

单词 strike on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔air〕Three buildings were bombed last night in an air strike on the city.昨晚市内 3 栋建筑在空袭中被炸。牛津搭配〔interfere〕To strike one hoof against the opposite hoof or leg while moving. Used of a horse.绊脚,相碰撞:一只蹄同相对的另一只蹄或腿之间相互碰撞。用于指马美国传统〔pandy〕Chiefly British To strike on the open palm of the hand with a cane or strap for punishment at school.【多用于英国】 打手心:以藤条或皮条打手心的学校处罚美国传统〔pitch〕Avalanches tend to strike on slopes at intermediate elevations, with pitches between 28 and 45 degrees.雪崩往往在倾斜度为28至45度、中等海拔高度的斜坡上发生。外研社新世纪〔scratch〕To scrape or strike on an abrasive surface.刮:在磨面上刮擦或刮平美国传统〔strike〕Cluster bombs were used in the strike on the airfield.在对该机场的空袭中使用了集束炸弹。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕Over 100 000 civil servants are set to strike on Tuesday.10 万多名公务员确定要在星期二举行罢工。牛津搭配〔strike〕The clock strikes on the hour and the half hour.这只钟在正点和半点会敲响报时。外研社新世纪〔strike〕The ship might strike on the rocks.那艘船可能触礁。英汉大词典Baylor has a count of three balls and two strikes on him.贝勒目前是三个坏球,两个好球。剑桥国际The union has a right to strike on this issue.工会在这个问题上有罢工的权利。牛津商务




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