strained between him and my mother. 自从父亲有了外遇之后,他和母亲之间的关系就非常紧张。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕The strained atmosphere at the dinner made it difficult to chat with people. 饭桌上气氛很紧张,所以很难跟人聊起来。朗文写作活用〔UNFRIENDLY〕Our relationship became very strained because I had refused to lend him money. 我们之间的关系因为我拒绝借钱给他而变得十分紧张。朗文写作活用〔UNFRIENDLY〕The meeting took place in a strained atmosphere. 会议在紧张的气氛中举行。朗文写作活用〔agonistic〕Struggling to achieve effect; strained and contrived.紧张的;不自然的:努力取得效果的;紧张的,不自然的美国传统〔artificial〕Their cheerfulness seemed rather strained and artificial.他们的高兴表情看上去非常做作虚伪。剑桥高阶〔atmosphere〕Since their argument there had been a strained atmosphere between them.自从吵架后,他们之间一直很紧张。牛津搭配〔beyond〕Their five-year relationship was strained beyond breaking point.他们五年的关系已经紧张到无法维系。柯林斯高阶〔break〕He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken.他唱得很拘谨,声音听起来像是某个还没完全变声的男孩。柯林斯高阶〔catachresis〕Strained use of a word or phrase, as for rhetorical effect.牵强附会:字或短语的牵强使用,如为求修辞效果美国传统〔consommé〕A clear soup made of strained meat or vegetable stock, served hot or as a cold jelly.清炖肉汤:一种用肉汁或蔬菜根茎做成的清汤,可热食或作为肉冻冷食美国传统〔contorted〕Twisted or strained out of shape.被扭曲的:被扭转的或形状上被歪曲的美国传统〔credulity〕Her claim that she earned only £33,000 a year strained credulity(=was very difficult to believe).她自称一年只挣33万英镑的说法很难让人相信。麦克米伦高阶〔credulity〕It strained credulity to believe that a nuclear war would not lead to the destruction of the planet.认为核战争不会导致地球毁灭是难以让人相信的。朗文当代〔ear〕I strained my ears to catch the conversation in the other room.我竖起耳朵仔细听另一个房间里的谈话。牛津搭配〔episode〕After this episode, relations between them were strained.这一事件后,他们之间的关系就紧张起来。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕My eyes strained to make anything out in the darkness.我睁大眼睛努力辨别着黑暗中的东西。牛津搭配〔imprint〕War has left its imprint on the strained faces of these people.战争在这些人饱经沧桑的脸上留下了痕迹。剑桥高阶〔impurity〕The syrup is strained to remove impurities.糖浆经过滤去除了杂质。韦氏高阶〔lie〕She has strained her back, and has had to lie up.她扭伤了背,只得在家休养。英汉大词典〔mend〕The Secretary of State and Chinese Foreign Minister met in an attempt to mend strained relations.国务卿和中国外交部长会晤,试图消除两国之间的紧张关系。麦克米伦高阶〔middle〕The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.制服上装中间的纽扣在他的肚子上绷得紧紧的。柯林斯高阶〔muscle〕He is suffering from a strained thigh muscle.他的大腿肌肉拉伤了,疼得很。柯林斯高阶〔muscle〕She has a strained muscle in her back.她后背肌肉扭伤。韦氏高阶〔muslin〕The soured milk is strained through muslin to leave a soft ball of cheese.酸奶用平纹细布过滤后,剩下一团可以揉捏成形的软奶酪。剑桥高阶〔nerve〕Both sides in the struggle strained every nerve and sinew to destroy each other.斗争的双方都拼了命地想要摧毁对方。外研社新世纪〔nerve〕The man strained every nerve to catch up with me.那男人拼命想赶上我。英汉大词典〔nurse〕I took over as captain while she nursed a strained muscle.在她调养扭伤的肌肉期间我接任了队长一职。麦克米伦高阶〔penetrate〕He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust.他竭力想透过密集的尘埃团看清那边的东西。英汉大词典〔pink lady〕A cocktail of gin, brandy, lemon or lime juice, egg white, and grenadine, shaken with cracked ice and strained.粉红佳人:一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白和石灰水带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成美国传统〔preseason〕Barkley suffered a strained thigh muscle late in the preseason.巴克利在季前赛快结束时大腿肌肉拉伤。剑桥高阶〔relationship〕Our working relationship had become strained.我们的工作关系变得紧张了。外研社新世纪〔relation〕Relations between him and his new wife are rather strained.他和新娶的妻子之间的关系很紧张。剑桥高阶〔relation〕Relations between management and the union are rather strained.资方与工会的关系相当紧张。英汉大词典〔relation〕Relations between the two countries are strained.两国之间关系紧张。牛津搭配〔relation〕Renewed efforts are being made to improve the strained relations between the two countries.为改善两国的紧张关系正在作进一步的努力。牛津搭配〔resonance〕His voice had lost its resonance; it was tense and strained.他的声音不再嘹亮, 变得紧张而不自然。外研社新世纪〔resonance〕His voice had lost its resonance; it was tense and strained.他的声音不再洪亮,而是显得紧张,不太自然。柯林斯高阶〔small talk〕Smiling for the cameras, the two men strained to make small- talk.两名男士微笑着面对镜头,东拉西扯着。柯林斯高阶〔social democratic〕Relations with the social democratic governments in Europe are strained.与欧洲社会民主主义政府的关系紧张。外研社新世纪〔strain at〕All of us strained at such behaviour.我们大家都难以接受这种态度。21世纪英汉〔strain at〕They strained at the ropes to balance the sails.他们用力拉得绳子以保持帆的平衡。21世纪英汉〔strained〕Alex's pale, strained face 亚历克斯苍白而疲惫的脸庞朗文当代〔strained〕Gil sensed something wrong from her father's strained voice.从她爸爸紧张的语气中, 吉尔感到有些不对头。外研社新世纪〔strained〕Gil sensed something wrong from her father's strained voice.吉尔从父亲紧张的声音中感觉到出了什么事了。柯林斯高阶〔strained〕He made a strained attempt at being polite.他勉强客套了一下。韦氏高阶〔strained〕He spoke in a low, strained voice.他焦虑地低声说话。牛津高阶〔strained〕Her face looked strained and weary.她的脸色显得憔悴疲惫。牛津高阶〔strained〕Her voice sounded strained.她的声音听起来有点疲惫。韦氏高阶〔strained〕His apology seemed strained.他的道歉显得很勉强。韦氏高阶〔strained〕His laughter seemed a little strained.他的笑声好像有点不自然。柯林斯高阶〔strained〕I couldn't stand the strained atmosphere at dinner any more.我再也忍受不了饭桌上的那种紧张气氛了。朗文当代〔strained〕Jean felt uncomfortable but managed to force a strained smile.琼觉得不舒服,但仍然勉强挤出了一丝笑容。剑桥高阶〔strained〕Nina's voice sounded strained.尼娜的声音听起来有点疲惫。朗文当代〔strained〕Relations between the two countries are strained.这两个国家之间的关系很紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔strained〕Relations between the two countries had become increasingly strained.两国间的关系已变得越来越紧张。英汉大词典〔strained〕Relations between the two countries had become severely strained.两国关系已经变得非常紧张。牛津搭配〔strained〕Relations between the two countries have become strained (= difficult) recently.最近两国关系变得紧张起来。剑桥高阶〔strained〕Relations between the two families are strained.两家关系紧张。牛津高阶〔strained〕Relations between the two families had become increasingly strained.两家的关系变得日益紧张起来。外研社新世纪〔strained〕Relations between us were rather strained.我们之间的关系非常紧张。牛津搭配〔strained〕She gave a strained laugh.她勉强笑了一下。牛津高阶〔strained〕She looked strained and tired.她看上去神经紧张,身体疲劳。英汉大词典〔strained〕She looked a little pale and strained.她看上去有些苍白, 神情紧张。外研社新世纪〔strained〕She looked a little pale and strained.她看起来面色有点苍白,神情忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔strained〕She looked rather strained and miserable.她看起来很是紧张和可怜。牛津搭配〔strained〕She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath her eyes.她显得焦虑不安,眼睛下面有了黑眼圈。剑桥高阶〔strained〕The atmosphere remained somewhat strained all evening.整个晚上气氛一直有点儿紧张。牛津搭配〔strained〕Their already strained relationship was made worse by this incident.这次事件使他们本来已经非常紧张的关系更加恶化。牛津搭配〔strained〕Their relationship was strained.他们关系紧张。韦氏高阶〔strained〕There was a strained atmosphere throughout the meeting.会议自始至终气氛紧张。牛津高阶〔strained〕Zoe felt horribly anxious but managed to force a strained smile.佐薇感到极其焦虑不安,但尽力挤出一丝勉强的微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕Buddy's huge gut strained against the buttons on his shirt.巴迪的大肚子把衬衫的纽扣绷得紧紧的。朗文当代〔strain〕Government resources are already strained to the limit.政府资源已紧张到了极点。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained a muscle in his leg.他拉伤了腿部肌肉。韦氏高阶〔strain〕He strained and raised the barbell of 205 kilograms.他奋力一举,举起了205公斤重的杠铃。21世纪英汉〔strain〕He strained every muscle to lift the rock.他奋力把石头提起。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained himself by overwork.他因过劳而伤身。文馨英汉〔strain〕He strained himself to a final burst of speed.他竭尽全力突然加速作最后冲刺。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained himself to finish the task.他尽全力去完成那件工作。文馨英汉〔strain〕He strained his Achilles tendon at the last tournament.他在上次比赛中扭伤了跟腱。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained his back during a practice session.他在一次锻炼中扭伤了背部。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕He strained his ears to catch the sound.他竖起耳朵去听那声响。21世纪英汉〔strain〕He strained his ears, but the noise had stopped.他竖起耳朵听, 不过响声已经没了。外研社新世纪〔strain〕He strained his heart by overwork.他因过度劳累而使心脏负担过重。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained his muscle in the match.他在那次比赛中拉伤了肌肉。21世纪英汉〔strain〕He strained out the coffee grounds.他滤去咖啡渣。文馨英汉〔strain〕He strained the pasta. = He strained the water from the pasta.他把意大利面的水滤去。韦氏高阶〔strain〕He strained the truth for his own purposes.他为了自己的目的而歪曲事实。文馨英汉〔strain〕He strained to look for a good method to save his patient.他为找出拯救病人生命的好方法而苦思冥想。21世纪英汉〔strain〕He strained to open the jar.他费劲地打开了罐子。韦氏高阶〔strain〕He strained to understand what she meant.他竭力去了解她的意思。文馨英汉〔strain〕He had appeared strained by his party's inner turmoil in the run-up to Saturday's vote.在周六举行选举前党内的乱象已经让他看上去精神紧张。外研社新世纪〔strain〕He has strained his eyes by reading in a bad light.他因在不良的光线下阅读而伤了眼睛。文馨英汉〔strain〕Her mother strained to sit up.他妈妈努力坐起来。外研社新世纪〔strain〕His belly strained against the buttons of the shirt.他的肚子把衬衫的纽扣绷得紧紧的。韦氏高阶〔strain〕His brute action strained the ropes that bound Candy's ankles.他粗鲁的动作把绑住坎迪脚踝的绳子扯紧了。外研社新世纪〔strain〕His eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the President.他极目望去,想看一眼总统。英汉大词典〔strain〕His face immediately strained out sweat.一下子他的脸上就流出了汗水。21世纪英汉〔strain〕His foot has strained.他的脚扭伤了。21世纪英汉〔strain〕His health has been strained with too much wine.过度饮酒使他的健康变坏了。21世纪英汉〔strain〕His muscles strained under the heavy weight.在重力下他的肌肉绷得紧紧的。韦氏高阶〔strain〕I strained a muscle in my back playing squash.我打壁球拉伤了背肌。剑桥高阶〔strain〕I strained forward to get a better view.我使劲向前,想看得更清楚些。牛津搭配〔strain〕I strained my back trying to lift the couch.我试着抬沙发时扭伤了背部。韦氏高阶〔strain〕I strained my back.我拉伤了后背。外研社新世纪〔strain〕I strained my ears(= listened very hard)to catch what they were saying.我竖起耳朵去听他们在说些什么。牛津高阶〔strain〕I strained my ears, listening for any sound in the silence of the cave.我竖起耳朵,听寂静的山洞里有些什么声音。朗文当代〔strain〕I strained my neck.我伤了颈项。牛津同义词〔strain〕I strained to hear what he said.我聚精会神地听他说话。牛津同义词〔strain〕I strained to hear what they were saying.我费了很大劲儿才听到他们在说什么。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕I felt that my patience was being strained to the limit .我感到我的耐性已经到了极限。朗文当代〔strain〕I slipped and strained my ankle.我滑倒扭伤了踝部。文馨英汉〔strain〕I've strained a muscle in my leg.我拉伤了腿部肌肉。朗文当代〔strain〕I've strained a muscle in my shoulder.我拉伤了肩膀上的一块肌肉。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕Increases in wholesale oil prices have strained the company's finances.油料批发价的上涨让公司财务支出过多。剑桥高阶〔strain〕Muddy water strained from her hair.泥浆水从她头发上滴下。英汉大词典〔strain〕Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger.大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。牛津高阶〔strain〕Our public health laboratories are strained to (the) breaking point.我们的公共卫生实验室承受着极大的压力。牛津搭配〔strain〕Reaching at the top of the mountain,he strained all his strength.爬上山顶时,他已经耗尽了气力。21世纪英汉〔strain〕Relations between the two nations had become more and more strained since the war.自那场战争以来,这两个国家之间的关系变得越来越紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing.资源将因新的住房需求而变得更加紧张。外研社新世纪〔strain〕Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing.资源将因新的住房需求而变得更紧张。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕She strained against the ropes that held her.她使劲挣了挣拴着她的绳子。牛津高阶〔strain〕She strained at the big trunk in order to pull it out.她使劲拖那只大箱子,要把它拉出来。英汉大词典〔strain〕She strained her child close to her breast.她把孩子紧紧地搂在怀里。21世纪英汉〔strain〕She strained her child to her [her breast].她将她的孩子紧抱于怀中。文馨英汉〔strain〕She strained herself moving the piano.她因搬钢琴而扭伤了。英汉大词典〔strain〕She strained out a smile.她强露出笑容。英汉大词典〔strain〕She strained the child to her.她紧紧搂住孩子。英汉大词典〔strain〕She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.她过滤了肉汁。韦氏高阶〔strain〕She strained the pasta.她把意大利面滤干水。朗文当代〔strain〕She strained to sing the high notes.她扯着嗓子唱高音。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The camels strained under loads.骆驼在重负下硬撑着。英汉大词典〔strain〕The company is financially strained.这家公司财务困难。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The disagreement strained their relationship.意见不一使他们的关系紧张起来。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The dispute has strained relations between the two countries(= made them difficult).这场争端使两国关系紧张起来。牛津高阶〔strain〕The dispute severely strained relations between the two countries.这场争端使两国关系极其紧张。牛津搭配〔strain〕The dog strained at its leash.狗猛拉拴它的绳美国传统〔strain〕The dog strained at its leash.那只狗用力拽着狗绳。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The elephants strained at their ropes.这些大象使劲拉扯系在它们身上的绳子。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕The incident has strained relations between the two countries.该事件使两国之间的关系紧张起来。朗文当代〔strain〕The oil in which the fish is fried is strained off and used to cook potatoes.煎鱼的油在过滤之后用来炸土豆了。剑桥高阶〔strain〕The people in the back of the room strained to hear the speaker.坐在房间后面的人竖起耳朵努力听发言者讲话。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The rent has strained our finances.租金使我们财务困难。韦氏高阶〔strain〕The rope tightened and strained.绳子拉紧绷住。外研社新世纪〔strain〕The rowers strained at the oars.那些划船者拚命划桨。文馨英汉〔strain〕The state of being strained.紧张状态:被拉紧的状态美国传统〔strain〕The supply of oil has been strained.石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。21世纪英汉〔strain〕The tea hasn't been strained.这茶还没有滤过。文馨英汉〔strain〕The wind strained the roof.劲风吹坏了屋顶。英汉大词典〔strain〕Their ears strained for any slight sound.他们都在侧耳倾听任何一点儿细微的声音。牛津搭配〔strain〕They strained their eyes, but saw nothing.他们睁大眼睛, 但什么也没看见。外研社新世纪〔strain〕They strained their eyes, but saw nothing.他们瞪大了双眼,但什么也没看到。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕Typhoon strained the whole vil-lage.台风损坏了整座村庄。21世纪英汉〔strain〕Under heavy stress, the steel frame was strained.在重压下,钢架都变形了。21世纪英汉〔strain〕We strained at the ropes.我们用力拉绳子。牛津同义词〔strain〕When the potatoes were cooked, she strained off the water.土豆煮好后,她把水滤掉。 英汉大词典〔taut〕Little by little she lost the taut, strained air of perpetual anxiety.长期焦虑带来的紧张而疲惫的神色从她脸上慢慢消失了。柯林斯高阶〔unnerve〕She appeared strained and a little unnerved.她看起来神色不安,有点心慌。牛津高阶〔utmost〕Our resources are strained to the utmost.我们的资源极端紧缺。牛津高阶He strained after originality. 他力求不落俗套。译典通He strained at the rope and the boat moved. 他拉紧缆绳,船随著动了。译典通He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。译典通He strained to finish the work in a week. 他拼命努力,想在一周内完成工作。译典通Her eyes were anxious and her smile strained (= she was smiling with difficulty).她的眼中透露着焦急,笑容很不自然。剑桥国际Her voice was a little strained, a little unnatural. 她的声音有点紧张,有点不自然。译典通I strained a muscle in my back playing squash.我玩壁球时,拉伤了背部的肌肉。剑桥国际Jenkins's strained groin meant he couldn't play in the football finals.詹金斯受伤的腹股沟意味着他不能参加足球决赛。剑桥国际John strained his eyes by reading too much small print. 约翰因看过多的小字体而弄坏了眼睛。译典通Relations between him and his new wife are rather strained.他和他新妻子的关系相当紧张。剑桥国际Relations between the two countries have become a little strained (= difficult) recently.这两国间的关系最近变得有点紧张。剑桥国际She strained her eyes in the darkness. 她在黑暗中睁大眼睛看。译典通She strained herself to a final burst of speed. 她倾全力突然加速作最后冲刺。译典通She couldn't play because of a strained hamstring / a hamstring injury.她由于扭伤了腿筋而不能玩。剑桥国际She was looking strained (= anxious and tired) and had dark circles beneath her eyes.她看上去神情紧张,眼圈也变黑了。剑桥国际The heavy box strained the rope to a breaking point. 那只沉重的箱子几乎把绳子拉断。译典通The horse has strained one of its rear (also hind) legs.马的一条后腿扭伤了。剑桥国际The soured milk is strained through muslin to leave a soft ball of cheese ready to be shaped.酸奶经麦斯林纱过滤后,成为一团软奶酪,有待被制成形。剑桥国际They strained to row the boat. 他们奋力划船。译典通




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